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LONGTIME SM's picture

And it feels GREAT to not only not have to cater to those spoiled, ungrateful, narcistic so called adult skids - but to also not have to see them!

I was able to spend my time, effort, and money on people that were appreciative and who actually reciprocated with thoughtful meaningful gifts.

As a matter of fact I purchased laptops among other items for both of my bios this Christmas! I have never spent this much on biods Christmas presents before but after the huge rant that middle aged skids made the last two years accusing us of purchasing computers in the past for bios when we actually had not done so and telling us they were jealous of Bio's christmas gifts despite the fact that bios are minors and they are 18 years older and middle aged, I figured that it was my money and I would buy my bios what I d**n well pleased!!!!!!

I am SO OVER IT! So, so-called adult middle aged skids, all of your foot stomping, fist pounding, yelling, cursing, demanding, inappropriate behavior resulted in making me want to do the exact opposite from what you demanded!

Get used to it. Expect more of it. You have simply gone too far in your selfish demands and attempted manipulation and emotional blackmail.

Looking forward to more wonderful Christmas's like the last two have been!

Want to be a better SM's picture

My SD15 mocked my gift to her and had to practically be begged to write a Thank you note to her extremely generous great aunt and uncle who sent a large check to us and each of the skids.

On the bright side, these things make me appreciate the gratitude that fills my heart every day. I am not sure how I got this attitude. I am totally loving the $15 pajamas that my widowed mother gave me and would not change a thing about this Christas. I thank my Parents for that. I thank working hard and all of the accomplishments and my earned success. I really hope my skids find gratitude in their heart some day. If not, they will lead as miserable lives as they are to be around right now!