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I want Vengeance

Lanibug851's picture

stupid bitch SD16 keeps calling me names and disrespecting me on the internet, she is pissed still even though I kicked her out over two years and is miserable because she hates where she is living now ( not my fault stupid cow it's yours) normally DH has my back but all he says is "it's that age" "she isn't saying it to your face" ( yeah cause she is a gutless wonder) and my favourite "what can I do about it, she won't change" aaaahhhhhhh really!!! I have had enough I want revenge }:) }:)

Shaman29's picture

The perfect revenge is not letting her know she got to you. Anything you say or do to her will prove that you are aware of her games and it bothers you.

Ignore her. If you're following her on social media, stop it now. Delete her, block her, do whatever you need to do to extract her from your life completely. Treat her the way cats treat humans, if you don't look at her, she doesn't exist.

And the next time your H tells you it's her age, respond with..."Will you be using this excuse when she's 40 as well?"

ladyhutch's picture


I blocked my SD on all social media, texts, etc. I refuse to communicate with her. I got therapy to deal with my rageful vengeance feelings and am moving on.

The best revenge is better living. As long as she knows she is affecting you, she will keep it up. Block and move on. Don't even discuss her with DH. Pretend she does not exist.

Indigo's picture

"Treat her the way cats treat humans, if you don't look at her, she doesn't exist. -- Shaman29

Beautifully said. I will treasure that one.

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

Why are you spying on her when you kicked her out 2 years ago??

Ignore her, you're the adult.

Lanibug851's picture

I have SD13 that's live with me and DH and she sees it and hates what her big sister said and SD16 also disses me and calls me names in front ofSD13, she gets quite upset and doesn't know how to deal with it. SD16 is hoping DH is going to help her get her first car, but as God as my witness that will NOT HAPPEN so I am keeping a hard copy of everything she said about me and SD13, so when the time comes I will not help DH I will not let our hard earn money go to that stupid ungrateful, disrespectful bitch!!!!

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

you are still the adult and you are worrying about what a child says about you?

Tell your SD13 that you don't care and don't want to hear it. If it upsets her to read it, tell her to stop reading it. Switch your computers off and go have a good time.

Rags's picture

The best revenge is living well. Be happy and radiant. Enjoy your time together with your DH. Do the things you want to do when you want to do them. Don't think about toxic SD-16. Post your updates on FB to share what you are doing with the people you care about. If SD stews on your happy life without her..... even better. Focus on improving your lives, your marriage, and your experiences.


This is the most effective tool we had in dealing with my Skid's toxic Sperm Clan. For the couple of years before our marriage the Sperm Idiot and his idiot parents the Sperm GrandHag and SpermGrandpa had the financial advantage because they all pooled their income and resources in an attempt to win custody of the Skid and force my bride under their control. As soon as we married we took a slight lead in the realm of resources and over the rest of the 17+ years of the CO we extended our financial advantage, control over the Sperm Clan and our own quality of life.

What used to be rants and dictates to my then single teen mom GF fairly quickly turned into whining and crying about how it was not fair that they had to pay CS when "your step dad is rich". I/we were far from rich. We married a few months after I graduated with my BSEE. We had two 8yo cars, two apartments full of cheap college furniture, my diploma, and an entry level engineering job. That was it.

Over the years as my bride completed her dual major BS with honors, MBA with honors, developed her own successful and lucrative career as a CPA they just kept whining and crying harder, louder, and more often. "You mom does not need all that nice jewelry that our CS is paying for." }:) }:) }:) From the idiot comments they made to the Skid their paltry $110/mo, then $133/mo, then $365/mo in CS over the 17+ years of the CO had to have paid for 3 new houses, half a dozen nice cars, major vacations, the Skid's boarding school, etc over the years.

Living well truly is the best revenge on the toxic idiots in the blended family opposition. Destroying the oppostion is just icing on the cake of living well.

So, have fun living your revenge!!!

Takenforgranted 20's picture

Im feel for you, i too would love to get revenge but the best karma i just found out is
My stupid bitch sd is preg at 17 LOL good luck love }:)

dontwantadivorce's picture

I could only hope and pray that I get as lucky as you with revenge. My SD is off the hook and her brother too. My husband sent his son to live with his ex because SS was out of control bm is a worthless crackhead and now SS wants to come back but wont because I make him mind and do chores so husband is divorcing me. Even after he admitted it wont be better and they won't behave. Here's to hoping for misery for all their dumbasses!!! }:)