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ILLINOIS LAWYER rec? Fathers rights Attorney

SteppingAway's picture

DH's lawyer is not cutting it. We are in Chicago. Does anyone know of a really good family law/ custody attorney in the area? We know Jeffrey Leving and his firm have a good rep, but we've heard they bill unnecessarily. Anyone had a good experience with them? Any divorce/custody attorneys you think we should avoid?

SMof2Girls's picture

I'm not in your area, but I can sympathize. It seems lawyers for the father's side just generally stink ..

Good luck in your search!

SteppingAway's picture

Thank you! At first, I honestly thought DH's lawyer was just promom and wanted him to lose. As time goes on, I'm thinking she's just a bad lawyer.

SMof2Girls's picture

I feel the same way about my DH's lawyer too. She just seems lazy, unmotivated, and disinterested.

To get anything out of her takes multiple emails and follow-up phone calls .. it's extremely annoying! And not to mention, she always seems to urge DH to settle and agree out of court, which I understand is cost-effective and favorable in the eyes of the judge, but when it doesn't get DH even close to what he wants, or hurts his custody case in the long run .. it's infuriating!

To switch means to start over with a new, more expensive attorney .. and I have yet to get a personal recommendation from anyone in my area who really loves their lawyer!

Iamagoodparent's picture

I know a few friends who have had poor experience with Leving office. They both paid quite a bit of $ and then the firm quit the case in the middle.