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UPDATE: Well Isn't This Great

thinkthrice's picture

Reported the behaviour to our county sheriff office (anonymously--we live one county over and about 25 minutes away) so we shall see what becomes of it.  As I had posted earlier, YSS 15.5 ticks all the boxes of the school shooter profile.  Of course the Girhippo will see nothing.  She can't even be bothered to see he can wake his ass up for school and is truant all.the.time.  He'll be headed for summer school shortly.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Way to report it thinkthrice, hopefully some good comes of it... I'm sorry you're dealing with this crap though!!!

AlwaysSmiling's picture

Hopefully, the authority figures can make an appearance and talk some sense into him. Sometimes it takes someone from outside to talk to them so they understand. 

Last year my son (16 at the time) said jokingly to a girl at school "you better watch it, you're on my list!" (This was a friend of a friend and not said at all in anger). The next day, he was home sick & that girl started a rumor in the school that he had a kill list and she was afraid he was gonna shoot up the school. The Sheriff came out, arrested my son & charged him with causing alarm at the school. He wound up spending a month in juvi while we waited on court. We hired a lawyer -$5000, and lawyer said the school & sherrif were trying to make an example out of him bc of resent events in the news. In the end, they gave him 3 months of probation.  But it was horrible to have to go thru.   


thinkthrice's picture