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My SO is seeing the light!

Boymom's picture

My SO gave harsh consequences to disrespectful behavior from his daughter by cutting a 4 day trip they were on to one day and having her pack her bags and go home. After a conversation this morning, I think he is seeing it - or starting to.

His ex (BM) is a certified, medically documented mental case. Manic depressive with bipolar and personality disorders. She can be quiet and we hear nothing, then all hell breaks loose. My ex left her after years of abuse. He put up with it because he said "she is sick and you don't leave for that reason". He is stronger than me in that respect. But, when he caught her in the act, cheating, at 5AM in a car, that was it. He left. That was 5 years ago. She has made it her mission to try and make him miserable. She had it made with him - money, traveling, a good dad, etc... Now, she is making it hell for him.

She will do everything to turn the daughter away from him, and he said this morning that he knows he will lose his daughter one day. It broke my heart. He also said, "but I love you and want to spend my life with you and I deserve to be happy." We all know that no one can predict that he will lose his daughter one day, but since the BM has a diagnosed psychological illness, there is a chance her daughter will have a lot of her ways. I was speechless, but told him that "could" be the case but he cannot live like a hostage because of it, and he cannot let his daughter walk all over him and be spoiled. He has to be tough and firm. One day at a time. He agreed and he said he fights back starting today because he is angry. I know this will be a tough road when we are in a house and I told him that. I told him that as soon as we move, BM will make it a mission to turn SD against him and use me as leverage. It is so sick and twisted. I don't know how parents like that sleep at night.

But, at least he is having an eye opening moment.


Willow2010's picture

by cutting a 4 day trip they were on to one day and having her pack her bags and go home

So she acts out because of BMs influence…? And “Dad” does not want to deal with her so he makes her go back early to the woman that is kind of abusive to her? (If I remember correctly).

That just does not seem right. He should have kept her and dealt with it like a father. Of course she will turn against him if he keeps doing things like that.

Boymom's picture

No - they left the trip and came home. She is still with him!!! He didn't send her to BM's. He took the vacation away. They are at home now

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Please don't make the assumption that just because BM has a mental illness that SD will too. Some mental disorders are genetically linked, but not all. Even if she has the predisposition, that does not mean it will manifest. If it does, most mental illness can be controlled, at least to some degree, with therapy, drugs, and other life style modifications.

Also, the correct term is "Bi-Polar Disorder." "Manic-Depressive" is what the disorder was called prior to 1980 - when it was officially changed in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.