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Vent!!! Self-entitled manipulative hellion!

hopefloats's picture

Wow, I'm pulling my hair out. Seriously! This will all be vent of vinegar (sorry!). I need to get it out before I eat another HALF a giant pizza alone.

Okay, background;
This kid has been in my life, through my partner for over 3 years now. Teenager (yikes!). Met her when she was 15, now 18.
"Real" (birth) mom out of state, custody with dad (my partner).

Kid has been raised controlling the family through her threats and playing on their fears and insecurities.

Seriously, even her school lets her do whatever she wants without consequences. Never saw her in uniform a single day these three years for her schooling (uniform required school). They shoved her through courses/grades with 50% instead of failing her when she didn't do enough of the work to pass (literally, one submission for the year is 50%? Attended about a third of classes fully, and that's allowed?). No consequences for skipping school or lates or anything, ever. BUT I think it may be because she'd get her dad to call in to say he knew she was off school (on the times he did know) manipulating them to think being aware was giving permission (which it wasn't). I did point that language out to her dad, he adjusted to say "without permission" to be clear, but by that point the school stopped caring already.

Have tried, without success, to create a few rules for her with her dad. ALL failed.

Kid plays the victim, plays cute, and is highly manipulative. Charismatic, until you understand the selfishness of it all. Everything is about or for her. Centre of the world. Sickening sweet (falsely) when wants something. . . which is still easier to take than when she's not given an instant, unconditional yes.

When doesn't get what she wants, she threatens to run away (which she did for 2 weeks to her birth mom at age 14, went to a big city with a 20something adult male!) so dad then inherited custody of the problem (a year before I was involved). So to him, her leaving has always been a legit threat. Which she uses. As she uses guilt over no/little access to her mom, fact dad works long hours (to support her!) etc to get her way. Top on that, her self-destructive behaviours (minor drugs, smoking, sleeping around, partying then missing responsibilities next day etc) so that her way seems the less dangerous for her option (eg. smoke pot at home with friends. . . better than out under a bridge with who knows who, and possible arrest police record etc!).

Anyways. Vent is prompted by the fact that about a year ago, we told the family we're moving. This kid is now 18, just graduated high school. No real plans for future (nothing solid). PISSED off moving, and has let us know it all year. It has been a very very very long year! She did NOTHING to help with the move, and minor things to hinder that we overcame (eg. messing up newly painted walls "by accident", having a party where "a friend" breaks a new door, graffiti on the shed "for memories" but then develops allergies to that area when told has to paint over it). Princess.

Now, we have moved. Pretty sure that she expected we'd give in and stay if she put up enough of a fuss, and I think it surprised her when we sold. She's definitely still super resentful about it, and lets us know!

New house is both of ours instead of just my partner's. I don't want her breaking it the way she broke the last house. Nor do I accept being a slave in my own house, cleaning up her messes nor having a self-entitled brat run the whole household because of her temper tantrums, moods, manipulations, guilt trips, or threats.

Dad is slowly acknowledging the threats are less valid now; kid has now finished school, and can live on her own, no parental control needed (or legally required or enforceable in any way). I'm strongly wishing she would- BUT despite threatening that for so many years, she knows she has no ability to pay rent, or manage her own life. She lacks the life skills (despite efforts to teach them, encourage savings from a job, learn to cook and meal plan, basic cleaning etc).

She uses people (selfish, yeah?) until they realize it, and they drop her as a friend. So while she always has friends (charismatic), they rarely last long from what I see. Oh, most are "male" friends too. Apparently, girls figure her out too fast, and aren't as swayed by the potential for sex. (Yes, vent and vinegar! Warned you!). Basically, no other people want her to live with them, even her own (birth) mom!

So, we have her. Dad is too soft, and doesn't want to "lose" her, even with her acting out or actions that are detrimental to his own health (waking him up in middle of sleep to demand a ride somewhere when has only short time to sleep before returning to work; not ask, but demand).

I'm stuck!
Dad is slow to accept REAL need for change. He hears that I refuse to live like the last year again. Spoke to kid. Apparently, he feels it will be all fine moving forward. Kid agreed to mow the lawn. Not on any schedule or anything, and kid freaks out if TOLD to mow it. . . but agreeing to do that makes it all better.


Yeah. . . so I'm eating pizza in excessive amounts, and frustrated and fearing that I don't know how to change this.

Originally, to get into our new house, kid had to agree to counselling, both individual and family. NOW apparently, she won't do individual (as she refused to get the referral from our family doctor, and we can't get that for her, even though we'd tried!). But still. . . dad thinks it will all be fine.


Ice cream for anyone who made it through all this!
I'll take feedback/advice/tips if you have them. Heck, I'll take sympathy stories, or how things worked out eventually for you (*hopes*!!!)

Oh, to top it off. . . I've recently been told "you're not my mom" and "you don't need to speak. I didn't ask for your opinion" ((*BLINK**)) and "you're just my dad's new wife" . . . all of which I didn't take well I've tried to be a mentor and friend to this kid. . . just this last year from hell has been. . . hell!!!!!!!

I'm at the point where I'm treating her like a flatmate. I don't cook for her. I make my own plans and life without her, and with her dad when she sleeps half the day away. I avoid her as she has high need for socialization, and I refuse to be her socialization or fill all the other "needs" (read as "wants" or "demands") while feeling crapped on. I know I could help her, but I don't want to. And she is horrible at managing aspects of her own life. I want her to see that she's caused this, and if she wants it to change, that SHE has to take responsibility to make change happen!!!!

Not sure it'll happen. . . but it is my HOPE!

hopefloats's picture

Oh, and I am looking into joining a local parenting discussion group; her dad has been in "single parent survival mode" only seeking to put out the most urgent of fires as they flare up for too long, and I need the help in coping with this and checking myself and my own beliefs on child rearing etc with other parents who can PLAN and be pro-active in working toward long term solutions.

I love hubby loads, but our different approaches to this are hurting our relationship Sad

Heck, 4 years ago, I had no kids; now, this one (amongst others! This isn't even my only step-kid!).

Thanks for the comment,


. I have mentioned that her going to live with her mom if she couldn't find other arrangements or live with us is totally an option. Not one either the birth mom nor kid will consider; but it does point out directly to the kid that there are worse places to be than with us! (Birth mom is relatively useless. Not effective parent, doing nothing with life, chronically unemployed and basically given up on life and parenting and all; lives far from any sort of city too, so nothing for a kid to do who needs to be the centre of attention and social with peers).

Dad's back up solution is encouraging her to join the military. Not sure they'd take her (Canadian: it is mildly selective about who they take). Maybe because of gender they might? (and she'd struggle; all rules! Really doubt it would work. . .only if he appealed to her pride in finishing basic maybe. . . ). I hate the idea of a brat being dumped into the military for the benefit of her learning to follow a rule or accept personal responsibility; it seems unfair to the military! Nor do I feel ultimately it would be a fit for her future planning of a life. But perhaps if it helps her grow up. . . ??????

IslandGal's picture

Your DH needs to grow himself some balls and have a really serious talk with her. She needs to understand respect and to accept the fact that you and DH are a united front and support eachother.

She is an adult and if she continues to disrespect your home - let DH know she can go live and be a pig elsewhere. Stand your ground on this one.

She can go share a unit/flat with people her age and learn to be completely independent. Let your DH know that he is failing her as a parent if he doesn't teach her to grow wings and fly.

Next time she talks back/disrespects you, shut her down real quick. Make it loud and clear to her that her behaviour will NOT be tolerated. She will accept your rules, do her chores and make moves to get her ass out of there. Hell, give her a date that you expect her to be gone by.

..and if DH doesn't support you? Tell him he can move out with her too. Focus on YOU darl. Life is too damn short to waste it dealing with entitled, manipulative toxic skids, who control their daaadddeeesss..!

TheAccidentalSM's picture

WOW. She sounds like a real prize.

My advice is that you need to make it really clear to your DH that you won't tolerate this anymore.

My YSS19 isn't half as awful as your SD but I had to give DH an ultimatum about him. I've given DH until November to get YSS into his own flat/flat share. If YSS isn't gone, I will be the one moving out. For the time being, I treat him like an annoying flatmate.

Stepped in what momma's picture

Your DH is the issue, he needs to grow his nuts back and take the bull by the horns.

"Oh, I know that I'm not your mom and that means I have no issue telling you to get the hell out of my house".

ChiefGrownup's picture

You have the perfect out. She has not met the terms of being permitted to move. Sayonara.

I like what notasm says but your dh will probably not go for that so go with skeeter's plan. It's perfect.

Tell your dh you're not living like this anymore. Ask him to come up with a plan to get her out within a month or you will (use skeeter's).

If he can't support that then ask him to buy you out and you will live in your own house and he can visit. Several on here have done that. If you want to see how nightmare sd's at that age can ruin your life, go to BarkAtTheMoon's posts. Moon is filing for divorce this week for this very reason.

Personally, I've told dh since sd was 14ish that the day she turns 18 is the day I take over. Not living like this anymore. If she can't be nice to me and live by my rules, she's out. He agrees. She will likely couch surf at bm's or boyfriend's endlessly after that. Not our problem.

Your husband should have provided structure, expectations, and standards long before this. She will be a failure as an adult because he failed to teach her any life skills as a kid.

hopefloats's picture

Firstly~ *hugs* to the forum for the feedback and advice and shared frustrated words lol

Having tried to enforce rules on this kid before (with dad's support in setting the rules). . . had poor results. Including kid complaining when I put all her garbage from around the house A) on the stairs to her room "oh, it's a safety hazard and I could fall down the stairs!" (*cough*)
then Dirol at the door to her room "I can't even get into my own room!" (yeah, so?)
to C) on her bed, not even putting anything over the cover to protect it "I can't even sleep in my bed!!" (so? I couldn't put a cup on the coffee table for all your garbage there, including your DIRTY SOCKS!)

Basically, tried and failed.
Next, tried garbage bin. Massive freak out! I'm okay with that; she might learn. Nope! Taught-blocked by dad!
I got asked to pass enforcement off to hubby (dad) since she complained to him and stressed him out too much with it. At that point, basically it is me telling him it needs to be put away. . . then him either doing it, or telling her, she doing part of it, me telling him the rest also needs to be done, then him telling her again. . . then waiting a day. . . then it might be done.

Other things, like to sweep the floor daily. . . heck, weekly? Went similarly by the wayside.

She's apparently working on getting a job. . . possibly has a part time one that hasn't started yet (2 weeks after saying has one). . . with possible pondering of a second part time job (since I did make it clear to dad that when done school, need to be doing something full time other than sleeping/watching tv/socializing all life). I'm not going to enable that! <<<< I'm aware I should have set a deadline with hubby for this! Will speak with him about it again this weekend.

And if the next little bit fails. . . I will bring up the 6 month's rent option to hubby. We actually paid for her room/board during the time we were moving, to get her out of the house to clean/fix/stage/show the house to sell it. Had to pay the parents of a friend to keep her there; and we were told by them in no uncertain terms the deadline to move her out after they had her for a couple weeks. Even paying them to keep her, they wanted her out asap! Paying her rent for her for 6 months would be a significant financial strain for us; but it would be better than emotional toil if she continues like the last year. *sigh*. Also, I hate the idea of "us" doing the work to find her a place to live. I mean, who does that????? And when at 8 months, she falls behind in rent. . . if it was a place we got her into, we might be liable to cover her again?

We're currently in a holding pattern waiting for our family counselling referral, things are basically at a stalemate. Hubby knows I'm avoiding his kid, and kid has complained to him about it. He's asked me to "try" to be nice with her; I've told him flat out it isn't for him to fix, it is for KID, and if she wants to, she can talk with me. I am done reaching out to this kid, and done with taking her pissy junk tossed my way. But nothing will happen with her unless she is hugely an issue until "we" at least give counselling a try. Darn slow referral process! <<<< I think I'll have to push for her to complete the referral process for her to have the individual counselling too. It was part of the original agreement, as pointed out. Her changing her mind to that means she's not agreeing to the terms to live here, and I ought to make that clear to hubby.

I want MY life to be fun and fair and happy again!! And I fear the reality that counselling takes a long time to work, and only works when participants are willing and wanting to change. She may be feeling "forced" to show up, and I don't honestly believe she'll take responsibility (as she hasn't yet taken responsibility for much in her life!).

hopefloats's picture

Thanks, Jasper,
I'm trying!
(want to be fair too. . . so fair to both sides, meaning stick with agreements set so need to talk with dad about the failing bits tonight! Smile )

HopeFalls's picture

I feel your pain...

My SD 14 years old has just moved in with her father. Everything you've typed is how she is. I've raised her for the past 7/8 years and now have just given up, I don't recognize who she is and maybe because I can now see her for what she really is. I told her father that if he can't handle her and wants to send her back I'm sending her to a boarding school. Everyone on here gave pretty good advice so I can't really ad anything just wanted you to know you're not alone.

Notacelebration's picture

My SD 17 is just like yours, to a tee! Nothing ever changes.
All DH says is, she'll be fine.
I have disengaged, don't cook for her, or do anything for her. She lies as she breathes, and daddy buys it all.
I don't feel she will ever leave because she has no responsibilities, or any understanding of how to do things for herself. She's extremely immature for her age.
I blame DH for not parenting this brat. We have her full time. It has gotten to the point where I can't even stand the sound of her voice. All that comes out of her mouth are lies. DH acts like a school boy around her. Just wants to keep his princess happy. I try to find something to do every weekend just to get away from the house, and her laziness.
I'm very active, and it kills me to see that lazy thing sleep until 2:00 pm every day.
She stays up all night on the Internet. Naive DH says she's watching about denial.
It hopeless. I pray she wants to move out when she graduates. She'll have to go to her mother's, because God know, she'll never amount to anything.

hopefloats's picture

We had one skid go live with the BM, with understanding we weren't going to be doing this back and forth of ducking to the other birth parent when not loving house rules etc. So we were meant not to fuss over that one ("have full custody") for 5 years, until school finished. Despite that 'fact', now that skid is coming back sometime near future since BM having some sort of depressive issue and BD feels a kid shouldn't have to deal or see a parent have (mild mental) health issue. Basically, Hopefalls, I wish we had your boarding school option! But reality is after 15 months in BMs custody, it will be a battle to get the skid to even attend a school again! BM let the kid drop out as soon as skid arrived in her care, basically!

Anyways, update for this SD18 is this week she (finally) started her part time job. So yay, some hours of freedom for the rest of the household! She's loving the job (social job) and seems to do well enough at it.

Husband today asked it I was seeing improvement in her behaviour and attitude. Eeeeeeer? Not really; in she's had the responsibility I'd give a elementary school kid, and pointing to the dirty socks and dish currently visible, and to the fact he 'bails her out' of things she ought to be doing like feeding herself by taking her out to eat when she's hungry, or waking her up in the afternoons (setting his alarm, then calling her or physically waking her) instead of her having the responsibility to wake in time for work, or heck, buying her own (minor, affordable, non necessary) things instead of him doing it. <<<

hopefloats's picture

<<<< so I called him on his 'enabling' of her, with so low expectations for her.

Oh, and still waiting on counselling which hubby asked if was still needed. Needless to say, we're going to family doctor tomorrow now to try to get a referral through faster after my reply to him!

Why don't birth parents see their own behaviours and expectations shape their kids??? Of course teens will be selfish and egotistical and want things their own way! That's part of being a teen; until learn better and grow up! So why are birth parents so afraid or unmotivated in helping their kid grow up?
Not a new concept, I don't think!