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Shared Calendar Apps - opinions needed

VENUS452's picture

DH and BM has mediation and one of the things the mediator recommended was a shared calendar app, that all four of us (DH, BM, BM's hubby "DOOFUS", and myself) should use. One of DH's complaints was that BM plans things on his day, without speaking to him about it first and then DH has to be the bad guy when he tells SS he can't go along because we have other plans. Now personally I don't think a shared calendar app is going to help, since I'm pretty sure BM does this on purpose. They've had the same schedule for 7 years, she knows which days are her's, etc. but whatever. They will likely end up back in court anyways so DH want's to put in the best effort so he's not the one preventing this from working.....

Anyways...has anyone else ever used these? Do you have any recommendations? Cozi is the one I heard most mentioned...thoughts?

nengooseus's picture

We're using Our Family Wizard with DH's ex. It's wonderful so far, but it's much more than a shared calendar, as it has messaging and an information bank about the kids and all kind of features. It's not cheap, $100 a year for each side (there are grants and discounts available, I think), but in the week we've used it, I think it's great.

We tried to do a shared Google calendar, but BM wouldn't agree. If all you need is a calendar, it might be worth setting one up. It's free and you can put as many people in to access it as you want.

VENUS452's picture

Thanks! Our Family Wizard sounds nice. I'm sure DH would have to endure the cost on both sides though. Sad I'll look into anyways though!

AmIWicked's picture

DH and BM have court ordered OFW and it works great for the calendar. They have "trade/swaps" for time also that parents can approve or deny with each other.
For example BM had to leave for a conference for work and we had to rearrange the summer visitation schedule for her for the kids because she wouldn't be home. OFW changed the schedule in the calendar for us once we both agreed to the dates and times.

Cover1W's picture

Google here too.
I'm on the "viewable" list of SDs schedules so I can see what's going on.
BM has control of it which drives me a little batty as she doesn't update "older" entries when a newer plan is in place so it looks a little messy.

DP also has no excuse not to know what's on my schedule since I put my appointments on the calendar that just he and I can see.

VENUS452's picture

Awesome! Thanks everyone! Sounds like Google is the best route to go. I'm tempted to set up a general email address altogether so that all school communications, scouts, sports, etc. go to one place so everyone's informed all the time. SS's school for some reason sends some stuff to BM and other stuff to DH and both of them are terrible at informing each other with what's going on. Maybe something like that would be a good resource to get in all in one spot, if BM will agree.