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Karate Kid gets it - kinda made me tear up a little bit

WalkOnBy's picture

Last night, DH and I were at Bed Bath and Beyond buying new we are standing in the very long checkout line (which was odd, it was 8:30 pm, but whatever), the following conversation takes place:

DH - you know, ASS is mad at Karate Kid now.

me - mmm hmmm, shocking.

DH - Karate won't let ASS use his computer or his cell phone anymore.

me - mmm hmmm...

DH - I asked him why and he said that ASS is just a dick. He's a dick to me, he's a dick to you, he's a dick to Karate and BabyVoice and Karate is just sick of it.

me - okay, Karate is my favorite

DH - lol

Goooooo, KarateKid, goooooo!!!

ETA: I left out the best part!! Damn job getting in the way of my STalk posting....ok, so apparently when KK told ASS that he couldn't use his computer or phone anymore, ASS told him that he was not his brother anymore. When DH told me that, I said, "like mother, like son, huh?"


WalkOnBy's picture

Nope, he certainly will not. I hope it's getting through his ASS head that EVERYONE thinks he is a dick based on HIS behavior, but I doubt it. He is likely thinking, like most good narcissists, that HE is fine and everyone else is the problem.

Man, I can't wait til that little effer moves out!!!

hereiam's picture

I have wondered if BV and KK will change their attitudes once ASS is not around anymore. Surely, they will feel the difference in the atmosphere.

I'm glad that KK, at least, is seeing the truth NOW.

hereiam's picture

They don't have to give up that hope but they should not treat WOB like they do just because they are following ASS's lead. I hope they realize that.

hereiam's picture

I have always kind of gotten the feeling that KK and BV, especially BV, do not want to seem disloyal to their brother, by being respectful to WOB. Do you think that could be it?

WalkOnBy's picture

Yeah - it does.

I think that KK and BV used to feel disloyal to ASS if they were nice to me, but now that KK has figured it out (and by the way, he has NEVER been disrespectful to me), I think BV will fall into place.

Maybe not, I don't know.....

Tuff Noogies's picture

lol at your ETA. the apple doesnt fall far from the tree...

it's kinda validating when others see it. oss has NEVER like kaos, even used to tell him "GO AWAY, BAD DREAM." lurch tolerates him better, but will still tell him to 'leave me alone' when he gets too much. h3ll, i've even told kaos straight up before that when he behaves badly, it pushes people away from him. his response? *shrugs* "idoncare."

i hope u gave KK the proverbial pat on the head Wink

hereiam's picture

Have you ever tried to hug a porcupine? Or Satan?

I know you are just messing with people here. Have at it, we can jest with the best of them!

WalkOnBy's picture

"This is so sad." - Medusa, is that you???? It's not sad at all. ASS is an ass.

"The other kids should not be mean to their brother." - uh, why? All kids are mean to their siblings. And, telling a sibling that he can't use something that doesn't belong to him is not mean.

"He probably feels unloved and ganged up on." - nope, that's not it. I will pretend that you are new here.

"Can you get a sitter for the other 2 and you and your husband take the brother out?" the other two are 13 and 16 - we don't need a sitter for them.

"And tell him you all love him and want him there and that you all are sorry for how things have been lately." - I don't love him and I don't want him there and I am not sorry for how things have been lately.

"It sounds like he needs a hug and to be told he is loved and wanted." Wrong again - he wants to lie and steal stuff from us. He probably does want to be told he is loved and wanted - by his whore of a mother who hasn't lied eyes on him in over 4 years...


Monchichi's picture

Love, reassurance and a hug himself jacket would be perfect. WOB lets start one of those fund raising things. I think we found ASS's new home. Maybe if we raise enough, I can send her my pooping snot wiping SS too.

robin333's picture

What amount do I need to send? Any price, name it. I will be sending my adult skids there as well.

WalkOnBy's picture

He's not being pushed.

Where on EARTH are you getting that from what I posted.

I posted that one kid thinks the other kid is a dick and first kid won't let second kid use his things anymore because second kid treats him like a jerk...

OMG - it's Medusa!! Oh please oh please oh please can I send him back to you?

Tuff Noogies's picture

ok steptoit, i'll throw u a bone.

@$$ is almost 18, almost old enough to die for our country. yes a family therapist is involved. he has always wanted to be treated as an adult (aka, do whatever the phuc he wants, whenever he wants to) and yet have all the privilegs childhood in the home without any contribution (like picking up after himself, or acknowleging OP's existance). he rails against the tyranny of the family structure, has thrown OP up against the wall, has threatened her life, yelled and screamed and gotten all up in her face, has called her "BITCH" too many times to count, and written socialist manifestos against her. and you want her to effing HUG him? good luck with that one.

Tuff Noogies's picture

well $#it i did, didnt i. he's just got such a stellar history of behavior i totally missed that one.

he really just needs a hug, yanno.

WalkOnBy's picture


Ladies - I am positive this is Medusa - know why? Because the last time Medusa saw her kids was probably the last time a sticker chart would have been used....

ba ha ha ha ha!!!

Tuff Noogies's picture

blue ribbon comment right there.

yup, he needs a hug and a sticker chart. this young man, less than three months away from being old enough to join the army, improving his behavior because of hugs and stickers.

please pass these sage morsels of advice on to your husband and therapist.

WalkOnBy's picture

you know, we are seeing Therapist tonight. I was going to bring up the state of ASS's room - and if I can remember how to post pictures, I will post them for you - but now I think I will bring up the idea of a sticker chart for ASS!!

hereiam's picture

Please, please, please, WOB, make ASS a sticker chart. I'm begging you!

Now, what kind of stickers? Unicorns? Bunnies? Hearts? Hitler?

WalkOnBy's picture

how about little tiny skulls and crossbones??

tiny Ted Kaczinskis???

hey, you know the new eff you emoji on my iPhone? Can we make those into stickers???

princessmofo's picture

How about famous serial killers throughout history stickers? Jack the Ripper, Ted Bundy, The BTK Killer, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc. Instead of smiley face stickers, he can use these. And on the days he earns his "treat" you can take him for some good ol' fashioned family fun at the local morgue or to a local slaughter house.

robin333's picture

I vote for a countdown to 18 sticker chart with the last space for the actual kicking ASS out.

Tuff Noogies's picture

sure thing, doll. so he can shove her into traffic this time instead of the wall. or so he can file a false kidnapping report instead of to cps. or maybe it's only that he wants to verbally abuse her a bit more by screaming "BITCH BITCH BITCH GO EAT A DICK". yeah, maybe that's it.

WalkOnBy's picture

For you, Fruit, I will do all of those things - all you'll have to do is contribute to the liquor cabinet. I like wine. And vodka. A LOT!!

robin333's picture

Uh, how dare you accuse someone of abuse and neglect when you know NOTHING about the situation. Is Internet time at the psych facility over yet?

robin333's picture

Uh, how dare you accuse someone of abuse and neglect when you know NOTHING about the situation. Is Internet time at the psych facility over yet?

robin333's picture

Uh, how dare you accuse someone of abuse and neglect when you know NOTHING about the situation. Is Internet time at the psych facility over yet?

hereiam's picture

If you can invite him to play a board game with you or take him shopping.

Yes, WOB, please pick up the board game LIFE on your way home from work and have family game night. Afterwards, you can take ASS shopping, ya know, for some bonding time. Hahahahahaha!

WalkOnBy's picture

We have that game in the closet-that would be hilarious to pull it out and try to watch that little brat navigate his way through a fake life. Navigating his own real life is going to be what kicks him in the ass