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Everyone in his life hates

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Where do I begin?

His "bestfriends" can't stand me. One of them is pissed that BF didn't go to a concert with him almost 2 years ago. He blames me for not letting BF go and BF never stood up and said "no it was because I didn't want to go with you." Now he won't return any of his calls or texts.

The other can't stand me because he was hitting on me and got busted by his wife, while I was trying to get away from him. She totally blamed me and now she says that I'm a horrible person and bad mother. I called her other names so my BF can't go over there and hang out now because he doesn't want to talk to her. And she felt like I was trying to keep BF and his best friend apart.

The third is nice to my face but talks about me when I'm not around.

BF's ex-wife's family hates me. Because, and yes I know this is strange, I dated BF's ex-wifes brother and had a son with him (this was LONG before BF and I got together). So that whole family hates me because my ex used to lie to them and tell them that I wouldn't let him get his son and that I was making life difficult for him. When infact he just didn't feel like driving to get his son. And because they were hoping that BF and BM would get back together one day.

His ex-wife hates me because I'm pretty sure that she's convinced that she could and would have more of his time if it wasn't for me being in the picture.

His daughter, I don't think she hates me but I'm not convinced that she LOVES me being around either.

So, what do I do? I feel like BF resents me because a lot of people that were in his life have turned their backs on him because of me. I'm sitting here wondering what all he has said about me to some of these people to make them think so lowly of me.

How will a relationship survive with that much resentment? Everytime we fight he says "I gave up all of my friends for you." But he didn't he still talks to some of them.

Anyone in the same situation where BF's or DH's or SO's friends or family hates them? How did it turn out?