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Merry Christmas to my StepTalk Family

toywas's picture

First, I would like to wish each and every one of you and your family a very merry, happy, healthy, and safe Christmas this year.

And I also want to thank you all for my best present ever – YOU all year round 24/7! We all shared our pain and tears through our stories and experiences, and used each other’s advice for something that the other never even thought of in using. We all shared laughs when we needed pick-me-ups, and we never judged the other because after all, this is our space to vent and to be heard. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I can come to StepTalk, voice my opinion of any painful situation that I am going through, and you are there when I need you; no questions asked! What better present can anyone ask for than a friend?! You are my friends!!!

I also want to thank you for showing me how to become a better person - by disengaging and reminding myself that I am important even though I am “just the wife!”

All of you, in your own way, helped me to like ME again! I am learning to laugh, relax, smile, and I am not longer sweating the small stuff like I use to.

I’m sure for the next couple weeks we are all going to be in situations where we are uncomfortable to be in - we are going to be around people that either despise us or we despise them; we’ll get gifts of love, gifts of no thought, or we just won’t get gifts. We will even feel like we’re busting our ass off for people who wished we weren’t even around. And we do it all simply because it’s the Christmas season!

Just remember, whatever you do, StepTalk is here for you!

For the next three weeks (when I’m around people that I know wish I didn’t exist) I am going to keep reminding myself this one important question – what really matters TO ME during this time when they’re here - is it my husband? Is it myself? Is it his kids? I believe that MY thoughts are going to allow me to be the better person than they are. I KNOW that I have nothing to prove to them!

So my Christmas wish to all of you is I hope for you not to be angry! I know that sounds weird to hear, but please don’t wish this holiday to go by so fast because of the people or situation around you. Take time to enjoy this Christmas because remember, this is YOUR Christmas too, not just theirs. Ask yourself – what matters the most to me? We ALL deserve to have a happy holiday just like everyone else; unfortunately, we just have to be stronger than they are.

I just saw something on Facebook that I would like to share – “You can’t change how people feel about you, so don’t try. Just live your life and be happy!”

Merry Christmas and the best to you!


toywas's picture

Thanks Skeeter; this is the first time in 12 years that I baked cookies! I am just happy this year. I am NOT going to allow DHs kids ruin it for me. It's amazing how when you step back and realize "hey this is my holiday too!" you get a total different respective of the situation!

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Thank you, Toywas, i happily second every wish! Words of wisdom and appreciation could not come at a better time. Step talk is a great support, and better than having a good friend - it is a source... THE source...

Just re-read your post, and I love your holiday wishes! You are very wise - beyond your years Smile I agree it is a great idea to let go of anger and just enjoy life this Xmas, whatever it brings - even the intensity of negative feelings can be taken for a sure sign that we are alive, and kicking, and in the thick of things. We matter too - to ourselves and our loved ones. Let's find comfort in being heard, and understood, and in having so many fellow travelers...

Have the merriest of Xmases and the happiest of New Year's, Toywas!

PS: what does your name mean or how do you say it?

toywas's picture

TOYWAS - means Thinking Of You With A Smile (I was listening to Paul Harvey on the news years ago when I first started my email address!)

And thank you Pilgrim, I wish you the very best to end of 2013 and the super best for 2014. You're the best!!!

toywas's picture

Dear Serene - I didn't want to make you cry! My post was to thank everyone for what ST has done for me. Your SD4 is at the age where the number of presents count; it's up to you and DH to show her differently. If she cries, let her cry; it's beyond your control.

I just wanted to remind all of us stepmoms that we're human and this is OUR holiday too, not just our DHs and our stepfamilies!

Make the best of your Christmas but please do it with no regrets; that way, NO ONE can come back and belittle you afterwards!

Wishing you and your family the best (remember - YOU DESERVE IT!)


toywas's picture

Dear Serene. Thank you for your response; however, I am a friend, not a stranger!

Chin up!!!

whatamess's picture

Great advice! Last year was my first Christmas without the SKs. It was a forced disengagement and lots of other things were going on so it was rough but still the first enjoyable Christmas I've had in 10+ years! So far, this year has been even better because I've actively disengaged. We'll see what happens on Christmas Eve and Day! Merry Christmas to all!!

toywas's picture

Merry Christmas! And congrats on your disengagement; doesn't it feel great!!!

Towanda's picture

Merry Christmas to you too toywas! I would like to add that I wish PEACE in each and everyone of you step's heart!

toywas's picture

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Towanda! I hope you have peace this Christmas; that was sweet for you to add this!

sandye21's picture

Toywas, Merry Christmas to you too. And thank you SO much for your comments about making our holiday a happy one in spite of people who, if we allowed them, anger or frustrate us or make our lives miserable. Your words, "We have nothing to prove to them" hit a cord. After spending a horrendous week with my narcissistic Mother, and knowing I no longer have to spend another Christmas with a narcissistic SD, my home has never looked so good. (((HUGS)))