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interesting thread on reddit

yogasmom's picture

Just had to share this jem from one of my other support groups. Crazy can go both ways... if you read the comments it becomes more and more glaringly obvious by her responses.

still learning's picture

"She got herself pregnant..." How in the world did that happen? Glad her boyfriend had nothing to do with it. LOL! Some people are gluttons for punishment.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I liked the part about how "Miss Perfect" breastfed her child just to spite OP and her tomcat. Yup.

ldvilen's picture

This is hiliarious: “He was trying to work things to be in a stronger position for custody before she could find out. . . Sadly, the stress caused my husband to cheat on me.” The guy sounds like a real cad, one of those who will hang out with any woman in a position to give his lifestyle/wallet a boost. He was/is hunting around for a better deal. Almost makes you wonder if it is true, but she does give a lot of detail. I wouldn’t expect any empathy from anyone after that.

hereiam's picture

"Sadly, the stress of my husband cheating on me, caused me to shoot him in the face, killing him dead. Sorry, Your Honor. Are we done, here?"