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HELP.... Don't want to go home

jen122277's picture

Help! I don’t want to go home. Here is my sob story and I hope someone out there understands me.
Out of the blue and without much warning my fiancée whom I have been with for 5 years let his 18 year old
High School Drop Out, Drug & Booze Addicted, No Hope for a Future, Daughter move in with us, yesterday.
Also mind you my fiancée is also a raging bi-polar drug addict (whom I have been desperately trying to help for 3 years)
AND his 2 younger kids (different Mom) are with us for the summer.

Just from reading the previous paragraph you would think we were a bunch of degenerates. Well, we used to not be that way.
I am a full time professional, management level in my career. It is a WONDER that I can sustain a good career amidst this insanity, but
I do. My fiancée used to work full time before both his parents died and left him way too much money for his own good. He left the work
Field 3 years ago and to ease his depression about his parents he turned to hard drugs. When this 18 year old was 14, she lived with us.
Through the master manipulation of her own mind and her Mother’s she successfully accused my fiancée of a heinous act, which was thrown
Out of the courts because they realized she lied. She has been out of our lives for a peaceful (aside from fiancee’s drug problem) 3 years… Guess what, she is back and my fiancée suddenly feels the need to be in her life.

She has managed to go from boyfriend to boyfriend, shacking up with them and ruining lives as she moves through hers. Now, with no where to go, and no job, she turns up on our door step. She is also no longer welcome to stay by her Mothers because she could not behave.
I have NOT gotten over what she did to us 4 years ago and I see her as a dangerous person to have around. This, of course, makes me the villain.
Yesterday when I got home from work, she just gave me dirty looks and didn’t even have the decency to say “hello” she just looks at me with this blank stare and her ugly mouth agape. To make an already painfully long story short, last night she decided to sleep by her MOTHERS HOUSE. I guess by some miracle they are getting along this week, and told my fiancee’ it was because I didn’t make her feel welcome. OF COURSE I DO NOT WANT HER THERE!!! I have ENOUGH issues to worry about and now THIS??? Mu fiancée blamed EVERYTHING on me, which I know was going to happen. Supposedly she is suppose to be at our home so my fiancée can help her get her life together, job, GED, blah blah blah…. My fiancée cannot even stay awake if he is not on drugs, how the hell is he going to turn this kids life around. I am firm that this is NOT my problem to fix or solve.

Well, here I sit at work. Not wanting to go home to this mess. LOGIC would tell me to leave and not look back. BUT, I am not going to let this awful kid run me out of my home. I do not feel that I should bend over backwards for someone who has given me ZERO respect. BUT my fiancée demands that I treat her with respect. I am more miserable then anything I have ever dreamed of, and I want this kid out of my house so I can continue to help my fiancée get sober. I know the whole “Never turn your back on your kids” “If I was a biological parent I would understand” . But this girl is a MAJOR liability to have around, and even though I am tossed to the side and totally disregarded, I am supposed to come home from a long day of work and cook dinner for the family??? She has created turmoil everywhere she has been. Part of me says “Keep your mouth shut and she will eventually hang herself with her own rope”, but I feel my anger is getting to a fever pitch and now I don’t even want to go home. I cannot tell, my fiancée this, because he will tell me to grow up and act like an adult… I am at a loss…. And I am sure you all could figure this out already, this kid dresses like a trampy street walker 24/7.

hereiam's picture

I do believe that it's time to remove yourself from this dysfunction. You cannot save these people, not even your fiancé.

He blames you and tells you to act like an adult, while he's doing drugs? I'd be gone.

omgstop's picture

I don't want this to sound harsh but you need to get out of that situation NOW. With that much bad blood and awful history, the chances of any of it getting better are slim to none as far as I can see. If it's your home, chuck the lot of them out. If it isn't, pack your bags. This whole story sent up red flag after red flag for me. Think of yourself and your sanity and what kind of life you really want to lead.

Glassslipper's picture

You can't bring all the kittens home.

Sometimes when the train is already on the track and en route, its better to not stand on the tracks.

Sometimes the world doesn't need a superhero

Sometimes you don't realize you're actually drowning when you're trying to be everyone else's anchor

Some nets don't hold all you think should fit.

100 ways to say it, the boat is sinking, better to leave it behind and swim to shore my dear.


AllySkoo's picture

OK, I just can't get past this.... "I am more miserable then anything I have ever dreamed of".

You absolutely CANNOT get married right now. Maybe not ever, to this man. I know you don't want to hear that. But you have to understand you cannot save him. You can't. He has to save himself.

Go find an AlAnon meeting. Seriously, you need to talk to other people who have been where you are. You need to listen to them. Because just like your SO has to save himself? So do you.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

At this point in my life, IF my DH brought one of his kids back into our home I would leave. We have been together for over 10 years now. We had all 3 skids full time and I was ready to walk until we went to counseling.

If your SD can make up such a story about her dad then imagine the story she can make up about you. Honestly, in my opinion, If your SO is on drugs and his daughter is on drugs you do not have a fighting chance. What SD put her father through she also put you through. You have been disrespected and blamed from the minute she stepped back into YOUR home. Either she leaves or I would. You are fighting a battle that probably cannot be won.

How the hell does your SO think he can help his daughter when he cannot even help himself? You need to go talk to someone that specializes in people with addictions. I predict that SD is going to use her daddy against you. All she is looking for is help and daddy is trying to help but mean ole' daddy's girlfriend is not wanting me back in your life. SD will say, "your girlfriend is trying to sabotage my recovery. She wants you all to herself". blah, blah, blah. Watch out for her she will come between you and SO.

thinkthrice's picture


Merry's picture

You are living with two addicts, both of them actively using. What would you tell your best friend or your sister to do? You would tell them to get out of there.

Addicts lie, cheat, steal. Their only goals are the next high. Your money and your nice things will go missing. You will grow even more resentful.

Here's how we help addicts--we allow them to be responsible for their own actions. Your fiance's action was to allow another addict to move in without consulting you. That action causes a reaction -- you find it intolerable so you find another place to live. Eventually your fiance will either want you back and will therefore have to clean up his act and his daughter will need to be gone, or he will go down the addict's rat hole.

And there is NOTHING you can do to help or save him. That's on him. Sure, you can drive the car to doctor or therapist appointments or help get him checked into rehab, but if you have been helping him for three years and he's still using, I don't think you're really helping. I don't mean that in an unkind way, either. Maybe you're helping him to function, but you're not helping him find his path to sobriety.

It's damn hard. Even those who WANT to stay sober frequently relapse. AA long-term success rate is something like 10%, which is about the same as other addiction recovery programs. It's depressing, and your fiance has just added another factor that will only serve to keep him in the addiction loop.

Save yourself. No kidding.

bearcub25's picture

You can't save your boyfriend, just like he can't save his daughter. Do yourself a favor and get out ASAP. He will bring you down and that will affect you the rest of your life, either with or without him.

boyswerehere's picture

Don't go home. Do the best thing you can do for yourself right now and go straight to an ALANON meeting. You need a serious reality check that you are powerless over this whole situation. Even if there was no daughter in this situation, it is still an entirely hopeless relationship if fiance is not willing to get help on his own. There is nothing YOU can do to make this better for him.

Shaman29's picture

You can't save someone that doesn't feel they need to be saved.

YOU however need to look in the mirror and wipe the co-dependent sign off of your forehead.

You admitted you're miserable. You're going to have to do the hard thing and make a big change in your life. Find a place to live, pack your bags, move out and break off the relationship.

He is not going to change and is only headed into a flaming death spiral. Do you really want him to take you with him?

Get out, get some counseling and get into some Al-anon meetings.

I hope, for your health and sanity, you take our advice and get out as soon as possible.

Stormyweather's picture

You are a professional woman right?

Research codependency.

You said yourself "so I can continue to help my fiancée get sober." WTF! Its not your job to do that...its his. You are enabling him.

Quit trying to rescue / save everyone.

robin333's picture

Is this your house? If so, kick both of them out and have the locks changed. Locksmiths work after hours. .. if not, have someone go with you to get your stuff and do not look back.

If SD made false accusations against her BD, there's nothing stopping her from doing worse to you.

Your fiance had no right whatsoever to allow his DD to move in without talking with you and supporting your response of "HELL NO".

You are not going to fix this man. Save yourself.

tigerlily74's picture

I agree with everyone here who says get out and save yourself. Nothing good will come out of this situation. Your SD will probably accuse you of something at some point, and if DH is not standing up for you, you're going to be in an untenable situation. And that's assuming he's sober. With him as a druggie as well...

Save yourself the heartache later. Don't marry this guy.

Ninji's picture

I was married to an alcoholic/drug addict for five years. Some of the worse years of my life. Why didn't I leave sooner? Because I felt bad for him, because I knew things would be worse for him without me there to pick up the pieces for him day after day after day. I finally realized, he is an adult and needed to take responsibility for his own actions and life.

There was no way I could have ever "saved" him and honey, there is no way you will ever save your man. We are not trained to deal with addicts and honestly, love is never enough when living in this type of situation. Eventually, you will wake up to the same realization I did. NOTHING you do will be enough. He has to do it for himself.

From your post, I can tell today is not the day you wake up and put your own happiness first. I just hope for your sake, you do it before these people ruin your career, your finances and possibly your freedom...if your SD decides to tell some lies about you they way she did dear daddy.

I wish you the best of luck

Glassslipper's picture

I finally realized, he is an adult and needed to take responsibility for his own actions and life.

Love this statement Ninji! And I'll tell you why.
I was married to my ex, we were at counseling and the therapist looked at me and said "why do you put up with him treating you like this?"
And I said "because I know he had a hard childhood and he is just acting like this because of that"
When suddenly she said "He is a grown man now, and he is the only one responsible for his own actions and you are the one allowing him to make excuses"

It was the turning point, she ended therapy that day, recommended "anger management" help for him and therapy to help me cope with the abuse I had endured over the years.

Hence the reason he is my Ex. I was done at point, he never changed either.

jen122277's picture

Thank you so much for all your good wisdom and support. I have decided that I should move on. When I got home last night I knew he was high. But it was that "I have got enough drugs in me to look perfectly normal and happy" high.and soon its going to be the "I took too much and now I am bumbling around the house" or passed out on the floor high.

I was a miserable mess when I got home, while everyone else was happy. I was resentful that I did what most responsible adults do... I got up that morning, took care of the pets, got myself ready and went to work. These people had all day to lay around the house doing nothing. When my fiancée said "Why do you love being so miserable" I didn't even say anything. Because he doesn't remember when he felt the same way I did, when he had to go to work day in and day out. He's so far removed from his reality that he will never see eye to eye with me.

So, I have found a nar-anon group so I can start to heal, and I am giving myself 60 days to wrap up my affairs and get the heck out of there. Unless he by some miracle he goes into in-patient rehab, then I will reconsider... but I know in my heart that's not going to happen.

Last night I have realized that his trampy 18 year old is just trying to avoid me at all costs and that is just fine. Every word that I had to endure that came out of her mouth last night was either a lie or an excuse and I decided right there and then I just don't care enough about it to get pissed off anymore. It breaks my heart because his 2 younger kids, who are 13 and 11 have been like my own for years. We were so close, I was their confident, and they knew even though I was not their Mom that they could count on me no matter what. I gave them my all when both of their parents were giving them nothing... But now that Big Sister is here (who they have expressed deep hatred for in the past) I am just the villain in the house and all those years of bonding and trust flew out the window in a heartbeat. I know it will be just a matter of time before the 18 year old shits all over them again and they are left heartbroken, but I cannot be the one always picking up the pieces. They have 2, even though both are inept, biological parents to do that for them. I HOPE to always be in their lives, and even though we are going through a very rough time, I will always love them. I know in their hearts they know this.

I sought out a therapist this past winter and I just didn't feel comfortable with her. I felt that she was too quick to judge my situation. I might try again to find someone else. My mood is so down in the dumps and I think at this point I might need medical help. When I get too stressed out my scalp breaks out into sores (gross, right!) and then I start scratching at them and loose a bunch of hair and then I have an infected, bloody scalp and I feel sick. But I have had this condition all my life and this situation has made it the worst it's ever been.

I am PRAYING I am strong enough to stick to my guns with all of this. At the end of the day I am human and this is not going to be easy....

hereiam's picture

Unless he by some miracle he goes into in-patient rehab, then I will reconsider.

Please do not reconsider. If my some miracle, he does want to get help, he needs to do that independently of you and you still need to move on with your life. Don't kid yourself, here, he may tell you anything or do anything (temporarily) to get you to stay. Don't fall for it.

sandye21's picture

Why wait? a lot can happen in 60 days - and it can ruin you. If you do not own the home get out NOW!!

DPW's picture

I was you once, in love with a hardcore drug addict. I thought I could help him too, but I learnt quickly enough that I couldn't help him because he didn't want to help himself. The Nar-Anon meetings will help you. They helped me. I felt less alone with my secret life. It was a secret life because I never told anyone what was going on. I was too embarrassed. I hope you stick to your 60 day plan as it will just get worse. Addiction is a downward spiral until the addict hits their rock bottom or dies. Why would you want to go along for the ride?

I finally left my addict after I lost everything. The most important thing I lost was myself during that period in my life. It took years to find myself again. I was a shell of my former self. I'll never date an addict again even if he's clean. I don't want to be around for the relapse and get stuck in some codependency hell ever again.

misSTEP's picture

Please read up on being codependent. YOU cannot help your fiance. HE cannot help his daughter. Only when they decide to get help will anything TRULY change.

Please get out as soon as you can. You don't need the stress in your life. It is already taking a toll on your health.