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No sex in my house

ccoyle04's picture

Ok, I really need some advice. 13 yo SD has been living full time at our house since June 2007. About 4 months ago, we had the sex talk. She asked, I told her. Anyway, ever since then, anytime my husband and I flirt with each other, or act a little frisky (which to me is fun) she gets all "grossed out" goes ewwwwww and gets really cranky. Our house is very small, and her bedroom is very close to ours. We heat our house with a woodstove, so all the doors are usually open. When we close the door, she knows that something is going on. So, big deal right? Well the problem is that I can't seem to get over that. I can't get out of my head that she knows what we are doing. Kinda freaks me out. What makes it worse is that I am not really a sex oriented person. My husband wants it all the time, but I could really go either way. So, I am worried. His ex withheld sex from him, for various reasons (all mostly bullsh**) and I'm not doing that, but I am afraid I will scar her for life, or worse, her think that it is OK to have sex....I am so confused.