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The most disturbing thing i've heard Skid say yet....

tofurkey's picture

Ugh....survived another Skid weekend...Soooo it was full of the usual...MIL talks about what a princess she is (funny), what a rocket scientist she is (even funnier), how perfect she is (hillarious), and shoving pics and stories down my throat. Saw the same pics twice. Heard the same stories about 3 or 4 times from everyone there. Watched DH's daughter ask him the same thing 6 times (I counted). He kept saying no, then OF COURSE ended up caving and said yes. Watched her get her way like she always does, but also like usual watched her pout and stomp her feet and whine leading up to that point....

So this leads me to one of the most irritating things i've ever heard this kid say. DH and I were getting ready to leave MIL's. We had hours of work outside that we needed to get done. So before we left I changed into my "work clothes" that I didn't mind if I got dirty. You know, a nice shirt changes to a t-shirt, heels changes to sneakers, pull my hair back, etc. This is what happened:

Skid: "Tofurkey, why did you change your clothes?"
Me: "Because me and DH have work to do outside."
Skid: "Oh, you haveto work AGAIN?"
Me: "Yes, just like you will work when you grow up."
Skid: (snotty) "IIII AM NOT GOING TO WORK WHEN IIIII GROW UP. I WONT NEEEEDD TO GET A JOB." (complete with neck movements)
Me: I walked away....

Are you kidding me? I wanted to say to her "Oh really? You're not going to get a job when you grow up? What are you going to do, grow up to be like your idiot mother and learn how to milk the system and trap a guy into a monthly pay check for 18-21 years?!" Really?! Great thing to aspire to kid.....

Ugh, I was sooooooo disgusted. And she was so bitchy when she said it to me, like she was too good for it! I'm surprised this kid can wipe her own ass. I'm just wondering where this no job thing came from, and the attitude that came along with it?

skylarksms's picture

Ish, BM poisoning all the way. Our BM got pregnant and finally married. My DH said if she waits a few years and has another one, she will be set til retirement with CS! The sad part is, he is not too far off!

beebusdriver93's picture

Like mother like daughter...she learns what she sees just like my SD10 she seen mom do so much lying,stealing etc...she does it everyday...but daddy doesnt seem to want to change it so he is raising her to be just like her mom!!!!!

jojo68's picture

I just posted on the "Why do men do it" blog about this very thing. My BF is raising hs daughter to be needy, greedy, rude, and totally dependant on others just like BM. BM doesn't even have to PAS her...BF does even that for her...LOL

reeny511's picture

yea - my SD11 asked me one time why I have to go to work EVERY day. ummm honey - "that's how bills get paid!!!!!" She can't seem to grasp the concept that you have to work to get the things you want and to pay your bills! because BM doesnt work (cant keep a job) and lives off of child support!!!

tofurkey's picture

Ugh. Doesn't it make you wonder how things are going to be when these kids grow up? People think the economy is bad's scary

tofurkey's picture

Ick ick and more ICK! I've heard that one before too.....What I especially loved this weekend is that an almost 7 yr old couldn't cut her own meat with a butter knife. That steak was so tender you could cut it with a fork, but she wanted "dada" :sick: to cut it up into little microscopic pieces for her.

tofurkey's picture

Gwwwaaahhh!!! Omg, I think that your SD and my SD are long lost twins!

She will do the sammmmmmmme thing. I shit you not, exact thing! She will get like 1/4 of an inch from his face and say it. And she will like tweak her voice to "baby voice"

and that will be my dh's response! omg! lol. freaky freaky!!!!

tofurkey's picture

:sick: YES! she is like a freaking cat on the nip when she's around him, rubbing all over. it makes me ill!

tofurkey's picture

I myself have tried to learn how to space out. It's hard though on visits to MIL's cuz someone is constantly trying to engage me in convo and it's hard to totally tune out skid sitting next to me and molesting her father the whole time....I dreeeaaaddd every other weekend.

OH and I love it when SD asks DH if she can do or have something and on the rare occasion he does say no she will throw a freaking fit and start crying and whining and he will ask "what's wrong?" uhmmmm Hi? what do you think is wrong ? you just told her no and she can't handle that.

AND this kid was afraid to jump off of a 2 foot tall kiddy slide into a pile of leaves. SCARED?!!? She was the one that wanted to jump into the leave pile but then got up there and started jumping up and down and putting out her arms for dh saying "i'mmmm scarrreeddd daaa-daaaa" I think food poisoning would have made me less sick.

tofurkey's picture

Haha - i like that! Wink

What a little brat face! I would have done the same thing....

Yes this weekend MIL was showing us the pics from when she took SD to a local fair type thing. There was a pic of SD and a zebra:

DH: "SD, what is that in the picture with you?"
Me: (almost at the exact same time he said that) "Holy crap, they had a zebra there?!"
DH: "I know that YOU know what that is TOFURKEY....I was asking SD"
Me: "Sorry, I didn't even realize you asked that until it was out of my mouth"
SD: "That's a ZEEEEEEBBRRAAAA dadddyyyy. teee heee hee"

jojo68's picture

Tofurkey and Spunki...I think I have the older sister of your SD's....she does the same S**t but she is much older at 10 1/2 and lives full time with us. It's purely unbelieveable sometimes. She acts like she is 2 years old when she is following her dada around or rubbing all over him or whining everything that comes out of her mouth.

hbell0428's picture

I think some kids just live in La La Land. My SD says all the time that she isn't going to work all the time. Whatever!! Her BM has 4 kids and works PT; yet they all live in a 2 bedroom hut and all the kids share a room and they have one tiny car and they all cant fit in it at once. REALITY...
My BM daughter says she's not having kids because she likes time to herself and she see's how much mom's have to themselves........LOL

DaizyDuke's picture

Exactly tofurkey....what the hell is this world going to be in 10-20 years when all of these entitled little brats whose scumbag BM's have taught them use everyone and everything to get what they want start having kids and teaching them the same stupid shit??? and on and on it goes and it's only going to get WORSE from generation to generation.

I am already TERRIFIED to think about who my 9 month old son might fall in love with down the road... I pray that it will not be a gal who is a product of one of these fu@ked up BM's!!!

grayskies's picture

when ss17 came back from his 6 week visit with bm, he could not STOP talking about bm's brother and how GREAT he is and how COOL he is....i said "isn't this the guy who is like 35 and lives with his parents, just got out of prison AGAIN, and doesnt work?" ss says "yeah, well he lives LIFE! he goes and picks up his girlfriend and they have parties and bonfires and he's SO COOL".
i said "this is a cool guy to you? what about your dad?". ss says "all dad ever does is work".


i said "your dad works all the time to put food on the table and to keep our nice house and to take care of his children. you might want to consider that when choosing a role model, ss".

he gave me the deer in the headlights look and walked away. i weep for the future...

tofurkey's picture

I like the response you gave SS Wink

But seriously when I was 14 I got my first job. I was EXCITED to have a job and responsibilities and get my own $$$. Its like kids now think it's going to be their demise even thinking about it and it's not the "thing" to do anymore working for a living. It's rediculous...

skylarksms's picture

I know the feeling. My MIL has a son who just started college and is still living at home and has never had a job. She said that he is applying "all over" but has gotten NO interviews. WHAT?!? I see signs EVERYWHERE hiring PT people and she made it sound like he's given up!!

Like you, I was also 14 when I got my first job and LOVED it.