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I " abandoned " SS 12 at BM's door !

HappilySelfish679's picture

Last Monday morning, i dropped off SS12 ( almost 13 ) at BM's house, at exactly 7.30 AM, on my way to work. I drop him off since BM's house is on my way to work, and DH works the opposite direction. I have done this dozends of times. I am extremely punctual and the drop off happens almost to the minute, every Monday morning at 7.30 AM.

BM lives in a row house type neighborhood, i see her car in front of her appartment, SS12 gets out, he has a key to the door, i drive off.

Well, last Monday for some reason the key was " stuck " and SS 12 almost 13 was not able to open the door. BM was apparently " in the shower " and did not hear him knocking. Poor SS12 almost 13 was standing outside for almost 15 (!) minutes until he was " rescued " by BM.

Ever since that tragic event BM is lighting up DH's phone about my " disgusting " behavior, simply " abandoning " SS 12 almost 13, without making " sure " that he got " safely " in the house. This is " not acceptable " according to BM.

WTF. He is almost 13. He has a key. His mother's car was parked in his usual spot. I am now " no longer allowed " to drop SS 12 at her house and she told DH " HE better drop him off in the morning OR ELSE ".

Talk about bat shit crazy.

HappilySelfish679's picture

DH is not complaining , he told her to kick rocks. SS 12 was not complaining either. It was no big deal to him. Its just the crazy coming out again in BM.

HappilySelfish679's picture

This is not about SS12 at all. This is about BM absolutely HATING that i drop SS 12 off while DH has " an easy life " . She wants him to make an additional 40 miles round trip to her house, to " suffer " just like " she suffers ". She is a victim and wants DH to be a victim as well. She HATES the thought that he can get up, take a shower, and cruise to his office without having to make the big loop to BM's house. She wants him to be " inconvenienced ".

Oh well, Shes out of luck. I will continue to drop off SS 12 on Monday at 7.30 AM. He will hold a can of WD 40 in his hand. Just in case the key is " stuck " again. Dont want him to have any permanent damage or suffer any more than necessary Wink

When will these BM's ever be able to move on ?

HappilySelfish679's picture

An Air horn !! LOVE IT !!!!! LMAO , Maybe a megaphone too ! " Attention BM !!! Get your flabby Butt out of the shower ! I am about to abandon SS12 in front of your door " !!!

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

what about her? What was going through her mind between 0730 and 0745 while he was outside knocking? LIKE - "huh, that is weird. My son isn't here and he should be."

HappilySelfish679's picture

correct. And if she would not have " confiscated " the cell phone DH bought for SS12, he would have actually been able to call her.

Cadence's picture

Exactly. That's how this stuff works. She screwed up by not knowing something was wrong because she was in the shower. By the time SHE realized, SS had been out there for a few minutes.

So, because she didn't want to feel guilt or shame that SHE wasn't paying attention, she made it into something that was all your fault. If you've been doing this for awhile and there has never been any issue, then she is as much as fault as you are. But she wants to think she's perfect, so she projects all of the shame onto the stepmom. This keeps her psychologically comfortable.

Glassslipper's picture

Or else what??? She will get a new key that works.
I would tell BM to blow it out her A$$!
Threaten me all you want, the drop off schedule will continue and SM will be dropping him off as we always have. Get your lock fixed.

Jsmom's picture

Ignore...But, then when the kid is a typical millennial who expects kudos for doing nothing, she can only blame herself. Our generation coined the term "latchkey" kids. We all survived. This generation is so screwed up and crap like this is why. That and every kids gets a trophy.

My parents left for work at 6:30 in the morning most of my life. We got ourselves to school and back and they were not home until 5. We started dinner starting at age 10....

hereiam's picture

I do think that she overreacted, however, I also think it's best to make sure a person gets inside safely, even adults. When I drop somebody off, no matter the age, I always wait for them to get the door to their house open before I take off.

GMLLB's picture

Oh this sounds exaaaactly like something my SKs BM would say/do. I feel your pain. You know better, DH knows better and (most importantly) SS knows better. Just gotta drown out the rabid dog's barking (which I say, but I'm annoyed on your behalf even reading this haha).

Rags's picture

Or else what? ... Not a F'in thing.... thats what. She can STFU and you should just keep doing what you have been doing.

She can FO.

IMHO of course.

SpermGrandHag played that crap when SS-(Then 12) would walk home from school, unlock the door, and stay at home alone for 2hrs before his mom or I would get home.

We gave her the usual answer "STFU or we will see you in court. Your call. Step up or shut up."

She never took us to court which was fine by me since SS was no longer in daycare and $50/mo of the Sperm Idiot's CS obligation was for daycare. This offset the $50/mo reduction in his CS obligation due to "StepDad's significant income providing an artificually elevated standard of living that BioDad should not be required to supplement."

So, he was paying me back the $50/mo he was getting due to my income. Karma!!!! Actually SpermGrandHag was paying me back since she and SpermGrandPa paid every penny of their idiot son's CS obligation to my son for the 16+ years we lived under the CO. Either way I had a blast with it.

Keeping poking the BM bear and have some fun. }:)

HappilySelfish679's picture

Sperm grand parents paid their sons CS obligation . Yikes . It is not only the shallow , but the real muddy end of the gene pool !

HappilySelfish679's picture

Hey BM, next time SS 12 key gets " stuck " maybe he can use MY key to YOUR house, which SS 12 gave me, to make a copy ?

I have a key to her house. If she would know, she would flip LOL.

still learning's picture

"F" her.

sabrinasmith's picture

BM of my SS6 did a scandal last week when she came to my building to pick up her son, because I let him took the elevator by hisown, when she was waiting in the lobby. I put him inside and pressed the lobby button, and the elevator talks "lobby". She said that he could to get confused and got dissapeard LOL, my building is full of security and there are cameras every 20 feets.
I'll do it again next time. She will see that if she didn't like her how I take care of HER son, she should be foing that by herself, because she knows that DH is working and I hate the kid.