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How do SD's come home with so many diseases?

Shieldmaiden's picture

SD18 isn't coming over this week. Yay! She has some sort of tonsil/throat infection - possibly strep throat? She is going to the doctor today. I told DH I don't want what she has, so she can just stay over at her gross BM's house until she is no longer contagious. 

For a kid who is basically agoraphobic - how does she get Mono, strep, and god knows what else, every freaking month? She never leaves the house? Her personal hygiene isn't great, but still.... How??? 

Anyway, I am just hoping she doesn't send her sister over, coughing all over us. Blech. Tired of the sicky twins bringing their plague into my house. End of rant!

Rags's picture

People just need to stay the hell home when they are sick.  In blended situations, sick contagious kids need to stay where they are until they recover.

Not a difficult concept to grasp.

TrueNorth77's picture

Seriously, every time skids come, one of them is sick. SD13 told me she had a sore throat and was nauseous hours after they got to our house on Monday. Last time SS was throwing up and called into work. (Turns out he was taking an expired workout supplement that was making him sick). It is CONSTANT. We leave for vacay next Friday and I am terrified of them giving us this crap. HOW is it possible?? SD barely leaves the house! 

Mommymode1985's picture

Every time my SD9 goes over to her moms house she comes back sick. It's happened EVERY time in the past 3 years, so it's like ... a thing now. We expect it. I'm also curious. I think it's bc she rarely sees her BM and she's getting used to new germs/environments, similar to when one goes from the east coast to west and gets sick or from North to south and gets sick. Who knows.

Livingoutloud's picture

Is she actually sick or she says she is?

My SDs both supposedly have long lists of allergies syndromes and diseases. Most aren't true. No evidence. OSD had covid like 5 times. Never did the single test. For all we know she possibly didn't even have it once. 

OSD is now assigning health issues and illnesses to SGD7. No actual evidence 

Rags's picture

I can't stand them.

Not that I am a medical professional. I am not. However, as a long time suffere of an auto immude disease, I have learned to dispise the maniulators and the idiots.

Most despised are the "my Uncles, wife's, brother's, sister's cousins' girlfriend's cousin is a diabetic and they eat whatever they want and just take more insulin. So you don't have to not eat sugar."  I want to beat those dipshits senseless when they crawl out from hnder their idiot rock.

Though the "I have had covid 9 times and have never tested" dipshits are not far behind my beat them senseless list. OR... beat them into a COVID recovery. As the case may be.



Exjuliemccoy's picture

Something I've noticed on ST over the years is the lack of parenting kids get post-divorce, and just how far reaching that lack of parenting goes. It produces skids who don't know how to wash their own bodies properly, maintain a healthy degree of sanitation in their personal spaces, or take care of their own health. Heck, some can't tie their shoelaces, make change for a dollar or remember that it's wipe front to back, not back to front. 

Could your SD be using illness to get attention, or an excuse to avoid engaging with the real world?


Shieldmaiden's picture

That could be. Whenever skids say their tonsils are "leaking pus" (post nasal drip) or their ankle feels broken (growing pains) or they are dying (panic attack) I always take it with a grain of salt. It turns out to never be as serious as they make it sound. I do think my other SD (16) likely is diabetic because when she eats sugar or carbs (which is her entire diet) she gets nauseaus, has acid reflux, has headaches, she complains of peeing every 5 minutes, etc. Diabetes runs in her family, but will she go to the doctor for a blood test? NO. I get to hear about his all day, every day. When I say "So, have your mom make you a doctor appointment and have them test your A1c and your Thyroid function. She says "Oh, ok." But its been years and she is still "suffering." I tell her that I would feel like crap too if I ate all that sugar and mac and cheese. She might want to try a different diet. 

Winterglow's picture

Does she have any idea what can happen to her if she has diabetes and doesn't take care of it? At 16, she probably thinks it won't happen to her... but it most certainly can, as can a diabetic coma. Can your DH take her to see a doc?

Shieldmaiden's picture

Yes, they all watched their grandma eat cookies and forget to take her insulin. Grandma last a toe at a time and finally her kidneys gave out. When oldest SD (now 20) was 15, she was refusing to eat anything but cola, pizza, flaming Cheetos, Takis, and candy. She complained of headaches, stomacheaches, and tireness. I tried to explain to her one day over dinner that she needs to pay attention to what her body is telling her, and change her diet - or she may end up losing toes like her Grandma - as she could very well be diabetic. SD freaked out on me, yelling and crying that I was talking mean about her grandma (who I was friends with) instead of understanding the message that I was calmly trying to get across - as she begged for more soda and candy for dinner and DH gave her money for it. WTF?

I ended up being the bad guy and they all willfully refused to see the light. So, I don't bring it up anymore,  unless they are whining about their poor health. Then I tell them to see a doctor, which they ignore. So, when they are diagnosed or end up in the ER, I'm sure they will act like it a HUGE surprise. 

daisydiamond82's picture

As a type 1 diabetic myself I would not wish this disease on anyone. Someone else mentioned she's likely type 2 and I have to agree with that, too. I was 25 when I was diagnosed. Which is later in life for most type 1's, but I didn't realize the signs at the time. I was thirsty 24/7 and hungry. I too was constipated like your SD and her family. Lol. It's not a good time. I was also TIRED. My hair fell out. I lost 100 lbs really quick. I honestly thought it was stress. I had just moved back in with my parents after a horrible long term relationship. Started a new job. You know... life stuff. Nope. Ended up in the ER because I thought I had pneumonia. I was having hard time breathing. My mom told a nurse to test my blood sugar (one of my sisters is also a type 1 and was diagnosed when she was a kiddo so I think my mom knew what was going on before I did) and sure enough after the nurse did it she goes, "ok, be right back!" It was 850. My A1C was 14+ because apparently it doesn't go higher than 14. Yikes. 4 days in the ICU. Got to go home on Halloween. My life did a 360. I wish more people took diabetes seriously. Especially type 2, which is usually preventable. You can lose your sight, your limbs, and complete ability to function at it's worst. For some reason, I have a feeling NONE of that would scare your SD to take care of herself though from what I've read of your posts. It's a bummer for sure. She really is just one ER visit away from having that diagnosis. I guess natural consequences eventually catch up with everyone.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Wow! That sounds horrible. I know I sound jaded sometimes, but I really do want the best for the SD's. I am just fed up with how their family ignores the obvious. SD16 is jumping on the bandwagon of "anti red meat and anti fats" lately. She won't eat a steak but she will eat toaster waffles, mac n cheese, and lots of other processed foods. I keep telling her that meat and vegetables prepared at home, is a lot better for her than all that sugar, salt and carbs, but she doesn't hear me. 

Rags's picture


From the symptoms you indicate, my guess is that SD is possibly aType 2 diabetic.  If she were a Type 1, she would be dead already.  She knows she feels like shit when she eats that shit, let her suffer.  Better yet, take her to a lab for an A1c and get a definitive result. If she is a T-2.... as the CP BM will have to get her proper care and medications.  

If she is a diabetic, I know how shitty she feels when she has a carbgasm and drives her BG through the roof.  Mine was over 900mg/dl when I was Dx'd as a T-1 41+ years ago and I still cringe at how crappy I felt.  These days if I have an occlusion and go over 180mg/dl I feel like hammered dog crap. I am hyper diligent on maintaining my BG at near normal BG levels for a non diabetic.  Probably a control freak engineer thing.

She may also have a gluten or lactose issue even if it isn't T-2.

IMHO and medical layman's opinion of course. 

I truly hope she is not a diabetic, of any flavor.  I would not wish this disease on anyone.  While it is entirely manageable and if well managed one can have a healthy and quality life, it is a life consuming ailment.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Ha! I knew it. You are an engineer. I worked at a coffee shop on an Intel campus once, and most of my customers were engineers. I remember one guy built a robot to order his coffee for him, so he wouldn't have to socially interact with us. That is the epitome of engineer logic, and it still makes me chuckle. I don't blame them. I hate people too. 

You are probably right about the type 2. Their diets are awful. They suffer from such bad constipation that they have family joke about it. They call a really hard turd a "clinker" because its so hard and dry, it should make a clinking noise when it hits the toilet bowl. DH swears they got this condition from their BM, but its clear she also eats nothing but processed and fast foods, soo......

I've tried to get DH to take them to the doctor, but the skids aren't on his insurance, and he is the non custodial parent, so he doesn't. BM "forgets" to make any appointments at all unless it suits her somehow.