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Why did I get in this relationship?!

Ejane's picture

Let's start with some background information. Two years ago, I got involved with a man who has been separated for a year and was going through the divorce process. He has two wonderful boys one 12 and another 7 years old. We all grew close together and everyday was a gem. Their mom thought that I wouldn't last but to make sure of it, she shared all the reasons why her ex is a monster and the sex was boring for 3 hours long. Fast forward, we moved in, got engaged, and now we have a baby. The ex can't allow my fiancé to be happy, so she uses the kids. She told the kids to hate me and that I'm replacing her. She tells the kids that she is alone, dying, and broke. I now dread the days we have the kids. They have been brainwashed to believe that the baby will take everything and that I am evil for splitting her and her ex up. Apparently, my fiancé has tried to get back with her during our relationship. Anyway, I've tried to remain cordial with them but my patience and temper has expired. My fiancé is always on edge. I'm always upset. I think I have the right to be since I clean after his boys and buy them food even their beds. I don't cook since I'm Asian and Asian food stinks to them so I stopped.  Family get togethers are the worst, oldest refuses to get in pictures with the baby. The youngest has moods- he would play with the baby one minute then ignores her the next. There's no discipline in this house. The youngest bosses his dad around the oldest pulls the "mom" card. I'm willing to leave but do not want to be not around when my daughter is with her brothers. What would you do?


Kes's picture

Firstly, I would find out whether it's true your man tried to get back with his ex or whether this is just her making up shit to try and get rid of you. If, as I suspect, the latter, then you need to have a come to Jesus meeting with your fiance and discuss in depth how you are going to deal with the horrible BM, and present a united front.  You are being subjected to Parental Alienation Syndrome, or PAS, by the BM, and you need to inform yourself about this - there is plenty of stuff on this site and there are also books on the subject. 

You and your fiance also need to discuss discipline, and be on the same page regarding this.  Kids need consistency and firmness when they are young. They should NOT be allowed to disrespect you eg saying Asian food stinks.  This is just plain rude.  Carry on cooking and if they don't like it they can skip a meal, it will not do them any harm, but they should not be allowed to be rude about it whatever. 

Ejane's picture

I didn't think that I would be subject to PAS, but looking from the outside I guess I am.. regarding my fiancé trying to get back with his ex- I tried leaving before and he went to see her and he told me that he was trying to get her perspective on how to treat me better... I thought it was bullshit but he tried to reassure me that he has no intention in getting back with her.. we spoke last night, my fiancé and I.. he he tried reassuring me that he loves me and that he has my back 100% definitely about the kids... The bio mom has been threatening to take the kids away and move to Indiana.. my ex has been resisting it but he said he will be letting them go.. I don't know, I don't think I'm strong enough for this.

SSstepmom's picture

If your dh does not discipline them for disrespecting you then he himself has no respect for you. No one should have to live like that and he needs to be told that. That's horrible to be treated like that by his kids and to have the baby who will realize it as she gets older. And if he did indeed try to get back with BM then leave like yesterday. It'll happen again