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I guess I really do know something about parenting!

WhittySM's picture

SD12 got an iPhone from BM 2 Christmas' ago. I started seeing her become obsessed with it early on and it has only gotten worse with time. What is funny is that she has that thing attached to her hand 95% of the time, the other 5% happens to be when BM or DH are trying to get ahold of her.

A year ago I stated that she should not have the phone with her after bedtime or during homework. There is no good reason a 10-12 year old should need to sleep with their phone. She got caught using at night. And she got caught twice "helping" a friend with homework. We told her that giving her friends answers to homework is cheating, she said but I know that she knows how to do it. Sooooo not okay, still cheating.

Do you think that anybody listened to my opinion? Nope. It would have caused SD to be upset with her parents and GOD FORBID she ever be unhappy for any reason. Fast forward a year and a half. BM sends DH a text, "I talked to SD. She is too obsessed with her phone and Instagram. She needs to have it taken away every night at 7pm. She can find something else to do."

Guess someone that "doesn't know what it is like to be a parent or have a child" actually knows a little about parenting!

So glad I'm disengaging. Trying to do the right thing by this girl but being blocked at every turn by BM and DH just ended with me being depressed and frustrated. I hope DH starts to see the light soon, she is still young enough that he can have an influence on her life if he would just step up to the plate and parent her. Oh well, not my kid. Not my problem.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

FDH has only just recently caught on to the problems my SD has with screen media. He never saw a huge problem with it before, but now, all of a sudden, it's a problem and he's handling it. Better late than never, but, I called it over a year ago when I found out that GUBM got SD a smartphone. I said to him then that her issue keeping herself off the internet was only going to get worse, and it did, sadly.

And much like your SD, SD's phone is right in front of her face. Unless FDH or GUBM are trying to reach her and then she "conveniently" misses the calls or messages by hitting "ignore" or "delete". *smh*

Jsmom's picture

I called it at 12 with SD17 and now it is never out of her sight. Inappropriate texts, twitter, instagram and snapchat all the time... BM said she needed freedom. Failing is great freedom and someday those posts will be everywhere.