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Mental Issues

melave09's picture

There is a forum for mentally unfit parents, however what I am dealing with is a bipolar step daughter. How about a forum for children with issues.

SammyJo58's picture

I suspected my son was Bi-Polar at age of 9. I bought the book "The Bi-Polar Child" and it was a lifeline.

I would really recommend reading this book as it provides a wealth of information. Best of luck, it is not easy raising or dealing with a child/youth with a mood disorder.

melave09's picture

Thank you to all who commented. Today was a rough day with her and coming back to the site and finding replies was comforting.

Gracefulsilver's picture

I would love to see that type of forum too.  SD is so mentally ill she needs major help.  I really think she is bordering on psychoath/sociopath if not already there.  How do we get these kids into therapt when the othet parent refuses that it is needed?  Or the child won't listen to anything for their own good and continues to be out of control with lies manipulation and just plain cruelity?  No matter what this child will not be kind to anyone.