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Sorta OT-mediation-child custody

hismineandours's picture

Well as many of you know I am a therapist at community mental health center. This week my supervisor told us that they were wanting to train someone in mediation-to deal with divorce and child custody situations. The training is fairly intense-I would have to go out of town for at least a week-perhaps 2 at a later time. I am tempted as I have some interest here-but I wonder if my experiences in the stepworld have made me biased and whether I could be completely objective.

I'm also not too keen on testifying and such in court. Dont particularly like it.

Would you guys do something like this if you could?

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I kind of think your experiences could actually help you to NOT be biased. It'll help you to see both perspectives instead of just one. I'd do it if I had time

hismineandours's picture

Wow Echo! How inspiring! I do agree that at least I would know firsthand some of the damage divorce and idiot parents can do vs someone who has never been in a stepfamily and has no clue.