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Update on SS! How does he eat so much!

swstepmom's picture

Ok so my ss10 came last week and I realize that one of the problems with having him here is how much this child eats....I personally don't let him overeat but it seems like my dh lets him have whatever he wants even when we are BROKE! We have to drive him 4 hours home and that takes $$$ especially with gas prices.....well on top of all the presents we got him this kid eats us out of house and home if we were to go out. example- we are on our way to take him home (4 hours away) and we are having to watch our money carefully because we only have enough for something for us to eat and gas.....we we stop by sonic on the way out and what does this kid order???? A double supersonic cheese burger, extra large drink, Large order of tots and an order of cheese sticks! His order alone cost over 10 dollars??? For fast food that he didn't even eat! It is like that every time we go out....he thinks that he HAS to get the biggest and most expensive thing on the menu.....I am not only worried about the money but also his health and the reason he wants to order so much....I talked to my dh about this and he said well I knew he was really hungry this I being silly or stupid about my concerns in this??

DaizyDuke's picture

My SS 11.5 eats us out of house and home and it is ALWAYS crap so I purposely WON'T buy food that I know SS likes when I get groceries.. if DH wants to let him eat crap, HE can buy it... DH will stop and get him burger king after school (2:30ish) then SS will eat a steak or a whole sub for "dinner" a couple of hours later, followed by half a bag of chips, then a whole pint of ice cream! Over the summer DH would buy these snickers ice cream bars (which I never ate) I saw SS eating them for breakfast, lunch and dinner! So one day DH goes to get one and asks me "what the heck happened to all of the snickers?" I said I had no idea.. DH was like come on.. no way SS ate all of these.... um you don't think so????

Well DH finally busted him one day when I was not home and SS was there.... DH had had an ice cream the night before and there were 5 left. When he went to get one the next afternoon they were all gone. So DH? No way SS ate all of them, huh??? But the thing is DH doesn't care... he acts like he does, but continues to let SS eat crap and whatever and whenever he wants... and then wonders why SS11 is getting pimples already.. hmmmm??

Timetogiveup's picture

Daizy, I'm guilty of doing the same thing, I won't buy anything the kid likes. I don't buy cookies, chips, or any of that crap either. I never have, he can eat it at his BM's house.

I got some dried crannberries for salads,I got like a half pound. I went to make the salad, the cranberries were all gone. He comes out and said,"ya know I really don't like the cranberries, I like raisins better." I said well why did you eat ALL of them...he said "well, I had to make sure I didn't like them."

Last fall, I got a container of heirloom grape tomaotes. They were on the counter top, I walked the dog came back to eat the tomatoes and they were GONE!!!! Mind you I also had a container of regular grape tomatoes (which were 1/2 the cost of the heirlooms). I'm the only person in the house that eats tomatoes, except for my one dog.....the one that I took for a walk. The kid comes out and said I ate the tomatoes because they were pretty colors. I wanted to smack him, I paid $5.99 for that!

This kid has even mixed my protein powder in soda. I swear kid eats just to eat and to spite everyone.

I hide "my" food him now.

DaizyDuke's picture

luckily for me, I eat healthy and SS won't touch fruit, veggies, soy milk etc. So I don't have to worry about him eating MY stuff. If I do have something that I know he will eat I have a hiding spot where I put it. I showed DH my "spot" the other day and told him that if he EVER gives the spot away I will be coming for him!

Timetogiveup's picture

No you are not being silly, stupid or petty about this.

First of all there are the health concerns.

My SS use to do the same thing and more. If we stopped for breakfast, he "needed" the breakfast meal. The hash browns ended up under the car seat. If we went to a sit down place, we too would order by price and sit there saying I ordered the most expensive thing (mind you this kid can't use a knife and fork either. I got sick him doing that and started ordering FOR him grilled cheese or corn dogs....he got the hint.

One of the things I did was when we went on a day trip, instead of stopping places to eat. I packed food. The first timne I did this he wouldn't eat. Didn't break my heart.

For the 4 hour drive, just pack food for him, no one said you have to stop at a place to feed him.

swstepmom's picture

Wow we have the same ss! Ha Sounds just like mine....! I have done the same thing but my dh will also go buy my ss huge burgers and whatever it is he wants while he is here.....Which just really makes me so mad because I think my ss does it just because....When we took him home we stopped by and seen my mother-in-law and for christmas she gave him money because she had no idea what to get for him....we we told him that we would go to toys r us to let him pick something out if it was ok with his bm to meet us there....well things weren't going so well with bm because she also has two ss 4 and one 10 so she wanted to just meet us in walmart parking started crying and saying he didn't like being with his bm because she always says she'll take him to get a toy and doesn't until the next day??? also that he didn't like his stepbrothers always being at his house(even though usually they are all good buddies and he even calls them his "brothers" not step) so my dh took him to get a game before we met his dh said he just didn't want him upset and that my ss is having problems with his situation which could be true BUT my ss only brings up these "issues" when he wants something or gets in trouble....Anyone else dealing with that???

Krisnkids- I think its probably normal for a 13 yo to eat that much because he is getting into his teen years by my ss has only just turned 10 and has been doing this since I have known him! What age did your son start eating so much?

ThatGirl's picture

Pack a lunch next time so that you don't have to stop for fast food. That or get your husband to budget the kid when going out. With my own sons, it was easy enough for me to tell them No. With his kids??? Not gonna happen.

oneoffour's picture

I would tell him ..OK you have $3 to order your food. We will cover the tip.... Or hand him his money $2-3 and tell him to go inside and buy his own food. If he asks for more money tell him that is all he gets because you needs the rest for gas money.

And stock up on things like Ramen Noodles and Mac and Cheese (although the boxed stuff is vile. I always make my own). Give him a shelf where he can use for his own food. BUT once the food runs out he gets nothing between meals until his next visit.

If your DH is a GD (Guilt Dad) remind him how this is sending his son into a future of Diabetes and if 'someone' really loves their children they will not EVER deliberatley make their kids sick for life.

ddakan's picture

oh doll, my skids think they are RICH when they come to our house. If we go out to eat...most expensive thing they can find.

At sonic, whatever they want they get. They are selfish idiot brats and they think all money is free all the time. On the other hand, all of our boys eat like frikin mad men. Its just something they to do grow. If I do nothing else for the skids and my boys...its HAVE A LOT OF FOOD AT HOME TO EAT!! Stock up your shelves. $10 at the grocery store goes a LOT farther.

We finally just had to say, no, we have to eat at home, and make the time to eat at home.

One of my skids just wanted the food on his plate so no one else could have it. His BM didn't buy a lot of food, so when they were at our house (and we had 7 kids together) it seemed like we made a lot of food. It was a lot, but it had to feed 9 people. We were so broke back then!!!

Fortunately, we are better off now, we pay 1200 a month and still aren't dirt poor like we used to be. Things will get better with you. Keep your ss out of the restaurants and feed him at home...get tea or whatever...and tell him...we are not stopping because we can't afford it right now.

Unhappy's picture

I can identify with what you're saying. My BF's son(3) will get up early in the morning on the weekends eat an entire thing of bananas, anything left out on the counters, about half a dozen yogurts, and drink around 3 to 4 capri suns. And he can still eat breakfast after that. We had to put locks on the refrigerator and pantry door, and make sure not to leave anything out on the counters. He'll even get food and stash it around the house because he knows he's not supposed to get into stuff without asking first.

I guess on the positive side he's not wasting it and what he consumes is pretty healthy for him.

mom2five's picture

All of my boys eat like that. If they were unhealthy or overweight I would worry. But all three are thin and very athletic. My oldest played high school football, my 17 year old runs track, and my 8 year old plays soccer and football.

My girls have never eaten like that. It must be a growing boy thing.

youngladyz's picture

My SKIDS eat like this all the time.
SS14,SD12 ate like this since I came into the picture over 5 yrs ago.
So imagine little kids eating everything...its so annoying.
They are not obese or anything..maybe a tad over weight but its crazy.
Every time we go out to eat they always order the biggest ice cream
possible or after dinner they are digging through our cupboards,,,
SoSo annoying...I started making thier snacks and would say"okay that's
your snack" only to get accused of by BM and inlaws and skids of STARVING
them!!! ugh!! how annoying I could say it a million times!!!