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Does the EX in your life think you are the reason they aren't with your DH anymore?

TheSaneOne's picture

I met my husband almost four months after his EW moved 8 hours away yet she believes that I am the reason they aren't together. It went from emails from her asking who I was (pic on myspace) and that she is happy for us to they were cheating first, to I caught them in bed together. SHe has posted that I am the reason the marriage ended. I have only met her three times of which she only spoke to me the first one. SHe wont look at me much less acknowledge me in person yet she mentions me in emails and sends me emails of praise. Oh, except for the where she was mad because we didn't tell her we were getting married that day though she knew of the engagement. She was pissed that she couldn't affect it by running late to meet us with the girls.
She told me DH once that when she left she expected him to realize he couldn't live without her and that had he moved there also and started all over and her and her BF that she left him for broke up they would live happily ever after. Then, I came into the picture so in her eyes, he can't live without her but feels obligated to stay with me.
I know divorce hurts, I have been there, I know how it must feel to know that a seven year marriage ended and four months later he moved on and is seemingly more happy and better off than he ever was.


Sasha's picture

My DH and his ex were divorced for at least 10 years before I came into the picture. Besides, at that time they both had their heads up their butts and divorce was the best thing either of them could have done!

steppie1999's picture

Ever since the SK's were old enough to talk, I've had to hear stories of how I "stole" their Dad away from their Mom. Fact is, she threw him out before the twins were even a year old and they lived separately for several months before a couple of mutual friends "set us up" on a date, but like Cruella, I would not go out with DH til divorce was final. BM likes to say I "stole" him because like you, SaneOne, she was certain that DH would come crawling back to her (like he'd done a few times before) but he'd had enough of the HELL ON EARTH that was their marriage and he moved on and she couldn't stand it. BM talked to me on the phone once, early in my relationship with DH and wanted to warn me about know, "he's a good man, BUT..." kind of conversation. Well, I'm not the type to mince words with people like that and I told her how I's been downhill ever since.
BM's just jealous and that's okay.....she just thought she'd be the one to move on first so she could rub it in DH's face.


Nymh's picture

BM and my BF had been separated for four years before he and I got together. They were only married on paper. BUT he didn't file for divorce until after he met me - still before he and I ever got into a relationship. So, in her eyes, I'm the reason he left. Of course, she thinks we've been screwing since the day we met. In her eyes, the relationship was still somehow reconcilable and it wasn't until -I- came along that he decided to "leave". Psh, whatever. He hadn't lived with her for five years before he and I got together. He and I have both tried explaining ourselves but after four years we're sick of trying. We know the truth, so we just let her live in her fantasy world where I'm the tramp who stole her husband and he's the deadbeat that left her for a younger, prettier, more mentally stable woman.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

laurels4u's picture

BM kicked my DH out so she could marry the OM. However, when she realized that DH & I were together and after many of her other malicious lies about my DH began to unravel, she didn't like it so she started telling everyone we had been having an affair which was completely untrue. They had been separated for five months before DH even asked me out on our first date.

ColorMeGone2's picture

BM had already remarried by the time DH married me, but she did really resent not being able to continue using him as her contingency plan. Anytime anything "broke" in her life, whether it was an appliance or a relationship, she would call him to fix it all. And for a long time he did, because he knew that if she wasn't happy, then the kids wouldn't be happy, and staying on her good side was the only way for him to keep seeing his kids. When we got married, his priorities shifted and she wasn't so thrilled with him limiting himself to only kid-related stuff. I truly believe that she only stayed married to her current husband because DH was no longer available when BM and her husband started having problems. If he'd still been single, I truly believe she would have cried to him to "save her" from her horrible husband and, like an idiot, he probably would have. He had so much guilt because of his kids. It took him awhile to finally realized that it's okay for him to have a life of his own, too, and that his life doesn't have to include her drama. She still preys on his guilt from time to time, but for the most part, he's able to tune her out.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

Most Evil's picture

Ok our BM divorced my DH about 12 years ago now. He did still try to help them, paid her bills, even moved in briefly even after formal divorce, to try to keep their family together, but nothing was enough for her. I met him 1,000 miles away and 5 years later, neither had remarried.

Now that we have been together 7.5 years, married 6, she tells SD that he is the only one she ever loved and if he were not with me, he would go back to them. Never mind the 250+ guys that were 'the one' since then, she tells SD he is the only one who really loved her. Which is not true because she has dragged a couple around for years before they leave for their own survival too.

She just tries to make SD blame him for their horrible situation, probably about to be evicted for the 3rd time since I've known them. BM can't take a regular job like anyone else, she has to take a 'player' job where she will be a millionaire without working, because she is a 'baller'. She makes me just sick, and is a terrible example for SD. She is also setting up SD to support her, working the guilt strings on her too.

"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil

stepwitch's picture

1. I met DH when SS was two. I was in another state - and grad high school. They never married, because BM was sleeping around - testing even had to be done to determine parent.
2. My fault that I weigh less than BM
3. My fault that I have a career that actually pays me.
4. My fault that I don't use the victim card and actually takes responsibility for rights/wrongs.
5. My fault that that DH see's the paths that SD is taking and doesn't approve.
6. My fault that I have a home & not shacked up with someone who will provide for me!
7. My fault that I'm independent
8. My fault that I have morals
9. My fault that she is now living with BM and live-in man whore
10. When will it ever not be my fault.


Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!