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Driving me mr daisy!

bluenergy-ga's picture

This is a tough subject for many! i am also going through it at home, as I have a 13 yr old stepson who has been handed control of my household from my wife. My wife has adamantly demanded that I stay out of discipline, despite my warnings that the state will eventually take over the job becaise he walks all over her. Recently, I approached him about his attitude toward his mother, and he told me to shut my mouth , and that if I didn't, he would furher damage my marriage. I am at the point where I cannot stand things too much longer and may consider leaving our home. This boy needs counceling, and is completely out of control, and I cannot get any consensus from his mother. Then, whenever he gets into trouble, I am the blame. In addition, I am always told that I am the blame for the friction in our home because of how much he says to her that he hates me. I am honestly at the point that I pray that he does something so bad that he is incarcerated, so that he will hit rock bottom. I have to constantly remind myself that it will only be four more years before I can take the legal measures necessary to have him removed from our home. Would you believe that this 13 yr old tells me that he would beat the daylights out of me. I have never been so challenged in my life to have the level of self control that I currently have by the grace of God. But there is a point where enough is enough. He steals, lies, smokes, and then has the nerve to say it's not his fault. Well it sure as hell aint mine! His bio dad does nothing and I mean nothing with him. He hits, chokes and bullies his 9 year old brother and I'm worried when he will start taking it out on MY 2 year old daughter! Yes MY biological daughter. For 3 years I've been told how its all my fault. BS! Ive spent plenty of money on him, tried to befriend him, do things with him, and all I get is crapped on by my wife and him. After 3 years of putting up with his disrespectful, foul mouth, to me and his mother, he flipped me the bird one to many times, and I lost it. I pushed him down into the couch. didnt hurt him, never laid a hand on him in 3 yrs. what does he do? you guessed it. He calls the police. He even says that if I yell at him he will make up something to get me in jail. He's been telling everyone in my wifes family that he will do whatever it takes to make his mom hate me. He's doing a great job at that! What does this kid think???? That his life of doing whatever, whenever he pleases is going to be better when I'm gone? Probably for him yes. No one will be there to challenge him or give him any discipline. So as it stands now, I dont say anything mean, or raise my voice, or tell him to do anything. only now hes gotten worse. He leaves the house stays gone for 3 days, and when his mom tells him to come home he simply says NO. I feel Im not a man anymore. Ive been whooped by a 13yr old and his mother. I have no self esteem, only go to work because It's the only place where I can do and act like a man. Im over it, just over it. My advice for anyone dating or marrying a woman with teen kids? DONT DO IT! it'll only cause you heartache, and the loss of money, not to mention your manhood.

I plan on meeting privately with the state officials in order to let them know how serious things are, because his mother simply buries her head in the sand thinking that he will outgrow things. As a result of listening to my wifes advice by remaining neutral, I am being robbed of my manhood, my dignity as a human being, and will now do everything in my power to deal with this situation privately with the legal system. It's so sad that things have to come to a point like this. When a child stands in my face and tells me that he is in charge, and then challenges me to hit him so that he can call the police to have me removed from my home, something seriously needs to be done about it. In serious cases like this, I believe it is necessary to take the appropriate steps apart from an irrational spouse who uses the phrase "you don't know a mother's heart" or any other excuse as a trump card in letting their child rule the household. Other step parents who are in a similar situation may want to consider the same approach I as am taking before it's too late!

soverysad's picture

You need to meet with the police in your town. Explain to them the threats of false allegations and ask how you can protect yourself. Also, if your wife is allowing this behavior and is mad at you then this is HER fault not SS13s. He's right. It isn't his fault. It is his mother's fault. She raised him thinking this behavior is acceptable. Start documenting EVERYTHING because you will have to protect your daughter. She clearly has no idea how to be a parent because "a mother's heart" should be doing what is in her kids best interest (all of her kids, not just one). And what is in this kids' best interest is a swift kick in the ass to let him know he is not in charge. If I were you, I'd take my daughter and leave and call cps to protect your daughter and SS9 from this kid.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

bluenergy-ga's picture

yeah, thats pretty much whats on my mind. to hell with that kid and her, im over it. I guess i'll just leave my daughter behind and let some other fool raise her. If I try and take her, i'll be going to jail, and thats not an option. I'm not going to loose my career, or any more of my sanity over this. I'm leaving tonight. I'm at work on the late shift, after that, i'll go somewhere but it wont be there. some of you will say im a deadbeat for leaving my daughter behind, but at risk of loosing more than ive already lost, i have no option. well i do...bite a bullet! its seriously crossed my mind more than a few hundred times. I hate life anymore. im soooo over it all. step kids..what a waste!

soverysad's picture

Why would you go to jail for taking YOUR daughter? This is the exact fear that feeds BM's idea that the kids are THEIRS!

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

bluenergy-ga's picture

well, just tonight about an hour ago, the police were called on me AGAIN, for be fed up and loud. noone and i mean noone gives a hoot as to how i feel, but everyone gives a hoot about how ss feels. My wifes brother pulled a gun on me...then called to say he was sorry, he just didnt want me hurting ss. I never have laid a finger on that boy in 3yrs! not until i pushed him into the couch. so...yes, they, she, would call the police if i took my daughter. Believe it or not, dads bad or goodones, in the laws eyes are not better parents than the mom is. I live in Ga, i'd be hunted down like a common criminal.

soverysad's picture

Well - you need to get out of there before they DO ruin not only your career but your chances of ever seeing your daughter again. We're in PA and Wingnut (BM) often threatened dh about calling 911 and saying he beat her just to keep him in line. Any time he disagreed with her, she'd grab the phone and threaten him. One time she tried to stab him and said she'd turn some furniture over on herself and tell the police he did it. He filed a police report the next day without her knowledge. She told everyone involved in the court case that he was bi-polar and abusive. Everyone eventually saw through it and we now have SD 75% of the time.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

bluenergy-ga's picture

Im so very glad it worked out for you. I think. Im just at wits end and im confused, scared, upset, angry, pretty much all of those emotions. im a ball of nerves. I appreciate you conversing with me..I have no-one else to vent to, guess this site really does work. if anything changes for the better or worse, i'll post it. for now, im just going to work and try and calm my butt down. as for going home? well...i cant call it that anymore. weve tried that total transformation program..$250, it might work if bm would actually do it! but she picks and chooses when, and what parts she likes..thats never going work. calls to bf HA! he thinks its funny. he doesnt want his son with him because he cant handle him either. I feel sorry for the kid. really i do. his road is going to lead to jail or worse. i hope its jail and not the worse though. he has potential, he just uses it in the wrong way. i really do appreciate your responses..thanks a bunch.

soverysad's picture

Believe it or not. I kind of know how you feel. I watched dh go through it. We were friends when Wingnut was pulling this crap. He didn't know what to do. He was afraid to leave his daughter with her because she was violent but also afraid to take her because he knew she'd call the cops and lie (he's 6'6" and Wingnut is 5'0"). She was very good at turning both her family and his family against him and he was certain everyone would believe her. And at first, they did. We started dating shortly after he left. She wouldn't allow visitation with SD unless he came to the family home while her parents were there. They all just picked at him the entire time he was trying to maintain some relationship with his daughter (2 at the time). Then the courts erred on the side of caution and we continued to be "supervised" for 8 more months (by his parents 2 1/2 hours away from where we lived). It sucked! But she started cracking and showing inconsistencies and she insisted that dh be evaluated to (in her mind) prove he was dangerous. This completely backfired because in order to "evaluate" him the courts had to evaluate both of them (and anyone else living in the homes) and it became obvious pretty quickly where the problem lay. Keep faith and whatever you do DON'T LET THEM GOAD YOU INTO THEIR GAME! Keep your cool. If you're going to leave, I would contact the police and let them know your plans (in case she gets pissed and calls them with false allegations). Go somewhere where you can get receipts and have witnesses (preferably not related to you). Get an attorney and file for visitation of your daughter immediately (the more time that passes without access the less the courts will see you as important and the more time she has to turn her against you). I would go for full-custody (even if it is a longshot) on the grounds that SS13 is dangerous and mother's history of not disciplining him. The courts will likely want SS13 evaluated. It sounds like he passes blame a lot, but a good counselor will see his anger and lack of taking responsibility and will also see his mother's in ability to handle it. If you can afford it, insist on a forensic evaluator. Be honest with him, but don't totally trash BM - mention what you say here - you feel sorry for SS because his life is going to suck and that he has potential. Feel free to PM me as well.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

misguided's picture

I live in GA and I know they can not put you in jail anymore than they can the BM. She is your daughter and the law protects you on that. I would go to the police first tell them the deal and let them know that your wife or stepson will be calling with lies and that you need to take your daughter out of a toxic situation before she gets hurt. This may make your wife wake up and deal with her son.

soverysad's picture

This is a great idea. DH wishes he had taken SD when he left. Without a custody order from the courts, she has no more rights to your daughter than you do. They may make you take her home, but they can't jail you. Contacting the police up front is a good idea.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

bluenergy-ga's picture

thanks..didnt know that. im bitter right now so anything I say is negative. I have no positive thoughts as of yet. paulding county sherrifs deputies just keep saying nothing. the kid acts great, when theyre around. once theyre gone out! the deputies already think im some nut. although theyve never arrested me. Havnt done anything illegal. never threatend, no acts of violence, nothing, so they leave me with a warning. "if we come here again, you will go to jail" thats the (police) response. For what I say? "for wasting our time" is all i get. so i can go to jail for (wasting time). gee whiz. im not some beer drinkin' redneck, in a trailer park. go figure. Sorry bout that.

soverysad's picture

We understand. We're all bitter sometimes! They can't take you to jail for wasting their time. The kid may be okay when they're there, but he can't pull that off forever. Have you tried marriage counseling? I only ask because if DW is willing to go and she refuses to take responsibility or tries to blame you and you present as "normal" and really just concerned for everyone's well-being, then you can use that later if needed. Also, don't try to correct SS13 for his behavior toward his mother. I would call him out if he is abusive to your daughter, but don't fuel it. Let his mother and himself suffer the natural consequences of his behavior. Right now, you jump in to help, you look like the bad guy and DW gets to deflect the real problem on to you. Let her deal with her kid disappearing and treating her like crap.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

soverysad's picture

I totally agree. The more paper trail and the more people who have witnessed this behavior the better.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!