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Unfreakingreal's picture

For those of you who know me, I wanted to just say hi and let you all know that I'm fine. I have a new job, started 6 months ago and of course there is no time to fuck around on the Internet. Things have been going fairly well. GB is 18 months old, she is the prettiest, smartest and most loving creature I've ever known. We see her at least 4 times a week because BM20 has come to depend on me and my family to help her with the baby. She is still a total loon, has more mood swings than I care to count but I think she's figured out which side her bread is buttered on. BS18 is in his second semester at college. Hopefully doing better than his first semester which was a total disaster. He comes home at least once or twice a month so he can spend time with his daughter. He does FaceTime her every single time she is with us and it's quite adorable to hear GB say "Hi Daddy!" Every time he calls. Things with DH are good. He's been very supportive and loves GB probably just as much as I do. There have been lots of drama episodes with BM20, too many to list and I'm writing this on my phone so I guess I'll get into them another day. The main bullet points though...she's not very good about keeping GB healthy. GB is always sick. If it's not one thing it's another. The illnesses have been back to back. I am sure they are due to her smoking around the baby. Most of the issues are respiratory. She apparently got kicked out of her parents house and now lives with boyfriend #3. This part scares me, even though I've met the guy, I still am uneasy about it. I have however subtly warned her that if he or anyone hurts my granddaughter, they'll regret it. She gets 30.00 a week in CS, which she says isn't enough but I told her that she can take that up with the courts. I refuse to enter into any agreements with her because she's too unstable to be trusted. We pretty much go by the court visitation schedule but we never say no when she asks us to stay with the baby. We feel she is better cared for here, so we take the opportunity to spend time with GB as often as possible. I still keep all our conversations via text so I can have records. I save every receipt whenever I buy something for GB and I only do pick up and drop offs in public places where she can't claim I tried to kill her or something. As far as SS23, he moved back in last October. He's got until Oct of this year to get his shit together and move out of my house. For the most part he's following my rules and has maintained a job. I still want him outta here, but because DH has been so good to me thruout all my struggles, I felt it only fair to help him with his son one last time. SD15 is doing well, thank God. She still hasn't turned into the little demon witch that I've been waiting to show her ugly face. So I'm gonna count my blessings and be thankful that Stephell has taken a turn for the calmer. BM43 is still a bum bitch and still tries to get DH to pay for everything SD related. Thankfully, almost 15 years later, he's learned to shut her ass down at every turn. So I hope you are all ok, I don't know how many of my old friends are still here but I hope things are better for you all as well. Xoxo...


Unfreakingreal's picture

Lol, yeah every time she tells me "he needs to get a job and take care of his daughter" I tell her "girl bye, he'll get a job when he gets a job, in the meantime he's in school full time and your daughter gets what she needs from him." She gets really pissed but she knows she made a huge mistake by getting knocked up by a minor. She thought it was gonna be easy & it hasn't been and she's mad that his life is pretty much going as planned. She should've thought of that. Besides that, things are well. She has her meltdowns and I just ignore her. After a few days of radio silence she'll text asking if I can watch the baby like if nothing happened. She's actually quite predictable.

Amcc13's picture

Strange for her to be always sick - how is grand baby with you?
I would watch - if mom is loon then munchassen is never far from my mind

Amcc13's picture

I am a doctor. I know what it is. So sorry my grammar wasn't up to scratch I am post call

Hey coodios to her on all she has over come but above described sets off warning bells in my head. Surely she would want the warning to keep a close eye on her grand baby.

but woozers... The anger in your post... I am happy to stay out of where I am not wanted. Please stay out of my way too from now on fruit salad- I really don't care for being insulted. I was under the impression this was an open forum- how foolish of me , thank goodness we have you to set me straight

Unfreakingreal's picture

She's sick because her mom is careless. It's always something respiratory. RSV, Croup, Bronchiolitis, Bronchitis, Mild Pneumonia, Coxsackie, she's had rashes on her face called Impetigo, all stuff that is related to poor hygiene. She's getting sick less often because we had her adenoids removed & things have been better since then but even that took a while to heal because she met smoking around her. She now is very careful about giving me the baby smelling like an ashtray because I called her out on it. I too have thought about Munchausen by Proxy. It's very hard to prove though.

Amcc13's picture

Great! Glad things improving in that respect and thanks for extra clarity on illnesses.
I would rather say something in warning than regret it later on but if you already thought it was an option then your incredibly copped on
Good luck with grand baby

Monchichi's picture

Great to see you! Congrats on the new job and really glad to hear GB is a cutie pie. Lots of visits in a safe warm environment is just what she needs. Keep us updated when you can.

Unfreakingreal's picture

She's very well cared for here. Sleeps 12-13 hours straight thru the night. Takes 2-3 hour naps in the afternoon, eats like a horse. Her schedule is like clockwork when she is here. In bed by 7:30pm, wakes up the next day. Has breakfast by 9am, plays, has lunch by 11:30-12, goes down for a nap at 12:30. Sleeps 2-3 hours. Has dinner at 6, a bath & massage at 7 & back down for bed at 7:30. She loves being here and we love having her. She's been such a blessing. To think that I am in such a calm place after the meltdown I had when this all popped off 2.5 years ago.

Unfreakingreal's picture

It pays less but I'm 8 miles away from home. No more hellosh commute and with the commute gone so is the expense. I'm also not paying taxes in 2 states anymore so at the end of the day, I'm making the same amount. I'm much happier now, thank God cause I was miserable.

Icansorelate's picture

Nice to get an update. I wondered about you frequently. Glad GB is awesome and you are handling it all well.

The frequent illnesses could be because she goes to day care? They either go through it as day care babies or if they stay at home when they start preschool or kindergarden.

simifan's picture

Great to hear things are going well. Congrats on the new job. Best of luck to you all.

Indigo's picture

Great to see you again. Glad BS18 is still working at his education. It would still be so easy for him to be derailed. I have admired how well you supported him to finish HS, to play sports, to go to college, to accept and pay CS, to spend time with his daughter, to not get trapped by BM.

Actually, I have told a version of your story to my BS14 --- a cautionary tale.

I lost track of your situation with court and BM20, but it sounds as if she is pretty much the same with fewer accusations against your side of the family. You seem to have forged a working relationship that is fairly stable for GB.

Statistically, the revolving boyfriends for BM20 are a concern for GB. There are some terrifying statistics out there. BM20 picked a good kid once, so maybe everyone will get lucky and she'll pick another good one for a stepdad for GB.

You are a wizard regarding documentation and I've taken your advice in this area. Thanks.

Congrats on job. Congrats on a peaceful home. Congrats on a meaningful relationship with GB. Pop in and keep us posted, please.

Unfreakingreal's picture

He just recently started opening up on how he was feeling when all of this came about. One sentence he told me literally broke my heart in pieces. He told me that he'd go to bed and have this great dream & he could breathe and then he'd wake up and couldn't breathe anymore. And he wondered how could be breathe when he was asleep but felt as if he was gasping for air when he was awake. Can you imagine??? A 16 year old boy, terrified that his entire life was over. I cried when he revealed that to me. Today I spoke to him after he Facetimed with his daughter and he told me that he can't believe that he came out of that period in his life and that it feels like it was so long ago. He also told me that he knows he is exactly where he belongs in his life and that there is and has always been a plan that he wasn't entirely aware of. He's grown so much in the last 2 years.

Maxwell09's picture

I was just thinking about you and GB! I'm so glad you updated us and everything is good. Well as good as it can be with an crazy babymomma. I know how you feel with her constantly being sick; we used to feel the same when SS4 was that young and his BM had him all over the place and around people who seem to be sick all the time. It's frustrating but just keep telling yourself it's building up her immunities for school. Poor thing. Also glad to hear your bioson is doing better in college. I think most kids struggle their first semester because they don't realize how much high school babies them. It really is a lot of self control and reliance to get up at 8am when moms not there to make you get your butt to class. Hopefully now he has the just of it and will succeed.

hereiam's picture

So good to hear from you, UFR. And glad to hear that things are going relatively well. I can just imagine how beautiful GB is. It's great that you get to see her so often.

I'm glad that you are happier at your new job, that can make such a difference!

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Good to hear from you. I asked about you not too long ago. I can't remember who responded and said things were good. Glad to hear things are mostly uneventful and DS is doing well. I am currently doing the college thing with my BS. Oh boy my head hurts lol. Keep in touch Lady!!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

Thanks justanothergurlNJ! I will! Good luck with the college thing, it's freaking draining,