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New w/ Stepdaughter situation

islandgirl's picture

First, let me say that this is a wonderful website to be part of. I'm happy to have found such a website that allows me to vent on issues that I constantly bottle up inside for the sake of my relationship with my bf. I have been very confused about this whole soon to be stepdaughter/blended family issue since my boyfriend and I started dating. My boyfriend and I seem to be on the same page on wanting this blended family issue to work out and hopefully on becoming a family someday. I have been dating him for over a year now and have decided to live together. I have full custody of my three children ages 18, 16 and 12. My BF has one daughter age 13 who lives with her mother. She visits occasionally on the weekends. My BF and I have accommodated our living arrangements so that she would not feel left out by moving into a bigger house so that she could have her own space. In the beginning before we decided on the big move we had a family meeting with each of them to hear how they felt about our situation on becoming a family. My children took it very well and seemed very accepting to the new changes. His daughter also expressed that she was very accepting to this new arrangement. Well, I hate to say that my hopes of having a wonderful relationship with his daughter is not what I had hoped for. She has become this non-distant, I'm angry at your daughter, I don't want to visit this weekend child. This all started right before school started when I had really stretched out financially to include her on a family vacation trip to the beach. I noticed that she was very distant towards me and my family at the beach. She rarely smiled in the pictures. Did she feel guilty for coming with us, because her mother wasn't there? I forgot to mention that her mother is very rude to me for no apparent reason. At first I tried very hard to be friendly, but I soon found out that she is not willing to meet me halfway. I have in the past have gone with my bf to pick her up from her mother's house and felt unwelcome for being there. My BF has mentioned their relationship in the past and now as a non-custodial parent has always been a rocky one. I assume that the three of them have issues and I would rather not get involved with his relationship with the ex. So I try to stay out of it. I no longer go with him to pick her up. My only worry is that as long as I continue to be in this relationship, how do I handle this situation with his daughter? She has conjured up in her mind that she is the victim in this situation and she refuses to bond with me or my family. What have I done or haven't done to avoid this situation.

littlegrlzx4's picture

Sure there have been changes for the kid but she's also 13- not a fun age as I remember. Could be any of the reasons you list in your blog for her pulling away, or it could be something completely different.

It would probably be safer for her dad to talk with her to see if something is bothering her. Are they close? Has he tried to talk to her?

Keep including her and loving her and that can't be turned around on you but sounds like she needs to have a heart to heart with someone.