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dh picks fights

SugarSpice's picture

dh seems to pick fights whenever he anticipates seeing the sds. we are supposed to me meeting for brunch and all of a sudden his panties are in a bunch. he seems testy and crabby. i think its because he is much happier in their presence than in mine. the skids are all over him adoring him. both of them are not married.

SugarSpice's picture

this is what eventually happened. i decided not to go. i am wondering though if i let them set a precedent of dates.

SugarSpice's picture

between a rock and a hard place. if i dont go then it will give the impression of just them.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Not the same but ...... My hubby used to pick fight with me in order to see his mistress.

Rags's picture

It may be that DH wants to disconnect from you during visitations so he can focus on the Skids without guilt and distraction and it is easier if there is marital tension while they are visiting. Maybe? :?