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Cell Phone over Shoes

Jules Winnfield's picture

For those who saw my other post, BD11 just texted me to let me know her mom got her a a cell phone yesterday. BD says she still doesn't have shoes to start school tomorrow.

I am amazed, but then again, no I'm not.

purpledaisies's picture

I'm telling you (what I told you on your other post) To just NOT buy her anything for her moms house! Have what your dd needs for YOUR house and on YOUR weeks but not bm's! It will stop that sh!t. May take a while but bm will be forced to step up. HTe reason she is not now is b./c you have ALLOWED her to get away with that crap by just buying for your dd b/c she is a pos and she KNOWS you will buy for your dd. I know your dd will suffer for a while but she is old enough to know what the deal is she sees it all the time. Just tell your dd to have mommy buy it for her house. Keep repeating. If bm calls to grip let it go to VM and do not respond. If emailing then just file it in her crazy folder. You will want it for later. Wink

I know that some people think that is mean but it is the only way these bm's will understand you can not and should not be expected to buy for their house and let them jsut keep CS which is what it is intended for. Not for mommy to keep up with the jones!

Jules Winnfield's picture

PD - That is exactly what I am doing now. This post was just a vent. My reply to bd's text was. "Cool. Make sure your mom buys you the shoes you need."

If she comes back to my house naked after school on Friday, then she goes to her mom's house naked the following Friday.

BD is old enough to ask for what she wants and needs. If she doesn't want to ask her mom then she's about to learn a tough life lesson.

purpledaisies's picture

Good for you. So glad you are taking control of your money. And basically your life back. As I said before I have 2 kids with my ex and I would never do that to him. He doesn't pay anything and never really has but If I got Cs I would never ask him to help beyond that. My story is complicated but in a nut shell he is no dad I provide everything for my kids. But I have never seen anyone ask for money beyond CS in my life til I married my dh. He at first gave it and I was the one that started to pull him back. When that didn't work I separated our money b/c we couldn't pay our bills b/c he giving her money. I made him pay half the bills and I paid half and what money was left was ours to do what we want. He would give all his money to bm and when we had his kids he expected me to buy food and crap for them I refused tell him he should not have given bm his money knowing he was going to have them. Did the boys suffer? Sure for a few visits til dh got his head outta his a$$ but that was a few visits not a life time. Which is my point. But of course you got my point sorry I'm rambling. LOL