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What Is It With Skids Parading Around in their Undies?

thinkthrice's picture

I've seen several blogs on this in recent days about skids with no decorum and traipsing around in their undies. Gave me flashbacks to when OSS and YSS would walk around the house in their whitey tighties; often with a blanket drapped around their shoulders like some sort of royal robe!

SD would often run out of the shower stark naked holding her chest with her hand and screaming at the top of her lungs "LOOK AT MY BOOBIES, LOOK AT MY BOOBIES! "

My son would sometimes try to come to the breakfast table with no shirt on. I would instantly send him back to his room to put a shirt on saying "No Naked Indians!"

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? I guess parenting would also involve teaching your children about modesty and decorum--something a guilty non-parent, free ranger, would NEVER do to their precious speshul sno-flakes!


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Um, yeah. iDK. SS was THiRTEEN, running around in his boxer briefs one morning, and when I told him to put on some clothes he was like, "But I'm the Hulk!" Thirteen years old. Yup.

Teas83's picture

Maybe this is a topic for another blog, but your post made me think of it.

At what age is it no longer appropraite for the parent of the opposite sex to see their child naked and/or in their underwear?

ETA: My SD6 will go downstairs to change her clothes, then come back upstairs in her underwear because she doesn't know what to put on. I always tell her it's not appropriate to walk around the house in just your underwear. She's still young, but she needs to learn.

ItHasGottenBetter's picture

When OSS first started the EOW, he tried walking around in his undies, 12 at the time. I had a DD, 15 then, IDK who got it out first, DSO or I to not run around in his undies.

Indigo's picture

Just common courtesy. Cover up.

BS12 now closes bathroom door ... hollers for me through the door if after a shower he forgot an article of clothing ... privacy, self-respect, courtesy. When he was early elementary school, it was not an issue.

For some kids, they develop a desire for privacy on their own and with others ? You have to teach them ... like flushing the toilet, using toilet paper, not picking your nose in public or hucking loogies on the sidewalk.

I do not wander around in my bra and undies, of course that is NOT a good look for me.

I think it is a bigger issue in cross-sex households, such as my son and myself. It is a MUCH bigger deal in step households.

Yes, I've lived down South where I learned that the back of my fingers and even my shins sweat. Seriously. Who knew ? I still wore a tank with bra and shorts, not undies.

Steppy MN2's picture

My SD,when she was 15,(she wasn't my SD yet, I was just the girlfriend) would come out of her bedroom in a short t-shirt and undies and come over to where her dad and I were sitting watching TV and bend over and give her dad a hug goodnight. It made me very uncomfortable and I thought very inappropriate but since she was the miniwife anyway, my BF never said a word. Ugh!

IslandGal's picture

I've noticed that a lot of girls these days have no sense of decency, no self-respect and no dignity whatsoever. I am usually embarrassed for them when I see the way they dress.

The short-shorts - might as well just go out in your underwear.
The micro mini skirts - same thing.

The latest? Wearing leggings with a mini-top. WTF is that all about? or even white leggings where your underwear is clearly visible. They obviously don't realise that it's so much more decent to cover up and have a bit of "mystery" to yourself rather than flaunt every single roll of fat on your body. Just damned disgusting to me.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

I don't get it, either. At 30 yrs old, I still cannot walk through my parents' house in pajamas without a bra on, much less walk around in my underwear!

moeilijk's picture

Tommar, I know you didn't like that people disagreed with you on that other post, but I am shocked to see you on here joking about rape / rape culture.

amber3902's picture

I don't think Tommar is trying to make jokes about rape rape/culture.

I think she's trying to point out the double standard/hypocrisy.

I saw that blog the other day about the SM who felt she should be able to walk around without a bra on in front of her teenage stepson. I don't understand how people can say a woman has every right to walk around without a bra on, and now today they're complaining about skids walking around in their underwear. Seems like a bit of a double standard.

moeilijk's picture


You think it's the same thing?

Case 1: Fully-clothed woman, nipples showing through shirt. May or may not be wearing bra or several layers of clothing. Unless you look under the shirt(s), you don't know.

Case 2: Child/teen wearing underwear and no clothes.

I think it's totally appropriate to tell people looking at woman's nipples that their problem with nipples is THEIR issue.

I also think it's totally appropriate to tell children/teen walking around in underwear without clothes to put clothes on.

Can you explain where you see the double-standard? Is it that you don't distinguish between women and children? Is it that you don't distinguish between underwear and clothing? Is it that you feel that another adult's underwear, concealed under his/her clothing is your business to the same extent as a dependent child's underwear, worn instead of clothing, is?

Tuff Noogies's picture

darlin', only bionic nipples would show through several layers of clothing like that.

i have no desire for my teen skids to see if i'm horny or cold. i'm pretty stinkin' flat, so yes i'll go braless, but there's no way in *hell* anyone would ever be able to tell and for my OWN modesty i make DAMN sure of that.

nipples AND undies - dont wanna see either one. i dont think kids in undies is appropriate either once a kid gets into big-boy/girl pants, around anyone of the opposite sex. my house is not a damn locker room.

amber3902's picture

I don't see any difference between a man, woman or child wearing clothing that is appropriate for the occasion.

I don't see any difference between a grown woman wearing clothing that does not reveal her private parts and a child/teen wearing clothing that does not reveal their private parts. I consider nipples private parts.

I don't think it's appropriate to let my 16 year old walk around without a bra on in front of my 45 year old boyfriend, and I wouldn't walk around in front of a teenage boy without a bra on. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I don't feel what someone wears under their clothing is any of my business, except when I can SEE it. Sure, nipples are a part of a person's body and are completely natural. So is taking a piss. Doesn't mean I want to see either one!

moeilijk's picture

Look, personally, I think it's a parent's job to teach children appropriate behaviour, including clothing. And personally I tend to be more covered up, but that's MY choice. Not yours, not my husband's, not anyone else's.

I don't think it's my job as an adult to tell other adults how to dress.

Whether I want to see nipples or pee-pees is not the point. The point is that I don't feel I get to determine how other adults dress.

I do get to determine how dependents in my home dress. And also how they dress when outside of my home.

I'm really sorry you guys don't seem to make a distinction.

I have now dropped this topic, you can make your rape jokes now without interruption.

Tuff Noogies's picture

there should never be a double standard in ANY home. it should be fair totally across the board. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

i even put the lid down on the toilet seat so i'm not exempt from 'lifting before peeing'.
also, it's MY EFFING HOUSE, and dh and i as adults set the rules. aside from bedroom and bathroom, it is all public space shared by five people trying to coexist.

and if ANYBODY's state of dress within a home makes someone else uncomfortable to the point that they feel it necessary to speak up, the 'offending' party should fix it. no reason to be that insensitive to how someone else feels simply because u think u're right. where's the common courtesy and decency in that?

"Far better to be wrong in a respectable way than to be right for the wrong reasons."

moeilijk's picture

I just don't believe you.

Do you go to bed at 7pm when the child in the home goes to bed? Or does the child go to bed when you do? Do you all watch R-rated movies together, 7 year old and 47 year old?

The only way "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" is true is when the goose and gander are equal. In my home, dependent children are not equal to the marriage partner.

Ok, now really done!! Have a great day!

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh moe, lets not split hairs. when i say no double standard, i mean no double standard. AGE-appropriate standards are not double.

if u're talking bedtime, no it's not scheduled for the same hour - HOWEVER, the rule of "bedtime means bedtime" most certainly does apply across the board.

age appropriate standards of modesty and selfless consideration for others' comfort - that should not be double, should be flat across the board. if the child is 3 is waaay different than a tween or teen w/ an opposite-sex stepparent. i personally will be modest in front of them so as not to cause THEM any discomfort. i also expect the same in return.

if we're splitting hairs about exactly the same matched rule, then should i expect them to wear a bra cuz i dont want to see sson's nipples? i dont think so. but reasonableness and consideration for others, YES that i will expect in my house. and those qualities and principle are expected out of all in my house.

moeilijk's picture

I understand that you didn't understand what people meant by rape culture. And that you were shocked.

But tommar, now you're just playing games.

"Is it only okay for sm's to have make everyone in the house uncomfortable by wearing what she wants but not everyone else??? Why is that okay? Cause she's a woman? I honestly do not understand or agree with it. If its not okay for the teen then why is it okay for the sm? She's not special."

You have invented a situation where SM is making "everyone" uncomfortable with how she's dressed, and said that it's the same as telling a child to put on clothes. But what really happened was that the DH asked the SM to dress differently when a particular individual was present - the SS. The DH has no problem with how the SM dressed when going to the grocery store, when friends come over, or when spending time together.

So I get that you want to be right. But you're not.


Tuff Noogies's picture

"privacy, self-respect, courtesy." YES.

yss11 tries to pull this shit. EVERYone in this house tells him to go put some damn shorts on. he says "but you cant see anythign! its the same as wearing shorts!!!"

no one wants to see your prepubescent morning wood. it's like a compulsion for him EVERY DAMNY WEEKEND MORNING. mss and oss even get on his case. *sigh*

i shared a room w/ my step sis growing up, and even THEN we still tried to have some semblance of modesty w/ eachother, just out of courtesy and respect.

i'll walk around braless, but only if i have a fleece pullover on. i'll walk around in my bathrobe, but still have pj's on underneath. hell, dh, oss, and mss are never anything short of fully dressed, even if it's pj pants/short and a t-shirt (well, sometimes mss comes down in a towel to get shorts out of the dryer, but it's for like 30 seconds and he's back upstairs). everyone BUT yss... dont know why he always thinks he's the damn exception.... oh wait, i know why, he said it last weekend "it's not from youuuu dadddyyyyyy, it's HHHHEERRRRR...." *vent over*