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New here with a vent

MrsK's picture

I'm so very grateful to have found this place. I'm a BM of two teenage girls and have two SS's ages 5 and 8.
SS's don't live with us full time but I do keep them during the day while BM works. I only have a break from them EOW

I'm honestly at my wits end and just need to get all this out. I apologize in advance if this vent ends up all over the place and extremely long.

1. Dearest MIL (gag): the sun does not rise and set on these little gremlins. They are ill behaved heathens. You giving into their every little whim is doing them no justice. You are teaching them to be entitled, discontented little brats. No, they don't need every game system invented. MIL, what in the hell were you thinking when you bought Assassins of Creed for an 8yr old?? You are flipping insane! Guess what, MIL... SS8 no longer has that game. I never allowed my girls to play with that trash and I'm surely not going to allow SS's access to the same. Stop buying them stuff. All they do is want! They don't play with a 10th of the junk in their room. Stop with the "you never had boys" crap. Having boys has nothing to do with their behavior. Kids are freaking kids. If you wanna use that kind of logic, you never had girls. Believe me this, I've seen and heard it all.

2. Dear SS's, Just STOP! Stop the fighting, the messes left for me to clean. GO PLAY OUTSIDE! You need to learn how to entertain yourselves. You are NOT the center of attention. Stop butting in every adult conversation. Stop! My company is not here to see you so quit looking for the spotlight! I don't run a restaurant. Eat what's in front of you or have Mommy pack your breakfast and lunch daily. There's more to life than hot dogs and chicken tenders.

3. BM, I keep your precious bundles during the day. Leave DH's paycheck alone. You don't Need an increase in CS. If anything, you should have it reduced since they are with me most of their waking hrs.

Ugh.. I feel a bit better now...

BETH01's picture

WOW, I must say first off, you are quite a woman for even taking care of them!!!! The CS does need to be reduced, or see needs to PAY you to take care of her brats.

poisonivy's picture

Oh, sweetie, no. This is wrong. Its no wonder you feel the way you do, you're being walked all over. BM needs to pay you for your services or find somewhere else for the precious bundles to go during the day. Unless there is a lot more to this story, you're being used. Please stand up for yourself before the resentment and frustration that these situations garner take over.

MrsK's picture

@Beth01... Quite a woman..Eh? Glutton for punishment, most definitely!

@snickersgal... I just recently started being SS's primary care provider (about a month now). The motion for modification started shortly prior. The boys had issues with their previous sitter. It wasn't a good environment from what I heard and CPS is investigating. But, that is neither here or there. If she pushes the increase and gets it, they will be out of here or she will be paying me the equivalent she would be paying elsewhere. DH pays a sufficient amount of support as it is. I'm not going to tolerate an increase that she will profit from.

@poisonivy... My intentions were solely in the boys best interest when I agreed to care for them during the day. Not one of my brighter ideas I must say. The resentment is creeping in :/

MrsK's picture

Can I add to my vent...

I'm tired of feeling like I'm on house arrest with these boys. When my girls were little, I was able to take them anywhere and everywhere without incident. Why? Because I taught them from day one how to behave in public.

How do I teach these little gremlins how to behave? It would be nice to spend a quiet evening or weekend with my husband. Instead, errands are crammed into the time we should be enjoying each other.

kaseynboys's picture

Oh I couldn't have said that any better!!!!! With my 3 children BS12, BS12(twins), BD3 I can pack em up and do anything I need to do with no worries. I have 3 of my 6 skids for the summer and I can't take them anywhere without wanting to strangle them. They are SD12, SD10, and SS8 and none of them have any manners or common sense!!!!!