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YSS stb 16 Describes Himself

thinkthrice's picture

on Instagram as a "ball of depression"


Of course you're depressed having been spoiled all your life and never hearing the word "NO."  Instantly jaded just like SD20 who is also "depressed"    Yeah if you're handed everything in life, what do you have to look forward to or say you've personally achieved?

Bet starving kids in other countries aren't moping around "depressed" since they have to worry about much bigger things such as clean drinking water and their next meal or lack of it.

These snowflakes are unbelievable!!!


tog redux's picture

Honestly - kids who have a disordered parent and are alienated from the other parent are at high risk for depression.

Wrong Way Diva's picture

send him on a mission to a very poor country for Xmas.    Change his whole life perspective!  

Ispofacto's picture

I tried that.  Shortly before I gave up, Killjoy and I watched the Netflix documentary "Living on One Dollar", and it made zero impression on her.

She prefers the sociopathic "iCarly".


thinkthrice's picture

YSS used to LOVE ICarly


Merry's picture

Depression is a real, frequently debilitating, disease. That's not to say people don't claim to be "depressed" all the time for sympathy and attention.

I'd call his bluff. Be super concerned and set up an evaluation for depression.

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

He may be looking for attention. In that case, give it to him. If he is claiming he is depressed, I would have him evaluated by his GP or a psychologist. I would not let this go without addressing it as a serious matter.

It is dangerous to play games around this issue.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Ladies, Thinkthrice and her H can't do a damn thing to help this skid. He has been completely PASd by his pasinator non parenting mother who fiddles while Rome burns. Once this skid is ruined, she'll have a matched set of three loser lumps.