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Now a fun message from SD18!

Redsonya's picture

lol - it's SD18's turn. I got a lovely message from her saying that 1) her dad is not her family and won't be until he leaves me 2) I am a bitch because I decided not to have BM's nephew at my house for regular visitation with SS13 3) and again with the accusations of "buying" her and that she just used me. She also called me her dad's "wife" just to throw out some lack of validity as his wife? Didn't really get that one.

She is 18 so I let her have it. #1 - If her dad isn't her family, then she can stop calling "daddy" everytime she needs money or favors. Those favors were provided by me and it aint happening anymore. At one point last year when she wanted money to move up north, DH gave it to her, if she took down all the mean posts on Facebook about he and I. She literally responded that she would do her best, but there were so many. I kid you not.

#2 - I am not required to take care of BM's nephew in my home - DH can see him anywhere else he likes, but he hasn't made that a priority, has he, princess? All I hear is how awful I am, but for some reason, BM and the sbrats can't stand the fact that I don't want a kid that isn't related to DH, is totally disturbed, and a major pain in the ass in my house regularly so that I can cook, clean, and deal with him and give BM weekends off to screw her latest victim.

#3 - I do nice things for everyone in my life - its called being generous. If you have so little self respect that you accept all those gifts and help and ask for even more, then you are the one with the problem. Considering your mother has "dated" men that you and your brother admitted were totally gross "but he is fixing her car for her os its okay", I guess I know where this entitled attitude comes from.

Oh, and P.S. I am your dad's "wife" but you are his "daughter" since some man came crawling out of the woodwork last year saying that its haunted him for 18 years that she might be his - remember that?

I am going to abandon my email address and get a new one.

Redsonya's picture

The funniest part about all of this is that we are weeks away from getting our final divorce judgement and DH has his own place in another town. I haven't seen him in at least three weeks and made it pretty clear I didn't want to again. From what I've heard, DH is on another crazy drinking bender, in jail for the weekend for calling his brother in law and making threats and is now facing felony charges for criminal threats. Just another fun day in the life of someone spiraling out of control. Happy as hell to be out of it all.

Redsonya's picture

I think the issue is that they don't know whats going on in DH's life and their mom and DH used to separate, live in different houses and get back together on and off for years. They don't see him moving out as a big deal and they don't know that the judgement is coming and we'll be done.

Redsonya's picture

Ohhhh me too. The way this mess goes is that they will say all of this to me, but then turn around next week (if I got back together with DH - not happening) and expect to come right back into my house, sit on their asses all weekend on the couch watching TV, while I pick up after them and feed them their favorite foods. And act like nothing ever happened. They have a major wake up call coming since I propped up DH for three years and made life half way decent for them. With me gone, DH will spiral out of control, BM will continue to sit on her ass and do nothing, and there won't be a stable force in the background holding things together and giving them treats, trips, and support.