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Drama-rama ...... AGAIN !!!!

Sweetnothings's picture

So bored with all of this .....

More drama-rama for my DH, in the form of a very long email from BM. She is kicking out ass2, she has had ENOUGH !! Before you steptalkers ask, ass2 lives in another country, is an Adult ( 20 , unemployed,, as in never worked !! With a basic education ) so will not be knocking on our front door with a sob story, blah, blah.

DH has been trying to contact ass2 for weeks now, but gets no reply, etc. So I don't think there is anything else he can do. Even DH said he is NOT throwing any money at ass2 , and he means it !!

All this just as DH was finally settling down after the recent visit to stepdoom land, sigh !!

Other news, ass1 has managed yet another year of not working at all. Her further educational courses take up at most six months of a year, and since early May, she has been free to work. Another Summer spent, well doing not much .......

How many steptalkers out there have steps like this, in their early 20s and not working ???

At least, DH has stopped ALL the money now !!

hereiam's picture

SD is 22, newly divorced, has 2 kids, has never had a job. She did not graduate from high school. She is back living with BM since her divorce.

She just got a ticket (1 of 3) for driving without insurance. Her excuse is, she thought her ex paid it. Ha! Her ex filed for divorce in the beginning of Feb., yet she thought he was paying her car insurance? Not to mention, insurance cards have expiration dates on them. The girl is clueless.

My husband checked the oil in her car. Black. He asks her when the oil was changed last. Blank stare. He told her, you know you have to change the oil, right? Blank stare.

God, I hope BM never dies so she can continue to take care of this incompetent girl she has raised.

SebringLad's picture

Lets see...22,divorced,2 kids,no job !!!
1. Have her tubes tied!!
2. Get an education !!
3.Get some common sense !!!

Sweetnothings's picture

Hah !! No chance of any wheedling !!

Ass2 actually TOLD DH two months ago about moving in with us !! See my previous blogs .....

I thought the radio silence was the ol' fashioned skid punishment treatment after DH had a big talk with ass2 recently AND gave ass2 NO MONEY, which they were expecting....

BM listed lots of reasons for why ass2 is being kicked out. No respect for house rules, living like a pig, stealing her jewelry, no job, etc etc.
Ass2 has been doing nothing for 3 years the ONLY change recently that got BM suddenly acting like BMOY, concerned parent, was that CS stopped.

Towanda's picture

My oldest ss34 hasn't worked in over a year. His choice. The guy only missed one on his ACT score and is a freakin genius. Just can't seem to motivate. However, he is very kind to me and has defended me to his hateful sisters so I am not going to bitch about him. I just don't have a clue what makes him the way he is. One other time, he quit a job for a year and lived in France for 3 months. He has never asked for a dime so whatever....... :?

Tuff Noogies's picture

nope, but i do have a BM like that- 40 and wont work.

i tell ya, it sets a fantastic example for the kids.... Sad

she is absolutely incapable of keeping a job for more than a few weeks and can go forEVER between jobs... now she has gotten so accustomed to mooching i guess she doesnt actually need a job cuz everyone provides it all for her.

marshall52's picture

SS21 never has had a job went to college for 2 semesters, then quit . lazy worthless piece of crap. He stays up till 5 am, sleeps until 2 or 3 pm sits on his computer all day and night, has a media addiction. Entitled , enabled bum, DW lets it go on. Gave him a deadline that by the time he was 21, that was 4 months ago he had to be working or going to school, She wimped out so the leech still sitting here end of aug. Does noting around the house either. Have talked to her about him and no change. Love my DW. but going to tell her if he is not out but the time ss is 24, I'm gone,