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meghuneyntyson's picture

I am SO glad that I found this site and I really can't wait to get to know all of you.

I have felt like such a horrible person. I cry frequently and really have thought about ending my relationship.

I have a DS8 and my son is a generally good kid. He can be a spoiled brat at times, but that's it. He is very well behaved. He isn't loud and obnoxious. I have worked hard, as a single parent, to make sure he is respectful and that he listens to adults. He wouldn't dare curse and when he is told to do something, he does it. I am USED to my son and in my head, his behavior is normal for children.

My SO and I have been together a few months (6 months). I was told that I probably couldn't have more kids so imagine my surprise when we found out we were pregnant. That was fine since we are such a great match and even though it we were only together a short period of time, we knew we wanted to make a future together. He treats my son as his own and I love that about him. He moved in with us and we were all over the moon about it.

I knew my SO had a son that lived with him. The BM is a viciously ghetto drug head. Six kids, six different dads living off of the government. Stupidly, my SO never did a custody arrangement...but he had his son and took great care of him. One day, the BM decided she wanted her son back. She picked him up from school one day and my SO didnt see his son again for months. I felt horrible about it. He went and got an attorney and planned on filing for custody. My mother is an attorney. I know cases like this can take a while. IF he got custody (and dad's getting in custody in Texas is rare), we understood that his son would live with us. We both figured this would be MONTHS down the road.

A week ago, SO got a call from CPS. He could come get his son because CPS learned that there were drugs in the house among other things.

So just that fast - his 5yo now lives with us until this investigation is over. This is NOT a child like my son. He is loud, rough with my son's things and just clearly lives by a different set of rules. He has been caught cursing several times and using language that isn't vulgar, but not what my son is used to hearing. I am miserable. I know this is just a child but this has been awful. And I feel even MORE awful because this is a wonderful time for my SO. My son is THRILLED and I just feel as if I am held hostage in my own home. I know these are horrible feelings to have and I am just grateful that there is a site I can come to and express myself. Thank GOD for this site.

meghuneyntyson's picture

Thank you so much for responding, jcsgirl. I have been crying when I'm alone. And SO has noticed. When he and his son come in the room, I find something to go do. I feel awful about it though!

MdMom's picture

Don't feel bad, from what I see in SP I know and what I have read on. This site its normal to have these feeling, especially if just moved in with you. I'm sure if you give it time his rough edges will slowly smooth out. With help from your SO and unknowingly your DS he will become a 'normally' behaved child. (As long as there are no mental issues cause by BM and he drug use around him)

Don't feel bad for how you feel, I feel this way myself sometimes with my SD, and I have been in her life since she was 8mo old. (She's almost three now.) Just take it day by day. I'm sure it will get better.

And welcome to the site. Smile

meghuneyntyson's picture

Thank you so much to everyone. Beaccountable - thank you for that. I know you are right. And part of it is me being a tad spoiled myself. I raised my son a certain way and its been MY way for the last 7 years. I havent had to compromise with anyone on anything. My ex respects how I feel and my parenting of my our son and he never questions or has any issues. So, its just been MY way. This will be an adjustment period, I know.