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short term memory

SugarSpice's picture

while skids were growing up and living with bm, they treated their father like crap.

they hated the visitations with him even though they had no discipline and he was a disney dad who indulged every whim. i was the unpaid nanny, chauffeur and nurse while their father was at work.

as children they were given tons of allowance money only to want to spend it on gifts for their own stepfather, the man their mother left for while the stepfather was married. in fact they would argue on who would buy the best gift for their stepfather. (yes bm was a homewrecker for two marriages. the karma train ran her over when her second husband, who was already the father of several childen from his first wife,had an affair with yet another woman.)

as teens the skids disrespected their father while he kept silent and took it all. they laughed at his attempts to parent and "get involved." they failed to mail fathers day cards on time, or even to mail any at all, and laughed when he stated his disappointment saying, thats his tough luck. when he did not buy them enough things (electronics, clothes, handbags) they would punish him by not talking to him for months on end, and screen his calls on the cell phones he bought them. one time this went on for eight months. skid started returning calls as a birthday approached.

now skids are adults dh has forgotten all of this. to him the skids are all angels and great professional successes in spite of one skid getting kicked out of the military.

hereiam's picture

The question is, have they changed now that they are older or do they still treat him like crap? Because, of course, a parent is going to forgive and forget a lot of things that were done as kids.

My SD24 still pulls some of the same crap she did as a teenager and no, my DH has not forgotten and does not completely trust her. But if she would grow up and mature, stop lying and trying to manipulate, he would let his guard down a little and be willing to move their relationship forward.

Now, I have always been very responsible, even as a kid, but I have also always had a mouth (and my DH has nicknamed me, "Mouth"). DH tries to get my dad to admit that I was sassy as a little girl and my dad swears that I was an angel. It frustrates my DH to no end!

SugarSpice's picture

they still treat him like crap. they suck up and sweet talk because he will open his wallet. they call and he comes running and eager to do anything for them. I had surgery and he is starting to order me to get better faster so he wont have to drive me around. some husband, huh?