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SD won’t eat anything!!

Sami2019's picture

Hi Girls... just looking for a bit of advice my step daughter is almost 2 and a half, she is with us at weekends and we have a fantastic relationship now. My only issue is meal times, I cook from scratch (just the way I've been brought up) and her daddy is a head chef so fresh, good food and nutrition is just how we are wired.

so my issue is BM does/ can not cook so McDonald's is on the menus 3+ times a week and processed food in between. So when my SD comes to us and gets real food it's met with a mouthful and a tantrum. Like her dad says to me if it was processed crap put down she'd be all over it. It's not me proving a point but it isn't healthy for her and she is constantly consitipated as well which is down to her diet and causes her pain.

He's said to BM we need to cute down on gluten (polite way of saying the cakes before bed, constant fast food and crap) to ease this.

But it falls on deaf ears as she's a I know everything type, even to the point my SD was taken into hospital with a bad viral inflection on admittance her heart rate was high too so doc suggested cutting down on salt etc. Low and behold my partner checked in later and McDonald's was for dinner!! 

What do we do because we're at a total loss we try our side but she will only eat what she's used to that side and ex won't listen to anything!

Thanks in advance ladies xx

Winterglow's picture

There isn't actually very much you can do about what happens in her mother's home. All you can do is carry on doing what you're doing and making good healthy food. At 2, her tastes are not set in stone and there is always time for her to adopt other foods. I wouldn't make anything special for her - a 2yo isn't going to starve, she'll eat eventually. Just be patient and keep on making varied meals.

Sami2019's picture

Thank you that's what I do just change it from meals to picky picnic style to keep trying her on different things. It's just hard some days and yesterday was one of those

tog redux's picture

You guys can't control what happens at BM's, so stop trying.

I'm surprised you can't find any "real food" she likes - lots of it is very tasty.

Sami2019's picture

I under that! And we're not trying to just saying she's constipated so could you try...

she'll eat bits and last night was better 

Wrong Way Diva's picture

I had a picky child and had 2 strategies...

one, reverse psychology--"no SD you can't have broccoli, it's only for grown ups".  Well, mayyybbeee you can have a tiny bite.   My kids still fight over the last piece of buttered broccoli.   

Two--make it a non-issue.   My kids had to try a "polite bite" of everything on their plate.  If they didn't like it, I just shrugged and said ok.  No fighting, no begging, just nothing.  It takes away the power and attention the child is getting.  

To be honest, I did pay grandchild $1 to try fried calamari on vacation.   Now she loves it and pigs it down! 

Sami2019's picture

Thank you!!! That's a great idea!! I'll try that with her and hopefully it'll help she loves the idea of having grown up things so I love this idea!!

Thisisnotus's picture

She is just a baby really. 

My 2 year old barely will eat anything......I can’t force her but the big kids and mostly MIL have been giving her fries so she loves fries and ketchup....grrrrr...I have a 12,15 and 17 DDs....and OMG I wouldn’t have dared give them fast food as toddlers.....haha 

i am  terrified actually....skids 12 and 17 eat NOTHING but fries and chicken while my DDS eat any and everything and lots of healthy stuff. I worry myself sick that my DD2 will turn out like skids.....

Rags's picture

Let her starve. She won't wait long to eat after her tummy is growling and thinks that her throat has been cut.

Keep it simple. Eat, or go hungry. 

Stay the course.