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Super Interesting Read If You Have Time

sunshinex's picture

Let me know your thoughts on it. I think it's interesting to see how the dynamics work in a father-stepmother household situation.

uofarkchick's picture

What in the ever loving eff....

I started reading it but stopped when I saw that they had an article on why women don't belong in combat and when I read that it's a "fact" that daycare is harmful to children.


sunshinex's picture

Hahahaha. Some of the facts are interesting, but it just goes to show what a general "dislike" towards stepmothers society (and even some 'professionals') has!

CANYOUHELP's picture

80% of the SD's hate their SM's, the possibility of being liked by SD's is a HUGE 20%; or 1/5th....Yes, most step mothers are bad, even if they are great people...LOL.