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Rude and Controlling

mtnwife530's picture

Hello, I just stumbled onto this site, wish I had found it years ago.I sure hope someone has some advice. Here's my situation. I've been married to my husband for 12 yrs. I'm 51 and he's 67. He has 5 kids between ages 32-42, I have 2, 25 & 31. And we lived together for 3 years before we got married. Anyway, his oldest daughter (40 ) has always had an issue with me for some reason. The first time her grandfather seen me and her dad after he gave me "the ring" , she was present as we're several members of the extended family, he asked to see my "left hand". As I began to show him, she grumbles, "bets have been made that it will never really happen". I wanted to die. Everyone in the room heard it.
Later, after a family gathering,they all wanted to get together to discuss Christmas plans, we told we would be there but a little late due to other plans. We arrived not long after the rest. But when people were starting to leave, I asked if we were going to discuss the plans, She proudly states " we already did and decided it will be at DADDY'S HOUSE "
When he bought his new car, he asked if the dealer could "hold it for about a week? ", all the paperwork was done, it was being paid for, But "A" was coming to town and he wanted to hide so he didn't have to hear her lecture, "what did you need a new car for? whats wrong with the one you've been driving?......" Not to mention " Don't be offering alcohol is my Daddy" And it's my fault when we choose to stay in our Motorhome at a campground instead of a $300.00 per couple per night Vacation home that sleeps 15 (and has only 3 beds that will sleep 2 people, and were' not on the priority list) with the other 18 relatives. ( yes, 3 more than it sleeps). I asked him if he would tell them that we decided together and to quit blaming me,he claims he did,when he told her he likes some peace and quiet, He doesn't understand ,that it's not the same thing.
Please don't say " until he stands up to her..." I understand that part, what I need is a way to get it through his head, all this does hurt me! And how disrespectful she is to him even! I know he will once he actually sees the impact, he'll have a few words for her. He will probably argue "it won't help, she'll still say what she wants" Which is probably true, but again, to get him to realize at least I'll feel better and ,more than likely , will too!.

notasm3's picture

SM Mantra "Ignore the whore". It does not mean that the SD is a whore. It's just catchy and rhymes.

But the point is to ignore aholes. Your DH should ignore her aholiness also, but that's on him. You cannot make him do anything. You only have control over yourself and hopefully your home.

Part of ignoring is not to care if they blame things on you as long as your husband doesn't. My SS32 and his GF think I am the original b*tch from hell. I have never done one thing to harm them - my only "crime" is to ignore them and their issues. They should be thankful that I do - the alternative would be to have their asses tossed in jail for their transgressions.

Several months ago when we were out of state for vacation SS and the GF invaded our home (totally uninvited), ransacked my most personal possessions, spent nights here in OUR bed not the guest room, made off with SIX LITERS of alcohol and left pots of dirty grease, etc. Part of me would like to literally wring their heads off - but my reaction is to ban them 100% from my life. They are NEVER allowed anywhere near me. They truly think what they did was no big deal.

I truly have ZERO interest in what these two user/losers think of me or what they say about me. I honestly don't even care if DH still loves his son (he does) as long he does not inflict that POS on me. I don't need DH to ream them out for their despicable actions - I just need him to keep them away from me forever.

Please don't waste time trying to convince your DH that his daughter is not a good person. That rarely works. Just make sure that you don't have to deal with her.

sandye21's picture

If you have been waiting for 12 years for your DH to "say a few words to her" it's probably not going to happen. Even if he did, it looks like it will have no impact on SD.

What many of us have done is to 'disengage'. There are various degrees of this. Some of us quit trying to please the Skids. We don't engage in conversation with them, just be polite, smile and let the words go in one ear and out the other. DH handles birthdays, Christmas, etc.

Others like me have banned the skids from our homes. DH has the freedom to visit SD just about whenever he wants but I want nothing to do with her. I do not discuss SD with DH. If he brings her up, I will change the subject in a few minutes.

At first it was hard partly because I was so mad at SD for being so hostile and rude, and at DH because he could not seem to find the courage to demand that SD treat me with respect as his wife. Mostly I was mad at myself for being such a doormat. But as time goes on, it gets better and better.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Just as Sandy states, at first I was angry at myself for not recognizing I was being used and hated at the same time-- for just trying to be included. I should have thrown in the hopeful towel long before I did. I understand the messages you received, I received similar, until I stopped listening.

I have accepted my doormat daddeee (DH), will never protect me with respect to his daughter wives; I have to do it myself. I had only a couple of alternatives,either divorce a man whom we otherwise we have a perfect marriage, or get a way from every stinking piece of his sickening buddy enmeshment. I chose the later and now I have zero to do with them and it works. That means NO interaction and no communication; they no longer exist in MY life; he is free to do whatever and whenever as long as NO demands are made on me to do anything. That includes coming to my home, which he allowed them to repeatedly disrespect me in-- without either of us as much as saying one word back, (it should not be my job). It is my job, however, to stay away from toxic people who do not like me. I will never expose myself to the inevitable misery again, and I have also accepted it will never change for me; that might have been the hardest part-acceptance of my reality.

Yes, occasionally I feel left out ( I had envisioned one big happy family too), but not as much as I did when they were around me. This is MUCH better and my life is more peaceful, my marriage is better too. When your husband is this emotionally sick, for whatever reason, you can only protect yourself. He is not going to change or protect you and trust me, you cannot go back for more of it alone, unless you love being gang abused, lol.

And, the posters on this site helped me. I learned I am not alone, my feelings are normal under these crazy circumstances, and to not expect the support a wife normally--would ordinarily have-if their DH had a backbone.

bedazzled's picture

What canyouhelp said is exactly right. The hardest part is accepting that DH has no backbone. She is also correct that DH is emotionally sick and you need to protect yourself. 

I was the doormat for 14 years. I finally figured out I need to stand up for myself. DH never will. I am totally disengage. I have no plans to ever be around those toxic spawn again. DH can go see them at their houses. They will never step foot in my house again. 

mtnwife530's picture

Hi, Sorry I haven't got all the abrve. down yet. DH has had a few "light bulb" moments recently, I was just hoping he would have one about this. Part of the problem is this SD2 has 2 of the 9 SGS? (grandkids) and the when she's in town so are the other one's from out of town and they all stay together at SD5 house and the only way to see them,is with her there (not to mention their MOTHER, whole other topic)I know she manipulates him the second I'm out of ear shot. The other's all just give me the "oh, that's just "A" , just ignore her like we do". SD2's husband even says she is a rude mouthy B____h! She really loves to use $ 5.00 words, takes being "politically correct" to a whole new level, if I say I watched "midget" wrestling, I meant MIDGET, don't spout "IT'S LITTLE PEOPLE" to me! That's half the problem, she is educated,put herself through school, has a government job and thinks she better than everyone else. She has actually said the world would be perfect in everyone lined up,sat at a table with her, let her plan out their lives, and did what she had said!

CANYOUHELP's picture

You are in a lose, lose situation whenever people do not want you around or want to include you. You just are...they will find fault with anything if you are even near them. You will say nothing right, cook nothing right, buy nothing right, plan nothing right, gift nothing right, act nothing right, you will never-ever be right...think you get the picture. By the way, the more interaction you have, the more they triangulate. It may be this one now, then later on-- it is these two and then next time somehow--all of them, plus...

Some husbands do come around, mine is likely not one. He knows what is going on because he NEVER says one word about them to me, nor does he ask me to do anything with them either. It it kind of comical, if it were not so true.

Your situation sounds deep too, but only you know what to do, when. If things do not improve and you are dealing constantly with this dynamic, you may need to reevaluate what you are willing to tolerate.

Hope is great, if you have anything to hold on...because peace is your ultimate goal, period.

SacrificialLamb's picture

You, like me, are not much older than your OSD. I am 53; my OSD is 42. That has been a thorn in my OSD's side. My DH is very passive and OSD believes that her father is her property. Then I showed up almost 15 years ago and ruined everything for her.

You will never get her approval so don't try. You also can't convince her father that his DD is not so nice. He has to realize that on his own. Disengage for yourself and and for your marriage, but make sure you set when daddy's house gets volunteered for a holiday and you are the one that is going to have to do the work.

My DH's eyes were opened to his DD's behavior. It DOES NOT mean that he stopped loving his DD or stopped wanting to spend time with her or his gkids. It means he understands that I do not.

mtnwife530's picture

Thanks for the advice, I have, long ago, put a stop to "daddy's house" getting volunteered. the only hosting I have done was for his 60th B-day, (I rented the pavilion at the park) though I thought it took so nerve to ask me if it was ok if their MOTHER came also?!!!! In what world would that be acceptable! Thankfully SD2 lives over 3 hrs away and doesn't call much.Otherwise,we're pretty happy. My kids call him on his B-day (if they're not here) and Fathers Day, Him and my son (not sure of abrve.)gang up on me and make me the butt of their jokes (which is fine with me). My daughter, who is flying in next week (we haven't seen her in almost 3 yrs since she move to Denver) has sent me pics of gifts she is bring for him. Since the airport is close to SD2's house ,I'm hoping my daughter won't ask if we could stop by! They get along fine.
And we have declined to attend a number of events she has arranged, because it was things she knew we wouldn't enjoy, and at times that she knew weren't doable for us. OR (get this ) She wants to arrange a "suite" for us, with a sofa bed and put her MOTHER IN WITH US! Of course this has never happened (yes,he laughs at DD on that and tells her she's "out of " her "mind") I guess he does have some boundries, maybe I still have to figure out what they are.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Yeah, even when BM is a whack job (my DH's ex told her daughters their father would have no money when she got done with him, police had to be involved when his oldest graduated college because BM's sisters threatened to kill him), BM is still a poor slighted lonely woman while daddy brought an intruder into the family (a new woman). My SDs, both in their 40s, recently took BM to visit DHs family, and then posted pics of the event on FB. Could not see how this was disrespectful to him.

And your SD wanted to put her mother with you and DH in a suite? HAHAHAHAHA! That is priceless! I don't know if the kids really want their parents back together, or their view of themselves is difficult without the foundation of their parents together, but that is just insane. In these sick Sd minds, I guess she was thinking that - just maybe - with these two women in the same intimate setting, maybe their father would prefer BM? I'd be very careful to have them arrange anything that I would be participating in.

Rags's picture

The only way to fix this is for DH to jerk a knot in her tail each and every time she spouts her toxic crap and he needs to do it publically and immediately when she pulls that crap.

No more tolerance of her crap or it never ends.

If he won't, then you will have to do it.

IMHO of course.

Good luck.

disrestep's picture

Perhaps flat out telling your DH exactly how you feel about the disrespect and how it affects your relationship with him. That's what I did with my DH. Ask him if he ever spoke to his parents that way and what would his parent's of done or said back? Ask him if his father would of let his mother be disrespected like that without saying anything? Come up with some good comments to fire back at the b$!($ when she starts. Then sit back and let her make an a$$ of herself in front of everyone while you just stay calm and polite.

Not sure if you still have to host Xmas and if you want to at your house. But, if that were me and the adult skids or anyone pulled the same stuff and volunteered our home, I would put the cabosh on that asap. They never asked you ahead if time and just planned it. Total disrespect for you and your DH.

Good luck

MadHatter's picture

You are quite the trooper to just be agreeing to spend your vacation in the same destination as your SD! I too have a motorhome, and I have it just for the simple fact that I will NEVER have to sleep in a strange bed again and worry about the possibility of bed bugs and only GOD knows what else. You stick to your guns, honey.

mtnwife530's picture

You Guys Are GREAT! I love getting some support and a few laughs. A bright spot in my Day ! But we have always refused all the vacation house plans. I know that him nor his sibling never treated their SF like this, not sure about the first 3 SM's
but they got along with the most resent (passed away about 2yrs ago, and yes bot his parents are still living)The Christmas thing was 11 yrs ago and i haven't done it since.Even though she said "we decided" I would bet it went as usual, she told her sibling just like she told me, She just states her demands and they just go with it, because I get along fine with the rest of them.
And Disrestep, I think I'll try that approach, as a last ditch effort, if only to be able to say I did my best. I had a new thought, She doesn't get pissy because we don't do what she wants, when she wants, maybe she feels threatened by the power she imagines I have over her dad that she doesn't, and I'm treating him unfairly and he just takes it , like he does from her.????? May be , if he just tells her, that's not the case, then clearly tells her it's not acceptable......
If he won't talk to her, or she doesn't listen to him, I'll get the point, and believe me, I will take EVERY opportunity to blaster her with both barrels! I'll have an opinion on every move she makes , throw insults right and left. I will become HER! Opinions??????

mtnwife530's picture

Oh, one more thing.
I might be slow on the up take, but could someone please send the "key" for the short hand? If anything is too strong for posting , maybe private message it to me, Thanks

mtnwife530's picture

Well the Queen SD's DH is 49, so she has got much room to talk! I have no idea to shorten step-son in -law, anyway he is Awsome, he tried for years to teach her some empathy,and he does yank her back HARD when spouts her CRAP, but she caught on to that and waits til he's out of ear shot, which is quiet a bit because there's only so much he can take, hahaha.
Oh yeah, BM does travel to another state to visit DH's family ! 3-4 times a year! At first, it was just DH's sibling, but several years ago DH's BM went to live with her. She still gets invited to WEDDINGS! None of the in-laws have been anything less than warm and welcoming to me, but they still have some whacked sense of family with her. But I really have no idea where she stays while there,not that I care, at least we have a room with the in laws,hehe.
I did recently consider DH might be so tolerant of his DD (as he is with the rest, their just not evil) might have something to do with the death of his first born child (BS) 20 yrs ago this month,after returning from Desert Storm. I could be wrong, but as I recall, he really started tuning out after SD38, told him BM had claimed the burial plot behind BS who passed. In a Veteran Cemetery , a spouse or child may claim the area just behind the deceased, but if there is no spouse or child , then a parent can claim it. BM never served,wasn't the one who drove the 3hrs one way , 5 days a wk for 8 wks to his treatments, she didn't take any time time off work to care for him (money wasn't an issue for her). So I am giving him

sammigirl's picture

Your DH my agree with you on some issues here; but they tend to pacify us where skids are concerned.

If you have a direct problem with the control, take the reins and stop it on the spot. I finally had to do this and it works like a charm with DH too. When my DH saw that I was no longer going to attend family events with BM and I was no longer going to tolerate SD56 controlling my life, my home, and my conversation; he saw the light, without me saying a word to him. The more I expected my DH to see the light, the less he even tried to understand.

Just take your issues up directly with the problem creator. It works like a charm. No harsh words, just set the rules, let SD know them, then stand your ground.

I look at it as, I am the Alpha Female here; my SD56 nor my SGD32 (mother/daughter) are going to take that position in my marriage, my home, or my marked territory. It keeps the record straight and forward.

I love it, these toxic women are mad and hate me even more. You see, they hate me anyway and want nothing but drama; I took the drama out of it, when I stated my position. I now ignore them, they are nothing to me. With that said, I will hold the door open any time to let them out with a haunting silence.

No big scene in doing this, just do it in a quiet, polite manner.


mtnwife530's picture

I still have a glimmer of hope

A few weeks ago SIL,BIL & MIL were in town for a visit, they stayed with BM (whats up with that?) And of course OSD had to come up and take charge, almost. there was supposed to be a bbq at YSD's house that Sun (after church of course) the out of towners wanted to go to the coast on Sat, they should have known better, the Hwy was closed due to the wild fire. Dh & I had made tenative plans for Sat, but of course Sat morning OSD calls, and they (meaning her) wants to do the bbq that afternoon! so he tells her to hold on a minute and he'll ask me, he stands there, phone still to his ear he says " we can can go over for the bbq today can't we?"
My blood was boiling, I found myself just saying "yeah, I guess so". When he hung up I asked him WTF he thought he was doing????? Obviously he did want a honest answer, asking when she could hear me!! We needed to keep our discussion low key,my BD was also visiting from out of state and did not want a major ordeal.
So, DH made me an offer I could refuse to make up for our other plan, but I told him we'd have a problem if she tried to corner him into any further commitments, he agreed not to. I knew it would happen, as we were saying good bye to everyone, right on cue, OSD "Well, you'll be tomorrow? won't you Daaaddeee?" With his arm around me, he says "We'll see" OSD says "Oh, you'll come back tomorrow" by now I had a firming grip on his love handle, at his little "Hawaa" he says again "We'll See!" as OSD rolls her eyes and does a "whatever".
I also have dragged him to a LMFT who initially said whatever the dynamics he had with OSD was his alone. I almost blew a gasket! BUT, this past week I had the chance to tell her,his caving intruded on OUR life and plans HE made with me, she agreed that boundaries must be set, he also said maybe he has allowed her to dictate us too much! When we got home I (gently ) pointed out the many times she has said jump and he said how high. And I just want him to at least put her off until we can talk alone and she shouldn't just assume what she wants, when she wants and that I have no input (which up until now,I haven't) he said that sounded fair to him. That is a first! Hoping the first of many light bulb moments for him. Let's all keep our fingers crossed!

strugglingSM's picture

Yuck! Your DH needs to grow a backbone. I'm surprised the LMFT didn't question why he lets his daughter tell him what to do. He acts like the child and his daughter the parent. He's not embarrassed that his daughter was going to lecture him over a new car?

What's his relationship like with his mother? He sounds like someone who is used to feeling sheepish and getting pushed around by women. If that's the case, maybe he'd benefit from personal counseling.

I don't have any great advice, but I'm in a similar situation, not with skids, but with DH'/s family. They love to plan things at the last minute and expect all of us to drop everything and go. I've told DH that I think that's disrespectful and I won't abide. I even sent him off on his own because I wasn't about to cancel my plans to go. BM is the same way - everything is coming up "last minute" and she expects DH to accommodate. We've had some big fights over that. The only thing I focus on is maintaining my own boundary. It helps me feel a little better, but man it's a struggle.

mtnwife530's picture

OSD lectures everyone on anything they do that she doesn't approve of , in her words "the world would be perfect if everyone could line up, then sit down with me, and I could show them how to live their life".! No S_ _ T! She said that!
I remember when MIL lived on town over, DH would drive her to doctor appts but he would tell she needed to reschedule if she made one on one of my days off, so he could spend it with me. But she lives with SIL now.
I would go ahead with plans when OSD changes things last minute, but somehow its always when, without TMI, without him it's kind of pointless. The therapist did request to see DH alone next week.
He eyes may be opening a bit more, we were supposed to meet up with SIL (=YSD) today to cut firewood, YSD was supposed to last night to tell us when and where. No call yesterday or today, and he is a bit pissed, especially this being the second time! I don't think he like someone p----i--g down his back and telling him it's rain! He even made a comment about not being able to rely on anyone but each other. But I have decided not to even agree when he finds fault with one of them.
This is all so frustrating , I just may come down with a "bug" next time were all supposed to meet up, then have a miracle recovery }:)

Recipient of marginal civility and polite disdain's picture

There is a wonderful author, his name is Larry Winget.  He is an extremely assertive individual, and he has a great book titled Grow A Pair, I have a copy for me because I still need to grow a pair at times.  I think your DH needs to read this book and take it to heart.  I bet you could find it at a used book store for less that the price of a new one.  It is a great book,