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Fighting for my marriage and to not resent SD

taboo228's picture

We've been married 1.5 years. Before we married, my DH and SD had been the dynamic duo for 11 years. BM (drug addict, narcissist that she is) was not in the picture at all. My kids are 13 and 15. Before we got married, it became clear that SD (17 at the time) had WAY more freedom than she had earned and ZERO responsibiity.  In March of the year she graduated ('18), we found out that she was in danger of not graduating b/c she was failing 2 mandatory classes. I've always homeschooled my kids, so I offered my help. DH (boyfriend at the time) authorized me to be in contact with SD's teachers and guidance counselors. It was an EVERY. SINGLE. DAY job. Checking in with her teachers, seeing if she turned her work in, seeing what she could do for extra credit, making sure she was staying after school for help.... the list goes on. I busted my butt to make sure she could graduate and it wasn't until 3 days before graduation that we even knew whether she would walk for sure. She didn't care. She didn't take it seriously. I did it all for my DH - during her last 2 years of high school DH was a primary care provider for his mom and dad who died 2 years apart. SD took full advantage of the circumstances, abusing the freedom all along the way. 

Fast forward to the year we got married... DH and I talked extensively about what expectations we would have in place for all the kids. We landed on: you can live at home 4 years past high school graduation, but you must be in school fulltime or working fulltime. You pay your own bills (cell phone/car insurance), you be a contributing member to the care of our home, respect all members of the home and their work/school schedules, do chores, etc. Nothing over the top. We put it in writing and all signed it. Issues with SD were immedidate after we got married: staying out late, lying about where/who she was with, not paying bills, being a slob (really, really gross stuff ladies--- let your mind go there on personal hygiene), vaping, quitting her job, underage drinking... I could go on. We ( I say we, but in all honesty DH was NEVER the one to call her out, hold her accountable, or enforce the consequences) gave her LOTS of grace. I was well aware that the way I ran my home and the expectations I had for my own DS and DD were very different than what SD was used to, but at this point, she was almost 20. For nearly 9 months, I put HOURS each week into teaching her about budgeting, saving, goal settting, encouraging her to pursue some form of higher ed, or job experience. I got her an interview as a pharmacy tech--- she never showed up; as a vet tech - she ended up calling and telling them she couldn't make it and never followed up. I truly tried to equip her for adult life and with nuggets of things I felt like she had missed out on by not having a 'mother' in her life to date. This 'work' with her caused lots of strife in my marriage. Primarily because DH seemingly cannot hold SD accountable. He lives in fear of her 'turning out like her mom'.

In August of this year, it all came to a blow. I was done. She had lied about a relationship she was having with a minor, hid things from us, and was being a bad influence on my DS and DD; DH would just wring his hands. DH gave her one month to get her own place. She did move out, but into DH's sister's home (where her 23 year old pothead son still lives). 2 months later: she doesn't have her own apartment (continual lies to us about delays in it being available), SD quit her full time job and has not been working - she lied directly to us about her job when we had her over to celebrate her 21st. She cut me out completely - would not respond to texts or calls, so i stopped trying. As I see it, she set out to 'punish' DH: wouldn't return his calls or texts, wouldn't come by the house, didn't come to see her dog; and DH takes the blame. Her contact with my DS and DD has been minimal. I know that she must have dipped into her inheritance from her grandparents and is living the high life at the aunt's. 

Now - DH is going back on it all: they were MY rules and expectations, that he didn't want her to move out, that she should still be home. I am pissed. We had so many discussions about our agreement for the kids-- we revised it as circumstances warranted. Now- it's all my fault. But I'm refusing to allow her to move back in if it comes to that ( no one has asked, but I'm sure aunt isn't going to let this go on forever) and I voiced that in counseling last night. If DH cannot hold her accountable, have reasonable expectations that will launch her into adulthood, and demand she live by our rules under our roof: then she doesn't need to be in our home with my minor children.  I'm so done with her. The spirit of our home has been so much better over the past 6 weeks! I'm mad at what she's doing to her dad. I'm mad that he's taking it all on as 'his fault' and that he 'failed her when she was younger'. I'm not even sure where to go with it all, but am praying for protection for my family. I know that 'she' is not the enemy and that right now she's being consumed with bad choices, but I'm not turning a blind eye to the things she's done. How do I hold my ground here? 

Thanks for reading my novel :( 

Rags's picture

My SS squeeked by with HS graduation.  Though we did not hold his hand and badger the school on his behalf.  We sat him down, told him we either go to his graduation on the scheduled day or we drop him off at the local homeless camp with a brand new Walmart sleeping bag, a Walmart pup tent, and a heavy winter coat.  To hammer home the message I drove him into Philly  and dropped him off at the homeless camp under the Interstate and left him there for a couple of hours to meet his new neighbors.  I drove off, circled back ad parked behind a dumpster behind a strip center across the street where I could see him.  I love those dear people in the homeless camp. They welcomed him, lectured the shit out of him, scared the crap out of him, then gave him a tour of the camp, fed him, gave him a bottle of water, and hugged him when he would break down in tears.  It was winter and very cold.  I pulled up after a couple of hours, honked, gave him the get in the car finger wag and drive him back to his idealic life in affluent suburbia where we saw nothing but butt cheeks and elbows as he ground out his last semester of HS ... with honors. That kid worked his butt off the last semester of HS.  We had catered to him his whole llife and his mom knew she had one last chance to deliver a very pointed parenting message.  So, he graduated on time at a school where he knew no one. We moved shortly afte we dropped him off at Military School to start his Jr. year.   Our local HS was the highest ranked in the state so it was a great school but it was foreign territory for SS.

We had pulled him out of Military School at winter break of his Sr. year and brought him home to finish his last semester at a HS where he knew no one.  His SpermIdiot had helped him hack the school firewall and they would game all night.  The next day he would be comatose in class and ended up failiing the only class the first semester of Sr. year that he needed to graduate.  It was not offered in the Spring or over the summer so we would have had to foot an extra semester of boarding school costs for one class. So... we brought him home and put his outcome entirely on his shoulders.  We scared the shit out of him with the homeless camp visit, and we made his life a living hell for the last semester of HS.  He stepped up.

We did the rules, stay at home rent free after HS graduation if he was a full time college student, working full time, or part time student with a part time job thing with him as you did with your SD.  He was not interested in either college or a job.  So... we turned him into our live in endentured servant/beck-&-call boy, chore bitch.  We worked that kid's ass off.   His mom put up the detailed weekly chore spread sheet broken out by day and hour.  If he failed to get the days chores done, he was on the curb for the next day when his mom and I left for work.  His place in the home was day by day and completely dependent on completing the day's jobs.  He tested us twice and both times he did he was on the curb with no food, no key, no phone.  That was all it took.  Our home was spotless for the next 8mos until we dropped him off at the MEPS center to leave for USAF BMT.  He decided that if he was going to work he might as well make some money rather than just have a roof over his head, food to eat, and clothes to wear. He had always been clear with us that he was not ready to focus and be successful in college and that it would be a waste of his time and our money... at that time.   I am actually proud that he was self aware enough to stand his ground on that and not screw up his accademic record by flunking out of college.

He has been in the USAF with a successful career for 9.5 years, has completed his AS in Computer Science and is working, though slowly, on completing his BSCS.  His mom and I are very proud of him.

You might try escalating the misery with your useless SD rather than any level of coddling.  

I also think that you are wrong that she is not the enemy. She is the enemy. She is her own worst enemy and she will not learn a thing until she hits rock bottom.  Your DH needs clarity that HE is the cause of his daughters failures because he coddled her rather than parenting her and it is long past time to cut off any tender support of this kid.

IMHO of course.

Good luck.

Take care of you.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Yours is a cautionary tale, one that we often hear.

The bottom line is, your H had eleven years to teach his daughter how to adult and be a good citizen. Instead, he selfishly did what was easiest and felt good. He DID ruin his kid by parenting from guilt, and then he found you, a good parent, to come on board and be the bad guy. The minute you started helping a.k.a. overfunctioning, things were doomed to fail. 

SD is who she is, a product of bad genes and poor parenting. You need to let her go. Disengage, go No Contact, stop overfunctioning for your H, and get some emotional distance from this adult relative of your H.

It's common for us to want to blame the skid and protect our spouse, but that doesn't make it right. And while it's good that your H has admitted he is the one to blame, you have every right to be angry with HIM and upset by all the upheaval. Hold him accountable, don't let him play the martyr, and work with your (marriage?) counsellor to get through these feelings. At the same time, you have a right to a peaceful home. SD violated your agreement, and IMO should not be allowed back unless/until her relationship with all of you improves.

You are not alone, and it isn't you. Many of us have been through the same thing.


Movingonisbest's picture

Taboo228, you have only been married for 1.5 years and going through all of this? 1.5 years seems like it should still be the honeymoon phase for a new couple. So sad you didn't heed to the red flags prior to marrying your DH. Or better yet, it is so unfortunate you didn't find this message board beforehand. 

You said "Now - DH is going back on it all: they were MY rules and expectations, that he didn't want her to move out, that she should still be home. I am pissed." I would be pissed too. She's 21. At what age does he think she should launch? Or does he want her to stay home until she is 30, 40, or 50? Smh. So he's blaming you and you are blaming her??? As someone on this board stated, your DH is the culprit. The members of this board will definitely let you know your DH is in no way innocent. 

You aren't even a little bit appalled by his poor parenting skills?  This board helped open my eyes to alot of things about the disney dad/guilty father I was in a relationship with. I dumped him prior to finding this board, but members here helped me realize I made the right decision. The way I see it, men like my ex, your DH, and other disney dad/guilty father types are just disgusting. You said you are fighting for your marriage? I sure hope you aren't fighting for it alone. Doesn't sound like your dh is on the same page as you at all. Would definitely be a deal breaker for me.

SMto3's picture

Because my ss20 seems to be very similar in nature to your Sd, down to the guilt the father via silent treatment thing. I do think you should stand your ground, you and the minor children DESERVE to have peace and tranquility in your home 

Aunt Agatha's picture

We get it.  You see the problem, know the direction to move to fix it.  So many of us on here are or were fixers too. 

But you focused on the wrong problem.  It is not your SD.  It's 100% your DH as many above have said.  He is the core problem for not holding HIS daughter accountable.  While I understand he was caretaking for his aging parent, In not keeping a short leash on his daughter as her behaviour spiraled, then finding you and dragging you into the mess he created by not parenting, he set you up.

Some favorite mantras around here:

- You can't care more than the parent

- Not your circus not your monkey.

What inevitably happens is that the SM who steps in to try to help absolutely becomes the bad guy while the Disney daddies wring their hands and just don't know what to do with their out of control progeny, Ignoring the years of non parenting that got them there.  But they can easily find a partner who will try to step in, before being blamed by the skid who resents their help and rules and the parent who is now upset that the misplaced parenting by the step partner has made little precious step kid angry.

The other favorite mantra: disengage.

While you should not at any point weaken and allow step kid to return (hill to die on), you also need to refocus your frustration on the root cause: your DH.  He is both a terrible parent and a not very good partner in setting you up to be his fall guy.  Not that he's malicious.  As a poster above said, he just wants things to be easy.  By inserting yourself as a fixer, you made things easier on him in the short term, but now he can blame you that precious doesn't want to come back.

Take a huge step back. Let him and only him deal with his kids.  Stop being his fall guy.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.  Turn around, disengage and save yourself.


Harry's picture

Your SO told you a story you married him now he going back on his word.  How many times do we see that here. ???
get your head out of the sand.  It's all DH fault. Not SD.  She was trained this way.  She is not going to change.  I would not change. Nothing like sitting home having Daddddddy support me. Not have to do anything 

Thankful that Daddddy married a maid.  And cook. So SD can live the good life.  Put your foot down make DH put SD out. Or this is going to be your life.  Playing second to SD. 

MissTexas's picture

graciously tried to help. You spent exhausting hours trying to make her a better person, a responsible person, while daddy just sat back and eagerly passed his parenting baton to you, despite the fact YOU HAD AGREED TO HOW THINGS WOULD BE DONE in advance.

HE IS YOUR PROBLEM, and the mastermind behind all of this chaos. 

Another member on here had dates that she and her DH had agreed to that he would not spend with SKs. They signed off on it as  pact with each other. Well, he got a case of amnesia and decided to not only break their agreed upon dates, but TORE HER PAPER with both their signatures up in front of her. Essnetially, when he said "yes" to them, he said "no" to his marriage.

I'm telling you this because I see the similarities in that scenario and yours. Though the details differ, the framework is the same; betrayal on DH's behalf to YOUR AGREEMENT.

It's no wonder the SD is a poor example of what an "adult" child should look like, you have nobody to blame but her father, your DH.

You had invested so much time whereas her father has decided to go the more comfortable route, and now you are paying for his guilt driven lack of parenting.

So sorry.