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DH and Skids Update.

Sweetnothings's picture

Well, last weekend was a "special" event back in skidville town for skids , so DH decided to reach out to ass1 and ass2. I'm disengaged, so no probs with him contacting them, BUT DH does like to still discuss THEM or their problems/ news with me, but I've learnt well to support him as much as I can but stay more neutral than Switzerland rather than be pulled back into skid insanity.

Ass1 has apparently not contacted DH for over a year ( after he supported her through various schools and University for over five years ( beyond CS too) when he stopped paying he was literally dropped like a hot stone. DH is resigned to this, so his main reaching out to her is by email, which is what he did.

With ass2 DH decided to ring him, this is the skid with the pregnant teenager " gf " , who he is staying with and going to support and raise future baby ( ass2 unemployed for 3 years, never worked, doesn't live with gf, he is in homeless accomodation, so how much use he can be to this girl will be interesting to see) It is a given in skidville country that a lot of benefits will be thrown at this girl. She will be a "single" Mother, who is also unemployed, so let's say she was getting 50 per week, this will be QUADRUPLED ( and then some) and a "free" home thrown in too..... Sigh !!

DH told me all about the call....meh. Ass2 said he had another job interview lined up, there really is a baby on the way, blah, blah. All the right noises that our DHs lurve to hear from adult skids. I asked him how he feels, etc, and he said there is nothing he can change and it's skid's choices etc. He can only hope for the best and that ass2 steps up and sorts out his life.

Oh, yes, and on a TRUELY SHOCKING note DH got a reply from ass1 who now has a real job now, her first in over 8 years of DH telling her she should get one, lol!! She is already struggling with the TERRIBLE strain of getting up at a normal time and going to work, and is EXHAUSTED, poor dear. Welcome to life !! Fingers crossed it's true, DH can only go by what he is told, I guess !!


Sweetnothings's picture

I can relate to that, it's how I feel with these adults now. I can understand where my DH is coming from, and really as each year goes by, he becomes more clear sighted about them.

We did have a mini discussion about how BM never wanted to work and raked in all the benefits she could get ( also her longterm live in bf who also never worked), now ass2 is failing to "launch" after officially three ( but it's really closer to five) years of looking/ trying..... And now this baby ( who I will now use the abbreviation BB, for Benefits Baby, which is really what is happening and who I think will be raising and paying for this child...benefits.) is probably going to be the third generation within that family of not working and living on benefits.......