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vwd1224's picture

hi this is my first entry, I still dont understand all the codes. I undersatand sd, ss,and bm and thats about it. However, I will get it, anyway,this sd8 is very trying, bm passed 2 years ago and she is my h only child. Well, she goes around getting every1 in this place in trouble with d. its so bad that my bs's 10 and 16 do not want to come out of their rooms when they r home (h and sd8), I feel like we have 2 sneak around our own house 2 stay out of troubles way. I feel so bad for my bs's, especially the younger 1, he gets so depressed and takes so much, and now feels that he has 2 sneak around 2 c his own gm, cuz sd8 is always following him, bothering him (his own words) and wants 2 go with them, my bm has taken sd8 n she had written on her wall, peed in her bed, and stole food!! bs's stay in their room and sd8 is always out of her room, walkin around, humming, touching stuff that doesnt belong 2 her, sittin on my sofas after coming form outside playing with her dirty behind, dirty hand on my refridgerator and has problems with taking a bath. sd8 underwear r so dirty and she doesnt even have her period. how can colored underwear turn brown???? just nasty!!! this has got me wondering if I was like this as a little girl, uumm, i dont think so. I cant stand the smell of her. this sd8 will go find her father n tell him what I have done,if its not up 2 her expectations..can u believe this mess, this child telling on me??? And my h has taken her side sevral times in the last yr or so, I cant take it no more!!! I love my h, but I might have 2 let him go n raise his bd8 and I finish raising mine. what do i do??? I need 2 pray about it...


dgb's picture

Unfortunately, I just went through the same situation. I will tell you that if you and your h don't have a discussion that the two of you will ALWAYS back each other, then it WILL NOT work. Your kids staying locked in their rooms? Yep! My younger son moved out and went to live with his dad. Broke my heart! You and your kids need to stick together and make it clear what you will not tolerate. She's running around triumphantly because right now, she's won. She's doing her victory dance in your house and your kids don't want to deal with her. Have that talk with your h VERY SOON!

vwd1224's picture

I have talk to h and he doesent get it. I am so frustrated and so ready 2 leave, just get up n go n send 4 my stuff.
i tell my bs's 2 stand up and claim their space, i tell them i will back them just 2 tired now...i am shattered n sooo many pieces, cuz when my h n i r on the same page (usually when the skids r at school), we can do anything.. but when sd8 comes home all hell breaks loose.
Another problem is sd8 calls me mom, n it was ok b4 all this started, but now i am having 2nd thoughts..but will i b wrong, idk what 2 do??? i wanna like her, but everytime i reach out, i get told on, or lied 2... :? Sad

vwd1224's picture

Should I or shouldnt i??
I dont want sd8 to call me mommy any longer...will I be totally wrong to ask her bd to let this be know? I get aggrivated when i hear her call me this..but i let her do this n now i dont want it