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Gosh!!!!! this is sooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!

vwd1224's picture

Well, I did it.
I had the talk with h n talked about disengagement n how it was going 2 happen.
He agreed, but i am afraid there will b some sort of resentment down the road n i still have 2 face qquestions from his mother n my mother, but this is how i need it 2 b.( meaning telling sd8 2 call me something other than mommy). it had 2 b done.. they dont live here (the mothers, n i feel as though my mINlaw might have some resentments about what i chose 2 do concerning her only grd8, but i couldnt handle it any longer n i wasnt getting the support from my h 2 make me want 2 keep sd8 calling me mommy. it feels better 4 me n my bs10 seemed so much happier yesterday, that i am glad i took that step for my bios sake. there is so much crap going on that i am getting anxiety attacks n my h doesnt understand that since he hurt my feelings monday the day after we had a fantastic mother's day (h got mad cuz my older son txted me and the phone rang early in the morning, thought i was up 2 something n came out the bedroom all ticked off)..
aaaarrrggghhhhhhh its just 2 much i dont even understand if im making any since!!!!!!!!!!!!
well 4 one thing, my bios were reclaiming their territory n happiness yesterday n i loved it..i only had 2 make dinner 4 them n they only had 2 clean their dishes n their messes.
it wasnt easy 4 her, n boy did she get pissed cuz the boys were doing their own thing n she tried 2 get in their business..but they didnt worry about her yesterday...well idk!!!!! at least i can say my bios were relieved yesterday n that they havent felt that way for months!!!!!


vwd1224's picture

well its not that i made an announcement to h like " i am disengaging from this situation.."
i just told him more or less about the name, that he had already planted the seed in his biod8 mind a few months ago.. he didnt tell me he planted the seed his mother told i just said what he didnt want 2 say.
i did just step back n now i do say ask ur dad or ur dad is going 2 have 2 help u with that. N my mom was very supportive when my bios10 told her, n really i was happy she was there 4 me.
i had 2 let go, it was making me physically sick n i was ready 2 just pick up n leave my house, my family n everything i kno bcuz of my h n sd8.
well truly right now, idk how 2 feel...once again i am numb