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Sex is not a cure all for me...

xJenniferx's picture

Curious if anyone else has a spouse that thinks sex cures all problems? 

Bad Day - Have Sex 

Kids Stressing you out - Have Sex 

Bad day at work - Have Sex 

Mad at me - Have Sex 

Make up after argument - Have Sex 

and so on.. I am sure you catch my drift here, it drives me insane that for him sex will literally fix everything, when sex is the last thing on my mind after having a hell day with 8 children. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I was married to that.

DO you have sex with him every time? Or do you stop him and tell him you want to TALK?

xJenniferx's picture

I do not have sex with him everytime and If i had to be honest our sex life is gone and has been for a while. 

I am so stressed out all the time, I have zero sex drive and honestly it doesn't happen as often as it probably should, but still I dont find sex to be a cure for anything like he does. 

Even after sex the stress is still there for me where I guess it is not for him. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I saw your other forum topic. It sounds like you are seriously considering ending this relationship. Frankly, you have enough stress with 3 bios and your nephew. Your fiance and his 4 children are only adding to the nightmare you're living.

Hon, you have been with him for 6 YEARS. He has shown you who he is and that's unlikely to change. That manipulative 7yo is only going to step up her game because Daddeeee lets her get away with that crappy behavior. Expect it to get WORSE and your stress level to INCREASE.

Dovina's picture

OP your nightmare will increase with this whole situation. Your 7 yr old sd will get far worse, in fact you will look back and think of this as the good old days when you live in how worse it will get...seriously listen to the advice.

sunshinex's picture

All relationships have ebbs and flows in terms of sex. BUT if you're finding yourself withdrawing from your partner because of stress CAUSED by them (and their kids), maybe it's time to rethink the relationship? This is not normal ebb and flow - it's one person being unhappy as a result of the other and that unhappiness is taking it's roll on your sex drive. I'm sure it's taking it's toll on other aspects of your mental health and well-being too. 


tog redux's picture

My DH doesn't see it as a "Cure All", but he sure wants way more than I do.

We've come to a place of understanding about that that meets both of our needs.  If I were in your shoes, I would never want him to touch me, period. First off, I'd be half-dead dealing with 8 kids, and secondly, he doesn't support you and treats you like garbage. What a turn-on that is.

Siemprematahari's picture

What woman in their right mind would want to give a man that part of themselves after all that bullsh!t you go in and day out......

He's clueless and you need to let him know about himself!

susanm's picture

I don't know about you all but I need to be relaxed and not stressed out about 40 different things to have good sex.  But when I am stressed out, I miss having good sex.  And "maintenance sex" just is NOT cutting it.  DH is trying but he is having "issues" that he is not quite coming to terms with addressing completely.  Have any of you ever been in the middle of having sex and had the thought go through your head "man, I really need to get laid?"  Anyone know what I am talking about????  Not that sex is a cure all because it is not but every human has needs that build up, KWIM?

WarMachine13's picture

Sorry but only assh0les do that. I'd never try to make love to my wife of she's upset, mad, strssed.

marblefawn's picture

This is the classic difference in how men and women think of sex and intimacy. And thank god for it or women would have been pregnant every 10 months. It's nature's birth control.

shamds's picture

When women are stressed or have issues, we’re quite vocal and will talk with our closest friends/family.

men on the other hand de-stress by having sex, they can’t de-stress by talking it out...

i’m a firm believer of communication 

Rags's picture

While sex can't make a marriage it sure can end one. Particularly when the cavern crotched adulterous whore of an XW is shopping the pooty all over town to every available swinging Johnson she can knob gobble with every orifice she possesses.  Not that I remain bitter or anything. Nearly 29 years post divorce.    


And since there is justice in life, she has lived a significantly miserable life since then.   Three out of wedlock pregnancies while with her serial cheat partners, a $multi-million dollar civil court judgment against her, at least two divorces, etc.....  And it couldn't happen to a person more worthy of a life of abject misery.

Sex can be a great bonding activity even during stressful times. But it should never be used to control, manipulate, avoid or otherwise obfuscate other life issues.

This is one of those you know it when you see it things and you are seeing that it is a problem in your marriage. So .. it is definitely a problem.

Take care of you.

amysunshine's picture

I feel like this describes my life exactly! I know what you are going through. Let's fight and then five minutes later he wants to have sex. Women don't do that. Then it's like why don't you want to, aren't you attracted to me anymore, etc. No, you were just being a dick so no.

readingandlearning's picture

I quit wanting to have sex with him after being subjected to disrespect from his entitled brats during the day and him yelling at me for addressing their behavior. I no longer respected him as a man nor parent. I'm not that desperate.