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Alcoholic ex husband

Boymom's picture

My ex is an alcoholic, though he will never admit to it. After many years trying to make him see it (which never ever works)I had taken my two boys (9 and 6 at the time) and left. His third DUI was what made me throw in the towel, finally. Should have been sooner, this I have learned. Fast forward, my boys now 14 and 11, are really awesome. After a rough beginning with their father, we are civil and there is no arguing. Trust me, I despise him but I put it aside for my boys well being. After going for a walk the other night with my 11 year old, he talked about his dad, who they see 50% of the time. I fought for full custody with mounds of evidence regarding his addiction, but the system is so screwed up and was told 5 years ago that "he is still their dad and has every right to them!" On our walk, my 11 year old askes me if I think his dad "goes out" every night - in other words goes to the bar and gets wasted. After careful thinking, I simply said, "yes I do." His response was "Me too mom". He went on to tell me that he doesnt understand why his dad doesnt see what he does. He asked me why I didn't leave earlier and then told me that he does not blame me for anything that has happened and said he knows it is all dads fault. Did it make me feel good - yes! But it also broke my heart because at 11 he should not have to think like this and my guilt is overwhelming.

Our morning routine for school is I drop him off at his fathers to get the school bus. I have to be in work before his bus arrives. I drop him there because my ex absolutely refused to leave the house we had. I had been so exhausted from his behavior and abuse and that house was the last thing I gave a damn about. But the kids have all their friends there and they were too young to have different buses, etc. So, this is why I drop him off in the morning. My son tells me he knows he goes out everynight because when I drop him off his father is passed out and never even hears him. He tries to tell him he is leaving and nothing. And when he is there on his days, he is left to fend for himself with getting ready for school. Yes, he is not a baby and get up, showered, and eats breakfast, but his own father can't wake up to simply say "have a great day!" That is all this boys wants. A hug and a warm goodbye for the day. I asked him how it makes him feel and he said ANGRY and he just wants to punch him in the face!

We talked about it more and then he went on to tell me how he gets really angry when he drives! Seriously! THREE DUI's and still does it. He dd tell me he does not drive with them. He goes out, kids are at home and they see hims stumble in. And yes, we had gone to court over this - we were ordered court counseling. It amounted to the pshychologist's report stating he is an alcoholic but that he is still a dad and should have them just as much time as mom. Knife right through my heart!

I have been so down in the dumps since hearing this news becuase I know there is not a damn thing I can do about it Sad


notsobradybunch's picture

My ex is also. Not 3 DUI's alcoholic, but still an alcoholic. My bios are 16 & 17 and what i wanted them to see for so many years so they could attempt to understand "the whys" of why i left breaks my heart as well. As they're definitely old enough to see & understand its also difficult to watch. I never speak about their dads drinking, but if they do ask i don't lie. I covered for him throughout most of our marriage. I no longer keep his problem as my own.

Boymom's picture

Exactly notsobradybunch! I covered too and I never say a word about their dad, but if asked I am honest. THey are old enough to form their own opinion. Sad

notsobradybunch's picture

I covered so well my own parents didn't even know. I was embarrassed. Looking back now i was such a fool to do what I did...but i did it. I felt like I was doing the right thing because of the kids. I covered for him so much i was mentally and emotionally exhausted and i just couldn't do it anymore. We never ate dinner as a family..he was passed out but I would tell my kids he was just tired and so on. It was heartbreaking watching a little boy attempting to wake Daddy because he wanted to talk to him. It was terrible.

Boymom's picture

notsobradybunch - I covered to! No one realized it and were all shocked. Well, some people figured it out but never said anything. It was sooo emotionall exhausting and now after this talk with my sun, I feel like a bus hit me. Even though I am civil with my ex, (only for the sake of my kids), I wish he would just leave the picture. I don't know if that is the best way to think, but right now it is how I feel

notsobradybunch's picture

It is what it is..thats the only way i can make sense of it. He chooses the alcohol..always has. Whats funny now is my DH (we've been married 6 years) doesn't drink..maybe once a year and thats stretching kids thought that was so weird when they were first getting to know him. They didn't believe him at first lol!! But the alcohol is all they've known.

Boymom's picture

I am afraid to have anythng in my house and I am not a drinker. I enjoy a glass of wine but I won't buy it because I have such guilt over what they have and continue to see.

WagiMorri's picture

So it sounds as if they understand a bit about what their father's problem is. I'm assuming they understand the danger of riding in the car with dad? I'm astounded that a system would allow at three time DUI alcoholic unsupervised visits with children. It sounds like you're working hard to both acknowledge your children's feelings and thoughts on their father while not alienating them from him. That has to be hard.

Boymom's picture

It's so hard. I want to tear him part when I hear these things, but I can't. I want my kids to be able to open up and know that what they tell me is safe with me. Mind you, they definitely know not to get in a car with him if he has been drinking. I also know that my ex knows I will take him back to court in the blink of an eye if that happens, and they are old enough to be home, so he goes out and they are home almost ALL the time when he has them. He only wants them 50% because then he doesnt pay CS. I have asked to have them on his days for events, etc. and he is very qucik to let me have them. I'm exhausted...

Twix's picture

My father had alcoholism his whole life ... right up till it killed him. I always flip flopped between guilt, like I wasn't a good enough reason not to drink and anger ... so much anger towards him. What really helped me was learning that it's a disease. It was never about me, he never "choose" drinking over his children - he hated drinking but he had an addiction, a disease.

Your ex will never seek help until he can admit that he has a problem, you really have no control over this. But you can get your children some help, someone to talk to, to work through their emotions. I wish my mom would have done that for us.

Boymom's picture

I'm sorry. I don't want my children to ever go through this crap. Since we have joint custody, I cannot let them talk to someone without his approval - he will NEVER approve of it. So, I try my best to let them talk to me. It's not the same, I know because they won't tell me everything. My boys protect me all the time. I understand its a disease, and I tell them that. I also have a hard time understanding how he can't choose to stop. I don't think I will ever truly understand it because I do not have that addictive personality. I try though because I know that there could be a chance one of my boys could have it. My teenager, who is a great kid, never mentions anything about his dad. I pick it up on other things though - he only talks to his dad about his sports. Never asks him to take him anywhere, help with school, etc... Stricly sports only. I am sure years down the road he will tell me stuff, but I just hope there isnt too much pain and resentment. Sad

WalkOnBy's picture

You know, you may be able to petition the Court to order them into counseling.

When was the last DUI? Would you consider motioning for a change in custody and/or parenting based on the fact that you believe he drives with the kids in the car?

I think you may have more options here than you think.

hereiam's picture

I am sorry that your kids have to go through this.

My sister is an alcoholic and it breaks my heart, what she puts my niece through.

AJanie's picture

Sorry for what they are going through. It is good that they have you as a role model and support system.

My soon to be ex is an addict and the kids accept "dad sleeping all day" as the norm. It destroyed me to witness him ignore everyone in the family and snap at us if we woke him. He also always denied he was using. We were just expected to believe that sleeping constantly, disappearing for rides when awake and being sick all the time are normal behaviors.

It was easy when the kids were little to hide the dysfunction but as they get older their gut starts to tell them something is very wrong.

It comforts me to know that kids are resilient, because my stepkids have been through too much.

I would seek advice for an attorney regarding your options. 3 DUIs, stumbling in the house, all unacceptable. Maybe limited visitation is in order until he straightens out.

Boymom's picture

Thank you - I did all of that with an attorney. In the beginning, I did it all. It was hell. I had emails, pictures, his driving record documenting his DUI's. When we went to court he was pending trial for the third DUI! The court system failed me, rather my children! Honestly, my ex has a VERY good friend who works for family court. I beleive this was definitely an issue, and because he walked away scott free after THREE DUI's. THey were all expunged from his record. He thinks he is untouchable. It will take a tragedy for anything to happen to him, and my children better not be one of them. Not a damn thing I can do....I fought and fought and I lost.

thinkthrice's picture

my 2nd ex (awesome son's dad) was an alcoholic. several stints of court-ordered rehab did no good. he got into several accidents. ended up dying a pauper at age 57. awesome son was 17 at the time

I was always terrified he would burn the apt down during visitation with DS since he would also smoke in bed

Boymom's picture

He had the interlock system after the second DUI. The third DUI was his worst yet as far as his BAC level. I have had people tell me they have seen him in the local stores wasted. I actually did take him to court years ago when I heard he drove with my boys. The person who told me refused to get involved anymore and would not testify. Court STILL let him have 50% custody but was not allowed to drive them anywhere until we completed court appointed counseling. And the psychologist, who HE got to pick because he had to pay for it, wrote in his statement that his is an alcoholic and needs help, but he is still DAD! I have thought of following him and calling 911 reporting a drunk driver, but then I look like the crazy one and I feel it will come back to bite me becuase none of this has gone right. I have told my son I tried so many times to get him help. Even tried an intervention years ago, but everyone backed out at the last minute. They "didn't want to get involved". I really dont know what to do other than what I am doing now Sad

Boymom's picture

Well, my particular city, my ex is well known, but not in a good way! I cannot wait to leave this city! As for my ex, he is a smooth talker and can bull shit the best of them. He knows ALOT of people in the court system - how convenient! I am certain this is what has gotten him off the hook on EVERYTHING. I keep thinking that something has to give on this...

DaizyDuke's picture

How in the world can this man afford insurance at this point, to continue driving?? His rates must be holy astronomical batman! :?

My Ex was a drunk. Drove drunk more times than I can count, got stopped a couple of times, but got out of it and has never been officially charged that I know of. He bought a bar 3 years ago (yeah, great business for a drunk to invest in!) and already lost that for not getting his liquor license and not paying his taxes. shortly after that he had his truck repossessed and I heard his house is coming up for foreclosure. Yet the man doesn't think he has a problem. Everything is always someone else's fault. He has a small group of lemmings (all other drunks) that he's able to charm and who defend him to everyone else. But it doesn't change the fact that he's a drunk. Heard he got a a bar of course. I just can't imagine what the attraction is in living your life that way? That is why we ended. He was a bartender and then on his days off, he'd go hang out at the bar? I tried to be supportive, he enjoyed the work, he's a people person etc., I even put up with the AT LEAST once weekly pissing the couch or bed because he was too passed out to get up. But then like most drunks do, he cheated and that was when I decided I was done and booted his ass.

Thankfully we didn't have any kids, I can't imagine having to send my child to live with that 50% of the time ?! Sad Hugs to you!

Boymom's picture

Your life at that time sounds alot like how mine was. I would sleep on the couch for years because he constantly pissed the bed and then would tell the boys his spilled water! Really - every night?! He would also stumble in and lay in the boys bed and then pee - ON HIM! Or would try to cook something at 2AM and almost burn the house down. So, I slept on the couch and could never sleep until he was home and passed out. This has brought up so much I don't want to remember but now that my son is very aware, I can't help it! He would "run to the store for bread or milk" and 8 hours later stumble in. God, I am so glad I left.

No clue how he affords insurance. He knows how to play the system and since he got away with all of this who knows what he has done. All I know is when my son starts driving in 2 years, I will be fitting that insurance bill because his insurance won't. I may be gone and happy I am, but it is still a living hell

BSgoinon's picture

I am going through this too. My ex is an alcoholic. The girl recently told me that they have been forced to DRIVE HIM HOME when he's had too much to drink. Started at age 13. I have been a total mess since they told me that. I am ANGRY, I am SAD but most of all, I feel guilty. I got to divorce him. My kids don't have that option.

I am trying to figure out how to have a conversation with him about this, without causing major issues for my girls with him. They haven't been to his house since they told me he's made them do this. I knew he was drinking A LOT, I didn't realize all of this was happening. I guess I though he saved it for the MANY MANY nights a week that they are not with him.

Makes me sick to my stomach.

Boymom's picture

It's hell, isnt it? My boys feel torn, like an obligation to go back and forth. My ex is good at manipulating and if I bring it up he will start that crap again. I don't know if not saying anything is the right thing but I know that my boys are doing really well because we are civil. I know that my ex lets me have them whenever I ask without hesitation. Im not stupid - he does it because he doesnt really want to have them when he can be out drinking. If I start stirring the pot, my kids will suffer the most. THere is no easy answer. Now, if he would do something and drive with them - then all bets are off! But right now, he has not done that. I'm just sad that my sweet 11 year old has soaked all this in and knows his father is an alcoholic. He told me he wished he would go to rehab! He is 11!!! Sad Sad Sad

BSgoinon's picture

It sucks. Bad. I have told my girls so many times DO NOT GET IN A CAR WITH HIM WHEN HE'S BEEN DRINKING!! CALL ME FIRST. Apparently his resolve to that is making them drive.

My other issue right now is that my oldest daughter is the spitting image of me. We literally look like twins. Ex treats her HORRIBLY because of this, especially when he's been drinking. And he admits it. I told him about 2 weeks ago that he needs to work on communication with her because their relationship is horrible right now. He said "yeah, well...she reminds me of someone". Uhhhh... that's NOT HER FAULT YOU PRICK!

Boymom's picture

I tell my boys the same thing!!!! I am sorry you go through this pain as well. THe stress has caught up with me.

--figureditout--'s picture

I am an alcoholic with almost 8 months of sobriety. My DH has almost 3 years. Our boys are 12 and 14. I am ashamed to say, but it took almost losing my kids to get me on the path to sobriety. My DH still has the divorce packet. I had to find something I wanted more than the drink.

We are still healing. We do a lot more family oriented things. Our kids have been to AA meetings and AA birthday celebrations. Oldest has a therapist; youngest just comes to us when he has questions.

It's a long road ahead but without the shove I would still be out there.

BSgoinon's picture

Congratulations on making the decision for sobriety. That is something you should be very proud of!

Boymom's picture

I commend you for getting the help you needed! I admire it! I can't push someone who doesnt want it. I actually don't even care what he does at this point. I have no good feelings about him. I only care when my boys are there and the effect he has had on them. He doesnt see it, thinks he is fine and thinks drunks are those that don't work. He is a functioning alcoholic because he has a job! It was so bad for so many years, and he was so abusive and cheated, that I don't even care to help him. I could care less what happens to him. I only care about my boys. I know it sounds horrible, but its true. I pray he would just not be in their lives...and I know it sounds terrible. He has caused so much pain and it has changed who I am. I will always look at him and see a drunk.