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gotta vent...had to call police...what is wrong w/this kid?

mombydefault's picture

I'll try to keep this short. I just need to vent.

-Thursday the ss9 retaliated against a bully at school. Ss9 created a club for his friends, which his father and I were completely unaware of. He made one of his friends sign a contract stating that if the friend was friends w/the bully, the friend couldn't be in the club. The school suspended ss9. I was off work on Friday and I got to spend it w/ss9, which was not in my plans.

-Monday ss9 rode home with a friend after school like he always does. My DH takes the friend to school in the morning and ss' friend's mom takes both of them home after school. He was supposed to do homework at friends house before playing outside. Friend lives in same neighborhood. Ss sees DH drive by and knows that he didn't do his homework. So ss decides to run and hide before his dad sees him so that he doesn't get in trouble for not doing homework. We could not find him. Neighborhood kids could not find him. We called the police. After about an hour of searching he was found hiding under bushes outside. Police talked to him, we talked to him and rules for after school have now changed a little. I had taken this day off work too and it was my birthday. Happy freaking b-day to me. I spent it searching for ss.

-Today I go into apt. office and was pulled aside by the manager for a discussion about ss. She asked what happened. I explained. She asked if I knew what was being said at the school. I asked if there was something that we needed to be aware of. Somehow rumors are now being passed around school that ss9 was kidnapped, tied up at the ankles and had his mouth taped shut. The apt. manager had called police to make sure this wasn't true. Police told her the truth and she had to repeat it to several concerned parents who were calling her late in the afternoon. She asked me to talk to ss about it, which of course I will do. I'm not sure if he started the crazy story or if his friends in the neighborhood did, but in this case I'm relieved that we called the police so that the truth is known.

What do we do w/the kid? He's normally well behaved other than a little lying and disobeying here and there. I don't know what his problem is lately, but I have absolutely had it with his behavior lately. I already have the stress of living w/him to begin with, the stress of being in the process of buying a house, the stress of work, I can't handle this right now.

mombydefault's picture

It's very minor bullying behavior, no physical violence. My DH did talk to the school. SS did deserve to be in trouble, but suspension is a bit of a steep punishment. The principal has a very childlike mentality herself, which has been a constant battle.

herewegoagain's picture

Why did the school suspend him for that? I think schools have lost their minds! I can understand if he was making a "bully" club to beat up on other kids, but that wasn't the case...ugh...thus the reason I homeschool...makes me sick to my stomach.