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So Upset I could SCREAM!!

warrior19's picture

I am so upset that I just had to vent to my ex husband!!!! My boyfriend's daughter (age 18) and I just had a heated exchange. She initially did not want to talk to me...too bad, in my house you are talking to me. She informed me that I have been "attacking" her the past two days. Since I had NO idea what the hell she was talking about, I asked her. Apparently, asking the little princess to do another little chore was mean! A little background....she is 18, taking a few classes at a community college, and not working. She does not have a driver's license. She did not grow up here and has no friends. Any social activities are usually with her dad. I know, WEIRD!!!! Her bm is deceased. There has been friction between us for quite some time though I thought things were getting better. I have just freakin had it.... I might also add that I put a roof over her head and fed her for over a year while her dad was unemployed. What a selfish little bitch. Now, her dad will be home soon and I will have to go over all this with him. As with most dad's, he always sticks up for her.
If I didn't love her dad, she and her shit would be OUT. ARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

Orange County Ca's picture

Get on or another bookseller and get a book on raising an adult child. This father needs to learn that his primary responsibility is to prepare his kid to be independent.

He should:

Be requiring her to attend school full time if she is to remain at home rent free.

Or get a job and pay the local rate for renting a room in a home. And that DOES NOT include board. She provides, prepares and cleans up her own food.

It can be 50/50 - part time school and 1/2 normal rent.

Be required to get a drivers license.

And of course participate in doing the chores.

She is an adult and no adult can be forced into YOUR home without your permission. If Dad can't get up the gumption to straighten up this kid tell him the girl will have to go. If he threatens to leave show him the door.

One option I'd give is that the girl do 100% of the chores instead of paying rent. And I do mean 100% which would involve probably 3 or 4 hours a day five or six days a week. From laundry to lawn. She'll never do it but it does force her to look at the work needed to run a home.

momof9's picture

My SD ran to my inlaws because it was her turn to babysit and she had my other SD miss cheerleading to babysit (after I paid 1000) and I said it wasn't a good choice.... told the school lies who called CYS.... I had a nervous breakdown.... it got dismissed immediately but it has put a huge dent in our relationship. I've decided to just block her from my head and I engage her very little. It took awhile but it's starting to bug her. Maybe that would help you.