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Report card routine

GodHelpME's picture

So I have an awesome bs9 who always gets great grades. Since he's started school it is my routine to reward him with his choice. Usually he picks video games. Now sd11 has moved in a couple weeks ago. First. She doesn't have str8 A and I'm not her Mama. She of course wanted something for her report card. I didn't fall for it. She locked herself in her room. Oh well. I feel like she always wants me of dh to buy her stuff without her earning it. I'm not rewarding her. That's what HER parents are for. #disengaging

Disneyfan's picture

IF dad agrees with rewarding grades, he needs to come up with something.

If he doesn't, he needs to tell her he doesn't care what other parents do, his policy is ___________.

If he agrees, he may very well reward Bs and Cs.

Lalena75's picture

I agree good grades = rewards and that is a parents job (usually). I say usually cause my kids granparents (all 4 sets) give them 20$ for straight A's and my mom takes them for ice cream regardless of grades (except they must have C's or better) for ice cream for bringing their report cards home. My ex and I toss in on the 20$ for all A's (we each give them 10$) So great grades = bank!
But no reason you should have to reward someone else's kid unless you want to.

GodHelpME's picture

That woman is horrible! (that's a whole other story!) She's selfish and jealous of me and my family. She thinks my son gets more than her daughter and guess what? She does, because of ME!