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Anyone read this ?

sweetthing's picture

How screwed up is this. Jon Cryer took his ex wife back to court to get the 8 grand he pays his ex wife reduced. He has custody yet he pays her. The judge dismissed it & ordered him to pay her court fees. In denying the thesp's petition, the judge cited family law section 4053, which stipulates, "Child support may therefore appropriately improve the custodial lives of the household to improve the lives of the children."

The comments on the story was just as interesting, most agreeing just cuz he makes a lot of money he is raising the child not her.

This just shows how screwed up things are.


shootingstarz's picture

So sad.

Anon2009's picture

I read that. That's the good old state of California for you. His ex sounds like a real fruitloop.

sweetthing's picture

My sister lives in Ca & her husband's ex gets about 70 grand tax free dollars a year in CS & SS. My BIL makes good money but not Jon Cryer money. He also has to pay for 1/2 of the expensive activities she signs the kids up for. What kills me there is she cheated on him & reaps the rewards. California needs a whole reworking.