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FB pictures, snarky comments.....

Imthewife20's picture

Have a question.....I'm sure most of you have FB and will post pics of kids.

I have had this issue with the family...but just got a snarky comment from a friend of over 28 years....
posted a pic of DH, our two kids, and myself at son's family picnic today. It was the last day of school. I get a comment from these friends asking where SD is?????? REALLY??????

SD is 24 and lives in another state. She has graduated college as an RN and chooses to live there with her BF. She's been there since 2011. OH.....AND THEY DID NOT EVEN SAY HER CORRECT NAME. she has a name similar to "Ashley", which is what they put.....but her name is NOT ASHLEY. Seriously, they have known DH since before SD was born! EVERYONE knows where she is......she's on Facebook with them all as well!

I'm sick of these ridiculous inquiries as to where SD is. Do you ever feel it is not OK to live YOUR life and celebrate the small things because someone just HAS TO point out the stepkid is not in the picture?????? How about I post what I want.....

What's your comeback to these snarky ridiculous, waste of time comments?????

I would have been a complete jerk with my response, but we will be seeing this couple next week.....

SMforever's picture

Any time you post a family pic on fb you are setting yourself up to get buttons pushed. I just keep fb for posting funny or interesting stuff but would rarely if ever put up people pics. I hate it when someone else tags me, what's the point? Tbh, I usually unfollow "friends" who continually post every detail of their social life, I don't find it interesting, Perhaps by posting, you are giving other folks unnecessary opportunities to comment on things that are triggers for you.

mro's picture

Agree, I haven't used it myself in years (I only got it to see what DS was up to at college since he is not a great communicator). I'd go with "Correctname is living in Oklahoma and working as an RN, thanks for asking".

Stepped in what momma's picture

MRO has the best answer by far! }:) But I put my comment under the wrong person, lol

mro's picture

Agree, I haven't used it myself in years (I only got it to see what DS was up to at college since he is not a great communicator). I'd go with "Correctname is living in Oklahoma and working as an RN, thanks for asking".

Acratopotes's picture

Oh I would've been a total cow and remarked something like...

SD's name is XXXX, I've asked H if he has another daughter named Ashley and he denies it, our daughter XXX is living her life and turned into a awesome young lady......

hereiam's picture

If they know you and your DH so well and for so long, don't they know that your SD is an adult and lives elsewhere?

I would probably ignore or just reply that she is home in Michigan, or whatever.

I don't participate in the FB thing but if anybody at a family event were to ask me where my SD26 was, I would tell them that she is where she wants to be. And that is not with us.

SM12's picture

In the 6 years I have been with DH, we have never once taken a picture with all the Skids and BS together at once. Never.
It always seems there is at least one person missing or no one bothers to think about taking a picture.

I love the response "Who's Ashley"

That made me crack up

Hikinggal's picture

FB is a weird, wild world. I tend to "hide" people from my newsfeed who only post funny/useless stuff because I like to encourage others in their lives and see what they are up to (not in a nosy way, but if they like to share, that's awesome, I'll like it and comment). I also like things with a bit more depth. So everyone likes FB for different reasons. I don't think it's as "negative" as some like to paint it, it's all in the eye of the beholder and how one uses it. Like anything in life.

Anyway, just do what you do because you want to do it and let the negative crap go. I know sometimes that is easier said than done. Use FB how you want and let the rest go. Who knows what their intent was, and if they did have a weird agenda attached to their comment, oh well!