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For the SD17 who was prancing around half naked in front of young boys

thinkthrice's picture

Heres a nifty invention:

and yet another one:

And btw, I see that MODESTY has completely been forsaken being taught from a young age. It would have been SHAMEFUL in my day to prance around practically topless in front of boys as a young woman. My grandmother would have had my head on a platter if such an thought ever entered my mind!!!

And as far as having my father (aka daaaaaadddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeee) put lotion on my back? Holy cats NO WAY!!! NEVER ever!

Oh and for those, it seems, under 50 years old as regards history, priests and the popes were once allowed to marry and have offspring. It makes me sigh when I see just what isn't covered in public school.

You may want to look up the history of Plato as well as rent a copy of I Claudius because there's more to history than the war between the states and the 60s era civil rights (which seems to be the only thing taught in school "global studies" for the past 30 years now on this side of the pond--but I digress)


stepinafrica's picture

It is amazing the kind of fuckery that people support these days. And there were several posters making excuses for the topless SD.

Disneyfan's picture

"Oh and for those, it seems, under 50 years old as regards history, priests and the popes were once allowed to marry and have offspring. It makes me sigh when I see just what isn't covered in public school."

Why in the world would the history of the Catholic (or any other church for that matter)be covered in PUBLIC SCHOOL????

It makes me sigh to see people turn simple father/daughter interactions into something dirty/nasty.

I can't imagine living with the man I love and always thinking that his relationship with his daughter is sick and twisted. SDomething would have to be wrong with me for staying with a sick man.

WalkOnBy's picture

Disney - I think if you were married to a man who wasn't the father of your kids, and he had a 17 year old who was prancing around practically naked, it would unnerve you a little bit.

EVERYONE knows the difference between a 10 year old sitting on daddddddeeeee's lap and a half naked 17 year old asking her dad to rub her down.

moeilijk's picture

I don't know why history of Catholic or any other church would not be covered in public school. Catholic churches pretty much were the basis of society for hundreds of years and underpin many legal systems to this day - including those that have separated Church and State. Not being religious is not the same as not being based on how things used to be done.

But there is SO much not taught. It seems like access to information is for the wealthy - those who can pay for a higher education or who have the time and money to surf the internet all day long lol.

Didn't they say that Goethe was the last universal man? Since he lived, too much has happened and been learned that no one could learn it all.

And besides, teachers have to deal with huge class sizes, behavioural issues, mainstreaming paired with less in-class support. Just keeping everyone safe can be a day to be proud of.

Disneyfan's picture

To be honest, based on what the poster posted, I would have had an issue with the grandkids seeing her more than the dad applying the lotion.

WalkOnBy's picture

right, that's also a consideration. Bottom line is you just don't prance around the house half naked when you are a developed 17 year old Smile

ChiefGrownup's picture

Thrice, I thought it was a sickening story, too. Apply it yourself. If you have to have it done perfectly, this is what girlfriends are for.

One of the observations I made upon entering steplife was that this little girl, 12 at the time, was not naturally social. She had zero friendships and no one was teaching her the social graces. The kid herself felt no motivation whatsoever to learn how to play with other little girls because her daddy literally met all her social needs. He gave her 150% of his attention. He never taught her that someone else --like her own brother-- might be due a turn. Or that she should LISTEN once in awhile instead of talk. At some point when I talked to the kid she verbalized it herself--she did not need or want friends. She just wanted Dad and lil bro which was equal to her being Queen of the Universe.

Kids should NEED peers and mom or dad NOT supplying their every whim and desire is why they seek peer relationships. A 17 year old girl should be able to call up another 17 year old girl and say "Hey, come over! Please help me prepare for the pageant and I will help you with something you want." The 17 year old in the original thread did not do that because she had no damn need to.