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Court and Child support

stuknaz's picture

Well I talked DH into going to court and the date was today!

Anyhows BM will be getting $245.00 a week for two kids. She also wanted sole custody and got it! As far as insurance DH already has them on his insurance since they were born.

Originally the agreement was 50/50 but BM shut that down and DH didn't put up much of a fight if any.

The kids will be with her 100% of the time. Dh is sad,but I'm not. Should I be???

Actually, I feel rather elated to tell you the truth. Why?

1. Well because the child support and the kids were the only two cards BM had in her hand. And she just threw that in so she has nothing else to hold over DH's head.

2. The kids were a pain in the azz when they were at our house (50%) (Fri-Fri)of the time. Coming home to find a driveway full of teenage boys(between 6 and 10 kids everyday)

3. Having them eat all the food in the house(hey they're growing boys) I spent $400.00 a month of grociers for those greedy kids.

4. They didn't do any chores dishes, taking trash out etc... so guess who was stuck doing it after getting home from work

5. Let see what else..No sex for us for that week, because there room was right next to ours.

Am I wrong for not feeling bad but extremely HAPPY!! YIPEE! }:)

Angel72's picture

Its up to their dad to reinforce chores etc..etc..but i do understand the sex issue. I also skip out when they are around.
My dh ex reared her ugly head again and used the 'lll see you in court' card. I told him, let her! This time if she truly goes through with the threat she in for a surprise. Cause there will be no arbitration. i told my dh enough is enough. We will cut as much off as her as we need! She deosn't use the money in our case fo rthe kids. She better be clean of drugs because i will tell our lawyer she is to be tested and she will be accused of not providing a good enough home. i want proof of purchase of clothes, food, where the money goes. Its not for hydro bills, or heating etc.etc...CS is for their food, their clothes, their school and nay extra meds they need. Not for her drugs! Sorry, i had to let it out..You speaking about cs , thats roughly the amount my dh pays for his 2 kids. They barely come around and she has the balls to call for money. My dh tells her , take it out of cs. That is what its there for.I'm not giving anymore.
What she does't realize in my dh case is that he is over paying her by 100 bucks. He chooses not to cut it off to help his kids. BUt she's not spending on the kids. are not wrong in not feeling bad about not having to feed those kids anymore. Let mom do that job. They're hers. Great, take care of them! The 245$ is worth the less headaches. Especially when you have a bm who is manipulative and sour.

Pantera's picture

Ugh. I wish BM would pay her child support!!! We need that money and would spend it how its supposed to be spent. I do think that the courts are very fair with how much is to be paid. I think its crazy that these BM's are asking for more on top of child support. They should be happy that the DH is even paying because there are alot of people out there that don't. It also makes me sick that bio parents don't spend the child support right.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus